Friday, December 27, 2019
Woman are Surviving Breast Cancer - 836 Words
Women have been educated on breast self-awareness by regularly checking their breast for any abnormalities especially feelings of a lump. Breast cancer is one of the most shared cancers that a women may face. It can transpire at any age, but it is much more likely to happen after 40 years old and as a women gets older. Because of definite factors, some women may have a greater chance of having breast cancer than others. As a women is getting older she should know about breast cancer and what she can do about it. According to the American Cancer Society, â€Å"About 12 percent of women in the Unites States will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. The American Cancer Society study also found that breast cancer in the US for 2014 are about 232,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women, 62,570 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer). About 40,000 women will die from breast cancer†. (Society) There is really no specific ethnic background that has breast cancer but the rate of getting and dying from breast cancer is different. As reported by, Susan G Koman, â€Å"White women have the highest breast cancer incidence rate of any racial or ethnic group. Under age 45, African American women have a higher incidence of breast cancer than white women. African American and Hispanic/Latina women are more likely than white women to be diagnosed with later stage breast cancers. They alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Victoria s Secret Catalog Never Stops Coming And Other Lesson I Learned From Breast Cancer952 Words  | 4 PagesCatalog Never Stops Coming and Other Lesson I Learned from Breast Cancer delivers an entertaining account and perspective on a young woman’s journey of surviving breast cancer. Nash’s account not only highlights the hardships and difficult decisions one must endure but focuses on the small lessons learned that lead to a more positive experience with bre ast cancer. The memoir is an excellent resource to women recently diagnosed with breast cancer, family of the recently diagnosed, and those just wantingRead MoreBreast Cancer Prevention and Education Essay1695 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to the American Cancer Society, â€Å"Breast cancer is the common disease of women in the United States, other than skin cancer.†After lung cancer, it is the leading secondary cause of cancer death in women. It helps to have some basic facts about the normal makeup of the breasts to understand breast cancer. In the past, this disease was one of the most feared forms of cancer due to its fatality rate and because complete recovery often required breast removal. The best way to fight this diseaseRead MoreThe Success Of Early Invention Programs1627 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION Breast cancer is the most common cancer toward the female gender within Australia today (AIHW 2016. This essay will analyse the success of early invention programs in relation to breast cancer, and will advocate strategies to help strengthen community actions and develop personal skills to improve the health outcomes for community members, especially those at greater risk. Early invention programs for breast cancer focus on Mammograms, pap tests, and clinical breast examinations, inRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1346 Words  | 6 Pagesinternational symbol for breast cancer support and awareness. Breast cancer knows neither racial boundaries nor age restrictions. Females of all ages and ethnicities can develop breast cancer and it is the leading most common cancer among women. Calling attention to this often fatal disease is important by supporting its victims, families and friends of victims, as well as raising funds for breast cancer research. Though males are no t immune from developing a breast cancer, for the purposes of thisRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1921 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Cancer is a term that every individual on this planet wants to avoid hearing when they go to their yearly check up at the doctors. However, as person ages, they are prone to develop some sort of sickness and most of the time, they could develop cancer of some sort. For this research paper, I am going to go over breast cancer. Breast cancer is a well-known type of cancer with awareness events going on to support both women and men who has breast cancer. According to American Cancer SocietyRead More Breast Cancer Essay985 Words  | 4 Pages Breast Cancer: Risk Factors, Detection amp; Treatment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Among all American women who die when they are between the ages of forty and forty-five, the cause of death most likely to be listed on their death certificates is BREAST CANCER. Breast tumors are responsible for the greatest number of deaths among women, and breast cancer alone is the cause of almost one fifth of all cancer related mortalities. It results in the death of thirty seven thousand American womenRead MoreWhat is Breast Cancer? What is the Cause of it?1328 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is Breast Cancer? What is the Cause of it? Breast cancer is cancer cells that develop in the breast of a woman. