Introduction to a college essay
Introduction A Topic Example Sociology Essay Analysis
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Biography of Tiberius, 1st Century Roman Emperor
History of Tiberius, first Century Roman Emperor The Roman sovereign Tiberius (November 16, 42 BCEâ€March 16, 37 CE) was a truly proficient military pioneer and a reasonable municipal pioneer who attempted to limit Romes crazy financial plan. Be that as it may, he was likewise bleak and disliked. He is known basically for his preliminary for treachery, sexual depravity, and in the long run avoiding his duty by going into confinement. Quick Facts: Tiberius Known For: Roman Emperor in the principal century CEBorn: November 16, 42 BCE on the Palatine Hill, RomeParents: Tiberius Claudius Nero (85â€33 BC) and Livia DrusillaDied: March 16, 37 CE in RomeEducation: Studied with Theodous of Gadara and Nestor the AcademicSpouse(s): Vipsania Agrippina (m. 19 BCE), Livia Julia the Elder, (m. 11 BCE)Children: Drusus Julius Caesar (with Vipsania), Julia, Ti Gemellus, Germanicus (all with Julia) Early Life Tiberius was conceived on November 16, 42 BCE on the Palatine Hill or at Fundi; he was the child of the Roman quaestor Tiberius Claudius Nero (85â€33 BC) andâ his spouse Livia Drusilla. In 38 BCE, Livia had to separate from Tiberius Nero to turn into the spouse of the principal Roman head Augustus. Tiberius Nero kicked the bucket when Tiberius was 9 years of age. Tiberius examined talk with Theodorus of Gadara, with Nestor the Academic and maybe with Athaneaus the Peripatetic. He got conversant in Greek and fastidious in Latin. In his initial urban vocation, Tiberius safeguarded and indicted at court and before the Senate. His victories at court incorporated the making sure about of a charge of high conspiracy against Fannius Caepio and Varro Murena. He redesigned the grain gracefully and researched inconsistencies in slave sleeping quarters where free individuals were kept inappropriately and where draft dodgers professed to be slaves. Tiberius political vocation took off: he became quaestor, praetor, and diplomat at a youthful age, andâ received the intensity of a tribune for a long time. Marriage and Family In 19 BCE, he wedded Vipsania Agrippina, the little girl of the eminent general Marcus Vipsanius (Agrippa); and they had a child, Drusus Julius Caesar. In 11 BCE, Augustus constrained Tiberius to separate Vipsania and wed his little girl Livia Julia the Elder, who was additionally the widow of Agrippa. Julia had three youngsters with Tiberius: Julia, Ti Gemellus, and Germanicus. Early Military Accomplishments Tiberiuss first military battle was against the Cantabrians. He at that point went to Armenia where he reestablished Tigranes to the seat. He gathered missing Roman gauges from the Parthian court. Tiberius was sent to administer the long-haired Gauls and battled in the Alps, Pannonia, and Germany. He enslaved different Germanic people groups and took 40,000 of themâ as detainees. He at that point settled them in homes in Gaul. Tiberius got an applause and a triumph in 9 and 7 BCE. In 6 BCE, he was prepared to acknowledge order of the eastern Roman powers, however rather, at what might appear to be a tallness of intensity, he suddenly resigned to the island of Rhodes. Julia and Exile By 6 BCE, Tiberius union with Julia had turned sour: apparently, he lamented leaving Vipsania. At the point when he resigned from open life, Julia was expelled by her dad for her indecent conduct. His stay on Rhodes endured at any rate eight years, between 6 BCE and 2 CE, during which time he wore a Greek shroud and shoes, communicated in Greek to the townspeople, and went to philosophical talks. Tiberius attempted before to come back to Rome when his tribunician power finished, however his appeal was denied: thereupon he was alluded to as The Exile. After Lucius Caesar passed on in 2 CE, Tiberius mother Livia orchestrated his review, however to do that, Tiberius needed to revoke every single political yearning. Be that as it may, in 4 CE after all other likely replacements had passed on, Augustus embraced his progression child Tiberius, who thusly needed to receive his nephew Germanicus. For this, Tiberius got tribunician power and a portion of Augustuss force and afterward got back home to Rome. Later Military Accomplishments and Ascension to Emperor Tiberius was given tribunician power for a long time, during which time his duties is conciliate Germany and stifle the Illyrian revolt. The German conciliation finished in a fiasco in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 CE), when a coalition of Germanic clans decimated three Roman armies and their helpers, drove by Publius Quinctilius Varus. Tiberius achieved total accommodation of the Illyrians, for which he was casted a ballot a triumph. He delayed the triumph festivity out of concession to Varus calamity in Germany: however following two years more in Germany, he settled things and put on a triumphal meal with 1,000 tables. With the offer of his crown jewels, he reestablished the sanctuaries of Concord and Castor and Pollux. Subsequently, in 12 CE, the delegates granted Tiberius joint control of the regions (co-princeps) with Augustus. At the point when Augustus kicked the bucket, Tiberius, as tribune, met the Senate where a freedman read Augustus will naming Tiberius as replacement. Tiberius approached the praetorians to give him a bodyguardâ but didnt take the title of head quickly nor even his acquired title of Augustus. Tiberius as Emperor From the start, Tiberius scorned puppets, mediated in issues of state to check misuses and abundances, canceled Egyptian and Jewish religions in Rome, and expelled crystal gazers. He combined the Praetorians for proficiency, squashed city revolts, and abrogated the privilege of asylum. Be that as it may, his rule went bad when sources blamed Roman people for some, even senseless violations that prompted the death penalty and appropriation of their bequests. In 26 CE, Tiberius ousted himself to Capri, leaving the realm in charge of his Socius Laborum (accomplice of my works), Lucius Aelius Sejanus. In Capri, Tiberius quit satisfying his urban obligationsâ but rather occupied with lustful acts. Most famous is his preparation of young men to go about as nipping minnows or tiddlers, to pursue him when he swam in the majestic pool, snacking between his legs. Tiberius mean and vindictive streak got his recent compatriot, Sejanus, blamed for connivance against the head. Sejanus was executed for conspiracy in 31 CE. Until Sejanus was demolished, individuals had censured him for the abundances of the ruler, yet with his demise, the accuse rested exclusively for Tiberius. The realm kept on running on without the immediate contribution of the ruler, who stayed in Capri. During Tiberius banish in Capri, Gaius (Caligula) came to live with Tiberius, who was his received granddad. Tiberius remembered Caligula as joint beneficiary for his will. The other beneficiary was Tiberius sibling Drusus youngster, still an adolescent. Demise Tiberius passed on March 16, 37 CE, at age 77. He had managed for almost 23 years. As per Tacitus, when it looked just as Tiberius would kick the bucket normally, Caligula attempted to assume sole responsibility for the realm. Tiberius, be that as it may, recouped. In line with Caligula, the leader of the Praetorian Guard, Macro, stepped in and had the old sovereign covered. Caligula was named head. Sources Balmaceda, Catalina. The Virtues of Tiberius in Velleius Histories. Historia: Zeitschrift fã ¼r Alte Geschichte 63.3 (2014): 340â€63.Rutledge, Steven H. Tiberius Philhellenism. The Classical World 101.4 (2008): 453â€67.Seager, Robin. Tiberius. second version. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1972, 2005. Syme, Ronald. History or Biography. The Case of Tiberius Caesar. Historia: Zeitschrift fã ¼r Alte Geschichte 23.4 (1974): 481â€96.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Buyer Behavior - Essay Example There has been extraordinary increment in the internet shopping everywhere throughout the world because of a few reasons. Inferable from the expanding web based purchasing and shopping patterns it has gotten critical to examine and assess purchaser conduct of the online customers alongside the purchasing and buy choice procedure of these online purchasers. This thus will permit the advertisers to concoct successful and productive systems to pull in this specific subculture. The point of this investigation is break down the purchaser purchasing conduct of the online customers and the components that lead to such conduct. So as to assess the purchasing conduct of the online customers, purchaser decision would be assessed specifically. This will help in distinguishing the impact of customer decision on the purchasing conduct of online customers and purchasers. Moreover, the purchasing conduct of the buyers in the internet shopping industry will likewise be evaluated alongside the compon ents that lead to such current shopping implies. SUBCULTURES OF CONSUMPTION AND CONSUMER BUYING Behavior Different scientists have characterized purchaser conduct as the exercises performed by people or gatherings that in the long run lead to choices or activities (Pachauri, 2002). The choices that are made by people or gatherings incorporate buy, use and removal of merchandise and ventures (Desmond, 2003). Then again, the idea of purchaser conduct is characterized as the specific manner by which an individual demonstrations while devouring or arranging items (O’Dougherty, Haynes, Davies and O’Connor, 2007). Solomon (1995) portrays shopper purchasing conduct as a procedure meant to fulfill the requirements and needs of the buyer because of which the customer settles on specific choices related with the determination, buy, use and removal of items, administrations and experience. The idea of customer conduct is very immense as every person in the general public and netw ork has a special conduct as indicated by which the individual demonstrations. The point behind such activities and choices made by the people or gatherings is to fulfill the necessities and needs which should be possible with the choice, buy and removal of the items and administrations (Schiffman, Kanuk, and Hansen, 2011). With progression in innovation, purchasers are continually changing their purchasing conduct. This can be seen when the buyer moved from the customary purchasing strategies to progressively current internet purchasing (Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard, and Hogg, 2010). So as to distinguish the buyer purchasing conduct, improvement conduct model and purchasing process model are every now and again utilized (Evans, Jamal, and Foxall, 2009). The upgrade