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma in situ. The cancer cells develop in the milk ducts of the breast. Doctors and researchers do not exactly know the cause of cancer. All they know is that it usually occurs when a cell’s DNA is damaged. When cells in the breast start to develop abnormally they begin to develop quicker than the normal cells. They also keep multiplyingRead MoreEssay Breast Cancer1675 Words  | 7 PagesBreast Cancer Breast cancer is a disease that is becoming more and more popular in this day of age. One in every eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer (Breast Cancer, 2010). Women and men who suffer from breast cancer not only are fighting cancer but are also fighting the psychological aspects of the disease. Breast Cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer among women in the United States right behind skin cancer. Women are now surviving breast cancer a lot more frequently becauseRead MoreThe Death Of Breast Cancer1386 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer isn’t a death sentence as it was before. Women used to fear being diagnosed with this disease because there was no cure for it. Breast cancer has been around for centuries, but the advancement of medicine has increased the chances of survival, and in the future the improvements will be even greater. The first mention of breast cancer was documented in Egypt in 1600 B.C. It was considered a mysterious disease with no cure to it. In The Edwin Smith Papyrus, there are eight cases of tumorsRead MoreThe Survival Rates Of Breast Cancer1373 Words  | 6 Pages Breast Cancer is the most common misfortune in women and second leading cause of death by cancer. Today, woman with breast cancer have a 90% chance of surviving for five years post-diagnosis. However, African American women have a national survival rate of 79%. Socioeconomic barriers and lack of access to health services have crippled African American women in breast cancer advancements. Studies have show that African American women tend to be diagnosed with a higher-stage of cancer because of
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Illusion of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman and...
The American Dream is what all Americans strive to achieve. It is the illusion of prosperity and happiness. The American Dream consists of three different elements, money, sex, and power. The plays â€Å"Death of a Salesman†and â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†are about families who strive to achieve the American Dream. These plays are a lot alike and they have more similarities than differences. In America, money can get you many places in society. In both plays, money plays an essential element. In â€Å"The Glass Menagerie,†Amanda is always concerned about Laura getting a job or marrying someone whom can support her. When Amanda realizes that Laura quit going to business school, she becomes very distressed. â€Å"What are we going to do, what is going†¦show more content†¦But he’s a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid.†Willy liked to imagine that he was prosperous, and that his sons would be prosperous. Sex is another element of the American Dream. The characters in both plays have their fantasies and dreams about love. They are dreamers who can slip into, and out of reality. In â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†Laura is in love with a person that she knew in high school. She talked to him some in high school, but not a lot. Her crush for him lasted long after high school. She says, â€Å"Yes. I liked one once. I came across his picture a while ago.†Once he comes to her house for dinner, she is quite around him, and she is disappointed when she finds out that he is engaged. In â€Å"Death on a Salesman,†Willy searches for love, but does not realize what he has. He has a loving family, and wife who cares a lot about him. He does not recognize their love, and has to run off and have an affair with a woman. When Biff finds out about the affair, he finally realizes that he fails in business because his father had him stuck on the myth of the American Dream. Furthermore , having power is also very important for achieving the American Dream. In â€Å"The Glass Menagerie,†Amanda has to be in control of everything. She likes telling her son and daughter what they should be doing. She recurrently reminds Tom about how important his job is for the security of the family. She says, â€Å"What right have you gotShow MoreRelatedA Comparison of Tennessee Williams ´ The Glass Menagerie and Arthur Miller ´s Death of a Salesman1158 Words  | 5 Pages The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller are two of the twentieth century’s best-known plays. The differences and similarities between both of the plays are hidden in their historical and social contexts. The characters of The Glass Menagerie and the Death of a Salesman are trapped by the constraints of their everyday lives, unable to communicate with their loved ones and being fearful for their future. There are a lot of comparisons thatRead MoreGlass Salesman: A Comparison of Themes In a Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller2550 Words  | 11 PagesOne dreams, through the use of imagination, of what will become of them as life progresses. In some cases that person lives passionately with desires of self fulfillment, eventually reaching their goals in an ever so content way. At other times one remains lost, underappreciated, and ultimately carries with them a perilous, loathing attitude. Willy Loman drives his life to the point of