conduct model suggested that interior and outside improvements assume a basic job in impacting buyer’s conduct. Showcasing blend (for example item, value, spot and advancement) and outside model (for example moneta ry, innovative, political and social upgrades) can impact the consumer’s purchasing choice regarding item, brand, time and sum. Then again, the purchasing procedure model incorporates 5 center advances taken by the person to fulfill the necessities and needs (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel, 2006). The means incorporate acknowledgment of need, data search, and option accessible in the market, buying and post-buy choices (Hawkins and Mothersbaugh, 2009). The means engaged with the customer buy or purchasing process are given in the picture beneath: (Neal, Quester, and Hawkins, 2004) These hypotheses of buyer purchasing b
The Road Not Taken Essay examples -- Literary Analysis, Robert Frost
Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken†has contacted the hearts of individuals all over America and has legitimately earned its place in the American abstract ordinance. Written in 1916 by probably the best artist in American history; Robert Frost utilizes a one of a kind metrical structure that breathes life into nature and a gives the peruser a firm comprehension of the country way of life. Propelled by his companion Edward Thomas, Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken†sets a man in opposition to two ways for which a troublesome decision must be made. After that man settles on his decision he tells the peruser â€Å"Two streets wandered in a wood, and I†I took the one less went by, and that has made all the difference†(Frost). The man doesn't uncover whether he settled on the correct decision; all he tells the peruser is that his decision had a critical effect on his life. For a considerable length of time, different scholarly pundits h ave examined this bit of composing attempting to reveal its actual importance. Numerous researchers have seen this piece as a genuinely helpful work while others have imagined it just an amusing story of good and bad. Alexander Meiklejohn is one researcher who utilized Robert Frost’s sonnet to show others settling on the correct decisions. Katherine Kearns, then again, feels that the sonnet doesn't satisfy its prevalence. The perspectives and reactions with respect to this one of a kind bit of writing stretch far and wide, demonstrating that Robert Frost’s sonnet has charmed perusers for quite a long time. An enormous volume of reactions have risen that offer new points of view for perusers to investigate as they keep on perusing â€Å"The Road Not Taken†for a considerable length of time to come. Alexander Meiklejohn saw Frost’s sonnet as a really rousing work. Meiklejohn was a logician and knowledgeable instructor. His perspectives on life refl... ...terpretations of the story will shift. Robert Faggen makes this analysis a stride further and relates the sonnet to Charles Darwin’s hypothesis of development and how species advanced by settling on troublesome decisions through their reality. Karen Kearns speaks to those pundits who don't feel emphatically about Robert Frost’s sonnet. In spite of the fact that numerous pundits can concur Robert Frost’s sonnet delineates different degrees of incongruity; Kearns thinks that its unexpected that â€Å"The Road not Taken†, an unremarkable sonnet, best case scenario, is being viewed as one of the most well known sonnets in the American artistic group. The reactions for this sonnet will never end insofar as individuals keep on settling on troublesome decisions in their lives. In the wake of perusing the â€Å"The Road not Taken,†one can shape their own reactions about what way is directly for them; regardless of whether it implies taking the street tw isted in the undergrowth or leaving out and about not taken.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Should Young People Learn History Essay
Should Young People Learn History Essay Should Young People Learn History Essay Example Should Young People Learn History Essay Example Today, history is one of the most broad and mainstream subjects for conversation around the world. There are various methodologies both to the quintessence of history and its educating techniques. For example, youngsters have communicated assorted worries toward the importance of this subject at school educational plans.. There are individuals who bolster the possibility that kids ought to gain from the past stories confronting significant life exercises. They trust it helps protect the way of life and show young people crucial fundamental abilities drawing on the instances of their progenitors. Also, this subject could be truly fascinating and amazing, introduced in a playing structure by experienced teachers. In any case, this perspective likewise has its rivals and counterarguments.â The accompanying paper gives a striking portrayal of the contentions that confirm the need to let adolescents learn accounts of the old occasions. Should Young People Learn from Past Stories Teaching youngsters by methods for introducing diverse life exercises learned by their progenitors has consistently been considered as an issue of fundamental significance. In any case, the investigation of history has become a questionable subject particularly among the youngsters. There are two unmistakable sentiments about the criticalness of developing this specific subject among the youngsters. There are the individuals who accept that history is basic to their definitive prosperity. Thus, the exercises of history enable youngsters to have a decent existence later on. Despite what might be expected, some vibe that history is made out of past occasions that scare their advancement in contemporary life. Hence, it is basic to have clear point of view on this issue. The accompanying paper talks about the supporting contentions on why youngsters should be instructed history. Safeguarding of Culture Various reasons demonstrate the criticalness of history for the more youthful age. Understanding one’s Origin Right off the bat, the examination of the past is basic in helping the network to save their customs and convictions. History could help kids to comprehend their starting point, just as assemble the orderly perspective on the world. Through the learning of the history an individual could assemble far reaching world view, just as discover their place in it (Corfield, 2008). The feeling of having a place couldn't be overestimated. Truth be told, history gives individuals self-character that empowers them to coincide calmly with different individuals from the general public.. At the point when youngsters gain information on how their networks appeared, they will value their own reality more. Thusly, they will have the option to impart their huge experience to the people in the future, proceeding with the customs and the situation. Information on Cultural Practices Also, when youngsters study history, they become acquainted with the social acts of their locale. Mc Farland (n.d.) underlines that it is just through grasping the more seasoned generation’s lifestyle that youngsters could pick up understanding into their own understanding. As it were, it disentangles the riddle of mankind’s presence. For example, there are networks in the creating scene that training circumcision. It used to be a soul changing experience that traveled a kid into the adulthood. Be that as it may, as of now, male circumcision is completed as a methods for lessening the pace of HIV. Besides, in spite of the modernization that describes this associate, some social practices are crucial in helping individuals know the columns that held their ancestors together. Past Challenges Thirdly, verifiable training is basic for the youngsters as it features the various difficulties that the network experienced. Note that individuals these days have lower level of flexibility to issues as contrasted and their progenitors. In any case, contemplating their starting point present day individuals could dive into the environment of tough situations that were routine for their ancestors. Wolfe (2002) explains on the wars and clashes that have cyclic nature and could in the long run go starting with one age then onto the next. Along these lines, learning history youngsters are set up to confront potential troubles with endurance. Wellsprings of Entertainment Courageous Messages Nothing has been seen as progressively sublime and engaging as the accounts of the past. The youthful age is isolated from their precursors with several years where very surprising way of life and qualities were perhaps normal. Along these lines, it is an extraordinary opportunity to investigate the antiquated occasions and get familiar with the instances of popular characters. For example, past stories portray the chivalrous figures that carried huge changes to the general public. The South Africans despite everything adore the penance their incredible pioneer needed to provide so as to achieve the autonomy of the country. The case of an individual who was imprisoned for twenty seven years in extreme conditions sustaining the possibility of national pride of the Africans has motivated numerous an age. Wolfe (2002) put the extraordinary accentuation on the support of the youngsters with chronicled brave figures: â€Å"It uncovered the energetic individual to the gallant part of havi ng your considerations and ideas.†Thus, the history is likewise significant with regards to the profound instruction of the adolescent. Appreciation History additionally empowers an individual to picture the encounters of the individuals from an earlier time. As such, it goes about as an associating rigging of past, present, and group of people yet to come. It is critical to take note of that at each phase of life, an individual face the individuals who have all the earmarks of being more seasoned that they. All things considered, an individual is relied upon to speak with them in spite of the immense age hole. By taking in the narratives from an earlier time, youth can understand how to suitably cooperate with more established individuals. Corfield (2008) reaffirms the point taking note of that each individual is a living history. Generally, our incredible grandkids will likewise want to gain proficiency with the manner in which we lived presently. It will offer them a chance to welcome the estimation of innovative advancement that changes the world to the point of being indistinguishable. For example, while right presently goin g of data is brief act, history shows us how errand people would spend various miles on an excursion to convey a message. In this manner, one gets the opportunity to acknowledge life in its elements