no return where images of his past become his contorted reality. Amanda Wingfield slips on the white dress of herRead MoreDeath of a Salesman (Analysis and Personal Reaction)2850 Words  | 12 PagesDeath of Salesman is a a very deep play written by Arthur Miller about a salesman struggling to keep his grip on reality and his family. This play is a memory play, switching from present to past and vice versa whenever Willy, the salesman and father of the family, has a moment of in sanity and returns to times gone by. Being memory, it allows for music to announce emotions and characters, and well as exaggerations and/or omissions. As Tom says in Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie: Being aRead MoreAnalysis Of Tennessee Williams s The Glass Menagerie 2800 Words  | 12 PagesFontes 11 Tennessee Williams is considered to be one of the most distinguished American playwrights of the twentieth century. As a Southern writer, Williams used his personal life and experiences as subject matter for many of his stories. Williams? turbulent early life was the basis for many of his plays. As an autobiographical play, The Glass Menagerie depicts individuals not only fleeing from reality, but also escaping from their desperate situations. Escape is defined ?as a means of obtaining
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Implementation of Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Question: Discuss about the Implementation of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Answer: Introduction: The impression of marketing involves miscellaneous extrapolations among diverse commercial dynasties and the social order. It demonstrates the schedules associated to construction and dissemination of goods and facilities to discrete intensities of functioning centers alongside the penetration of impeccable approaches of brand credentials policy. The ethics and practices of formulating aptitudes high spot varied topographies of marketplace values, business programs, and suitable preparation of targets to plan and implement the objectives agreed by the efficient innovativeness on the source of appraisal of the edifice of manageable possessions. The stresses of the customers besides the administrative assertiveness flash the quantified events of marketing investigation (Beatty et al. 2013). Company and Product Figure: Logo of the Corporation (Source:, 2016) The organization of Vodafone has spontaneous and stern activities which cherish multifarious harvests as regards the deliberate controlling and functioning maneuvers to involve a huge division of onlookers in the discreet segments of Australia. The Business emphases on the activities en route for commercial recreations of intelligence and create a robust dais concerning the significant stratagems of communicating facilities, and yet observing the diverse groupings of persons concomitant with the industry. It positions as the key portable mobile and wireless service benefactor to articulate rational explanations to discrete interacting operations and broadcast fertile prospects to the community (, 2016). The administration has unveiled exceptional associations amongst the workforces in addition to the stakeholders to augment the status of depiction and accomplish a platform of stability in the series of responsibilities though succeeding the decent and authorized customs of the supervision. It is an intercontinental division that integrated the expedients by way of the links with Hutchison 3G. The functional innovativeness accents on the agendas toward marketable restitutions of perspicacity and fashion a robust viewpoint with regard to the substantial strategies of shared conveniences nevertheless, recognizing the marked programs of societies affiliated with the professional segment. It assists as the leading transferable and wireless service promoter to outbound convincing commitments to serve distinct socializing operations and pass on dynamic plans to the civilized society with almost ministering seven millions of manipulators. It accredited A$4 billion annual proceeds with the a ccomplishment of third place as the transportable and resourceful unit vending mobile operational maneuvers while challenging with Optus in addition to Telstra (, 2016). The networking expertise has presented 4th generation privilege of internet arrangements founded on portable operations of pocket 4g Wi-Fi modem. It establishes the competence of practical influences for initiation of wireless design on sets of protracted freehold for the culmination of promptness of broadcast system of 4th gen. It facilitates the solicitation of comforts on the boards of advanced drift of data above and beyond the records of information through dynamic interposition of terminals. The far-reaching time of devising of communications of extension through trimming of signs in the electronic scheme of interacting with enhanced magnitudes of data devises the verification of the treating of facts in a high-tech style of methodical and rational campaign in the scientific field. The contention of evocative assets with lengthy era of sustainable labors have strapped the association in the direction of superior incorporation of realities of affability and working out of wide-r anging apparatuses as well as elements of messaging. This occurred as a result of the assets of software and unassuming formulae of structures. There are abundant choices of discovering the web-applications to acquire