Charming Features The narratives of the bygone eras are additionally introduced in a basic and away from over the span of the history. Truth be told, contemporary period is full with complexities of various types. Thus, young people will undoubtedly discover their ancestors’ way of life quiet and calm, just as simple to see. In any case, one must have an inspirational mentality towards the learning procedure. Engaging the Youths with Vital Life Skills Improvement of Thought Life Learning the course of the history has been found to improve brainwork of a person. Reese (2013) features that youngsters who are presented to information on the old days exhibit a superior comprehension of different people’s sees. Truth be told, the ability is basic in the school life of the kid. For example, it is clear that a portion of the exercises that kids learn in school are extremely unpredictable. There are specific subjects that are trying to the greater part of the youngsters. In any case, the examination demonstrates that the mindfulness increased through the history considering hones one’s learning abilities. Youngsters can confront the complexities in basic foundations valiantly. Additionally, they can undoubtedly join the college absent a lot of block. Securing of Virtues There are life temperances that an individual obtains all the while. It is fundamental to draw out that achievement in life is enormously reliant on propensities and characters of a person. Reese (2013) notes, â€Å"Adolescents with a more grounded information on family ancestry have increasingly hearty characters, better adapting abilities, and lower paces of gloom and anxiety.†at the end of the day, one becomes more acquainted with how to deal with the disappointments and distressing circumstance in their lives. Obviously, the current age is loaded with gigantic difficulties that an individual is to acknowledge. Amicable Community Living At long last, history demonstrates that adolescent can copy their forefathers’ model. It is critical to take note of that a large portion of the adolescents are prepared toward self-autonomy. Truth be told, they don't have the foggiest idea how to live amicably with the remainder of the general public. The vast majority of them show defiant practices towards guardians who attempt to address their conduct. In any case, Corfield (2008) stresses that history offers youngsters a chance to comprehend the expansive range of human life. They discover what each individual from the general public needs so as to live well. From the steady contentions featured, obviously youngsters should gain from the tales of the past. Other than safeguarding the networks, history is a wellspring of diversion and indispensable fundamental abilities. Therefore, I accept the instruction framework should grasp it at each level. All things considered, it is firmly wanted to have the general public that is wealthy in the entirety of its measurements.
Literature Review Essay Topics
Literature Review Essay TopicsLiterature review essays for test preparation purposes can be the topic of debate among students. Here are some of the main types and their pros and cons:The first is a literary essay, usually written by one or two authors. These are the types of essays that usually appear in first year English class. They are the more common essay types, but they are also the ones with the most controversy.Writing an essay on literary subjects can involve complex literary subject matter, which is a consideration for those who would rather avoid it. There is some truth to the notion that an individual's writing ability will improve if they write about such issues as their views on literature. One should take the time to explore a variety of literary and genre choices to figure out what will work best for them.A literary essay can also involve a variety of genres. Some topics may include Greek and Roman, Renaissance, Romanticism, Eastern, Western, etc. and can vary widely in subject matter. It's up to each individual student to discover which types of topics will work best for them.One last type of short review essays, known as a popular review essay, is basically an overview. There will be some factual information about a book or movie, as well as some idea of the overall quality of the piece. The author will then give their opinion on the book or movie and compare the quality of the two works.An example of a popular review essay might be: 'Moby Dick by Herman Melville.' It's a quick, succinct overview, and it leaves the reader wanting more. It's also the type of essay that would appear in a Shakespeare class, and that would be a great place to start an interesting essay discussion.One final type of essay topics is the essay that is used for college level reading and writing tests. This type of essay should actually be called a practice test essay. It should not be given a unique topic.The essay should simply be a simple article, written by a stude nt, regarding the content of a book, movie, or any other form of art, including music, television, and literature. Any specific information that could give insight into the story should be left out. Students should also try to avoid giving references or further information about the book, film, or other form of art in question.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
A Guide to Your Teachers Feedback Common Abbreviations Defined
Agr: If you are a student, you have probably seen a fair share of markings on your papers to indicate errors or ideas for improvement. If you are a teacher, you have made many of these markings and know how important it is to streamline the correcting process. While individual teachers or editors may have their own systems of signaling suggestions in writing, the language of editing and proofreading comprises many abbreviations that generally convey a universal meaning. Below are some of the most common abbreviations used in proofreading, what they mean, and how to fix the errors they identify. Agr: short for agreement. This refers to subject-verb agreement and means that the verb form as written does not align with the corresponding subject or pronoun. For example: Only one of the students were happy. (The correct sentence would be: Only one of the students was happy. "One "is a singular third person subject.) Awk: short for awkward wording. This usually refers to word order or to the way a phrase sounds. Consider breaking up the sentence to make it more concise or rendering the awkward expression in different, more straightforward language. For example: We had bought extra food for the party that cost more than we expected and was not necessary in the end. (It is unclear whether the cost and inconvenience conveyed refers to the food or the party. A clearing wording would be: We had bought extra food for the party just in case, but the food cost more than we expected and was not necessary in the end.) Cap: stands for capitalization, used to indicate that a word is incorrectly capitalized or that a lowercase word should be capitalized. For example: The people in Italy speak italian. The People in Italy speak Italian. Dict: stands for diction. This refers to a misuse of diction, or incorrect word choice. For example: If we pass the test depends on the fact of whether or not we studied. A correct sentence would be: Whether or not we pass the test depends on how much we studied. Frag: stands for fragment. This points out a stand-alone phrase that is not a complete sentence. For example: Regardless of how well I do on the test. P/A: stands for pronoun antecedent agreement. This refers to a pronoun that does not agree with the subject it represents because of the person and/or number. For example: A good student always studies for their tests. ("A good student" is a third person singular subject, whereas "their" is the third person plural possessive pronoun). Pron: short for pronoun. Not substantially different from the preceding example, this refers to any incorrect pronounusage. For example: You and your brother are responsible for their actions. (It should be "your actions".) Rep: means repetition when a phrase or word is redundant. For example: Chocolate is my favorite flavor because I like it the most. The woman appeared nervous in appearance. RO (or R-O)Â : stands for run-on sentence. A run-on sentence is a sentence that has multiple independent clauses without connecting conjunctions or commas. For example: The kids ran around the playground then they splashed each other with water. Fix this by breaking the run-on sentence into two sentences, combining the independent clauses with correct punctuation, or removing one of the subjects to create a dependent clause. For example, potential alternatives to the above sentence would be: The kids ran around the playground. Then they splashed each other with water. The kids ran around the playground and then splashed each other with water. The kids ran around the playground before splashing each other with water. The kids ran around the playground, and then they splashed each other with water. Sp: short for spelling. This means there is a misspelled word. STET: Latin for Let it stand. This is a note from the proofreader to the writer to ignore a previously suggested correction, to let the text stand as it originally was written. SV: stands for subject verb. This is the same as Agr and means there is an error in the subject verb agreement. For example: The boys in the class is tall. T (or VT): stands for verb tense. This means that a verb tense is not consistent with the context or with a surrounding verb. For example: Before the boy washed his face, he brushes his teeth. Correct versions would be: Before the boy washes his face, he brushes his teeth. Before the boy washed his face, he brushed his teeth. WW: stands for wrong word. This indicates that there is a more appropriate or accurate word to choose to convey the writer's intended meaning. For example: The girl had to choose from opulent opportunities for her internship. A better word would be one of the following: The girl had to choose from numerous/many/abundant opportunities for her internship. Another example: Their were a lot of people at the party. Correct word: There were a lot of people at the party. For more examples of proofreading abbreviations, symbols and examples, see the following sites: Capital Community College Common Proofreading Symbols Novella Abbreviations and Symbols for Editing and Proofreading Need help from an English tutor in Boston, New York, or online? ; Are you interested in reading more from our resident grammar expert? Don't Actually Break Your Leg - Common English Idioms Explained Back to the Basics: Past, Present, and Future Tenses in English Explained What is the subjunctive tense in English?