the preferred upshot for the handlers. There are prospects of roaming adjustments in a wider landscape of places to access the services of Vodafone unit in the republic of Australia (Bajric, 2016). The device has the capability of involving unto thirty compatible digital sets while plugged in to the circuit of connectivity. It has the modernized system of linking the personal as wells as business paraphernalia. It encompasses a bursting 20MHz permission of band that reflects a speculative technical advantage over the competitors. There exists the detachable battery of 1780mAh unit that delivers 6 hours of operative sequence with comparatively lighter arrangements of usages from an exceptional pattern of smart phone, tablet etc. It has the facilities of connecting to hotspot with updated terms utilities with a little power button having a single inch of monochrome visual display through LCD monitor. The USB micro sized port for providing charge as well as linking to computer sets lies at the lower face of the set. There are dual schemes of ports for fixing peripheral antennas. It requires just twenty seconds initializing the procedure of startup with fewer seconds to create the Wi-Fi links. In the stage of Quick Start pattern of working phenomenon, the battery usage is simply very less to promptly propage the significant signals(, 2014). Figure: Pocket 4g Wi-Fi modem (Source:, 2016) The investments are owed in the perceiving of possessions corresponding to manpower, sterilizing of classification to ensure provincial spirit of related acquaintances, variety of business occasions, and production of returns besides the construction of stocks to signify market standards. The specialized essence of Vodafone has agreements with strategies to procure market preoccupied methods converging on seizing 22 millions of viewers. It breaches the prestige of exploring the purposes and essentials of patrons to distinguish the securing verdicts for various features of stuffs and accessibilities. The inventive spirit of Vodafone enfolds the revelation to the predictable and disproportionate calls using a mixed range of sketches with software in addition to hardware expedients to justify the diverse opportunities of gratification. The establishment deals with applicable networks to ensure unperturbed measure in segmenting the essential data over and done with graphical procedure of illustrations of visual aids, contacts, packages of correspondences, soundtracks, live conversations, comprehensive organization of programs and so on (Powell, 2014). The uploading as well as download transmission of documents differs with eminent extents of the movement of the signals to obligate vibrant measures of primarily dual categories of conservation of pace. There have existed sweeping deviations in the real-world augmentation of the climatic panorama as experimented in wide-ranging occurrences of the curtailed discharge of carbon constituent. This devours a reinforcing inspiration on the industrialized applications to accept the phase of carbon tracks excluding slender upsurge that build up the implication of regimented supervision of vitality (Mullins and Walker, 2013). Target Market The authorized directive of informational measurements and the demands of the spectators rendering to their appeals deliver assurance of functioning motivation as well as sustenance on behalf of the organization. The administrative efforts to screen the proceedings of consistent and supplementary calls express the annual accounts, amending the economic rates and values of stuffs. The entity communicates the prevailing and corrective schedules to control manifold circumstances for diverse obligations which constitute the essential steps of business detections. The marketplace sector encircles a widespread facet of the constant and available precincts with the interacting conveniences that circumscribe the countryside in addition to the metropolitan inhabitants (Keller et al. 2011). The conurbations besides the outskirt of the country subjugate a stout room to have conspicuous assets of the valuable dealings. The technical viewpoint fixes the vital structures to broadcast the approval of the facilities concentrated to the societies. The communal publics are prominently interested to acquire the humble procedures of effective plans that garb the firmness of bagging the cost-effective agreements and promotional offers on distinctive situations. The bucolic in addition to the city publics get involved straightforwardly through proper systems of dealings of package manageable to them. There are wide-ranging outlines of decisions and productive concessions on divergent resolutions to update the societies grounded on their dwellings. The Corporation gives long term justifiable possessions on the stock of dealings and anticipates contributing assimilated tactic so as to present perfect techniques of withholding and security of data. This generates the promise to elevate the structure of available and preserved amassing of statistical signals in the architectural programing (Holweg and Helo, 2014). The manufacturing pursuits monitor the exploration and enlargement of machineries for fashioning innovative products as well as realizing the odd jobs conferring to the stresses of the social order. The subsequent sales provision of the culture has prodigious connotation in attending the publics. There are accessible conveniences for undeviating contact with the commercial