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function Essay
Assignment 2: Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function Student Name Dr Abdel Ismail CIS 505: Communication Technologies April 28, 2013 Meeting the Information Requirements of Management From the Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function, the fifth computing facility fulfillment point reads, â€Å"Meet information requirements of management†(Stallings, 2009, p. 58). Stated in another way, this Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) mission statement’s component implies that company information can be utilized by management for a great deal of things. While the security of all company-owned data is immensely important to the success of the organization, some of the information carries significant value when used by†¦show more content†¦Throughout the recent years a number of Federal mandates have been enacted due to major misconduct of large businesses. A company’s management may require some information due to federal auditing to guard against such misconduct. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a perfect example of such a law. Sarbanes-Oxley, â€Å"created a new auditor watchdog, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The law strengthened internal controls over companies accounts and set stiff criminal penalties for executives who cook the books. One of its toughest provisions required corporate executives to certify the accuracy of financial statements and imposed jail terms of up to 20 years for willful violations†(Drawbaugh, 2012). So it is smart business for CIO’s to include management information requirement adherence on a mission statement because it guides a company’s competitive direction and complied with law. First Phase of Mission Rollout - Top Three From the nine different points of the CIO’s mission statement, there are three that stick out as items that the rest can be built upon. In order for the other six points to exist the company should provide computing capability to all organizational units that legitimately require it, provide computing services in a reliable, professional, and technically competent manner, and maintain organizational integrity in operations that are dependent on computing (Stallings, 2009, p. 58).Show MoreRelatedRequirements For The Corporate Computing Function Essay1181 Words  | 5 Pages Assignment 2: Requirements for the Corporate Computing Function Frank Blow Dr. Sharon Rose CIS 505 - Communication Technologies 10/20/16 Abstract This paper will describe a nine-point mission statement for the company from the new corporate CIO. It will address the new strategy in a three-phase rollout plan. It will then speculate why the fifth point, â€Å"Meet information requirements of management†, is in the CIO’s list of nine points. 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The use of Cloud services is proven effective across diverse set of industries, reducingRead MoreCmgt/430 Enterprise Security1513 Words  | 7 Pagesworld and in corporate are discussing facility of organization data and access on its website. For organization that gets it right, data will be able to release new organizational capabilities and value. Another topic in the technology world is Cloud computing. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user s data, software, and computation. Cloud companies are already advertising services to the public, and it appears the trend will conti nue to expand. If the majority of computing will migrateRead MoreThe Chief Information Officer ( Cio )1238 Words  | 5 Pageschances that can influence IT investments in care of business transformation. As a result, this is requires CIOs to have a higher level of power on how businesses change. CIO’s Fifth Point â€Å"Meeting Information Requirements of Management The fifth point, known as meeting information requirements of management, is one of the vital key components of the CIO’s list of nine points. In today’s business setting, a sufficient quantity of information and data needs be accessible and available in a suitableRead MoreHow Cloud Computing Works Essay1148 Words  | 5 Pagesthing work. Cloud computing is defined by the Investopedia online dictionary as a model for delivering data and software stored in servers that is retrieved from the internet through web-based tools and applications, rather than a direct connection to a server. When you get down to the very basics cloud computing and the traditional client/server have similar structure and functions. However, instead of purchasing and maintaining large and costly in-house servers the cloud computing structure allowsRead MoreGlobalization Of SDN1215 Words  | 5 Pagesnetwork behavior dynamically via open interfaces and provide abstraction of lower-level functionality. SDN is meant to address the fact that the static architecture of traditional networks doesnt support the dynamic, scalable computing and storage needs of more modern computing environments such as data centers. This is done by decoupling or disassociating the system that makes decisions about where traffic is sent (the SDN controller, or control plane) from the underlying systems that forward trafficRead MoreLooking At What Cloud Computing?1459 Words  | 6 Pageswhat cloud computing actually means in the business environment and how cloud computing’s used as a partial or complete replacement of organizational traditional system architecture could impact the prevailing organizational culture. This report will also help us understand the likelihood of cloud computing adoption in organizations as it’s relates to a particular holistic corporate culture model. The findings can support a convincing argument on why businesses should adopt a cloud computing strategyRead MoreCorporate Level Strategy1199 Words  | 5 PagesAPPLE COMPUTER INC.: - CORPORATE-LEVEL STRATEGY REVIEW - A review on the strategy adopted by Apple Inc. at corporate level to ensure that the company remains at the forefront of the electronic media industry either in terms of innovation and range of products . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY An analysis was done on Corporate-Level Strategies adopted by Apple Computer Inc. (â€Å"Apple Computer†) that has brought tremendous success to the firm since it started. Apple Computer started off in 1976 by Steve Jobs
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