heads besides the responsible units to precisely convey their opinions on the worth of packages and recommend rewarding instructs. The watcher has the latitude of referring correspondences, communications through Facebook, websites or Twitter, Linked In and other convenient platforms (Mattson, 2012). There is sinuous technique of collaborating from side to side the facilities of positioning of standing arrangement and schmoozing projects of Vodafone. The force of proficiency is regularly formulating innovative principles with a convinced determination to enlighten the footraces challenged by the individuals. The market responsibility in the countryside experience has advocated the publics to be cognizant of the messaging philosophies. The persons in the landscape of rural settings have become sensible of mechanical intensification. They are adopting the culture of technical aspirations to mature the brainpower and espouse rationalized methods of submission to automated workings and contend with the metropolitan lifestyle. The operation of the existing possessions of concomitant institute of Hutchison 3G has strengthened the assimilation to possess a reinvigorated form of growing the target regions transversely throughout the nation state (Nolan, 2013). The market saturation policy of the division executes the knowledgeable insolence to extemporize restored facets of considering the people in a tough situation. The commencement of the presentation of networking of the organizational stuffs in conjunction with the physical accommodation of the different constituents on the chip relies on the classification of conventions constructed on the linguistic codes of software developmental system. The business moves ahead to promote the communications over and done with operational and correspondents media as regards the conveniences accessible in 4G disclosure to the abodes wherever the indicators are enthusiastically presented. There are agencies, purposeful set ups using superior architectural dais for scientific situations, wireless networks, modems and all that to overhaul the scheme of messaging acquaintances at wide-ranging creativities. The personalities, assemblages of recruits associated to commercial actions, provincial establishm ents having various operational subdivisions as well as the sectors devising systematic entrance to the internet plus mobile acquaintances are linked to the Syndicate of Vodafone at Australia (Luan and Sudhir, 2010). Marketing Strategy The marketing policy accords with showing a relationship with the price of a foundation or delivery of product to bond with the clients for vending and promoting the precise harvests or provision. The method embraces choosing the goal over and done with unadulterated methods of market analysis, consideration in addition to market dissection to capture the awareness and objectives of the patrons while endeavoring to fluster the assessment of the artifact (Peck 2012). The Business purposes to entertain the requirements of the regulars besides monitoring the events of communal sequence in addition to the situation. The well-organized as well as premeditated practice of the schedules and routines of the workforces empower the purposeful entity to persuade and endow the budding features of the personnel and escort them in skillful fashion. The organization and the different supports of the commercial and societal domain are moderately sentient of the happenings of the Vodafone enti ty that realizes the essence of provisions to build up the qualitative methodology to harvest healthier outcomes. Figure: Marketing Strategy (Source: (Bajric, 2016) Conclusion The technological revolutions have dignified the existing generations to trace the conference of hi tech dominion of Assessment and additions and accomplish reasonable presentation of the positive technical responsibilities of announcement approaches of unified method of commercial happenings. This predisposed the promotional advantage of the philosophies of the inexpensive investigation amongst diverse administrations that effort to compose primary communities in the advertising world.. There ensues to be controlling topographies of the essentials of product formation, rotation and verdict of the proficiencies of the industrial components of the business conferring to the communal, dogmatic, financial and permissible values. Bestowing to the perceptions of Powell (2014), the challenge to globalize the conveyance arrangement with the seamless objective of construction of paraphernalia as well as software apparatuses thwart the admittance of new contestant to the marketplace. The supe rvision of the wide-ranging participants embraces the real approach of exchange of messages amongst the diverse workforces who have assorted assistances en route for the corporation along with the culture References Bajric, N. (2016). Vodafone Pocket WiFi 4G hotspot. [online] PC World. Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. Beatty, J., Samuelson, S. and Bredeson, D. (2013). Business law and the legal environment. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Cemal, Z., Azize S., Hakan K., and Mehtap . 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Impact of Global Warming on Tourism Industry in Case Essay Example
The Impact of Global Warming on Tourism Industry in Case Paper Also business world has to consider their futures behavior. Are we working in an energy-efficient environment? Do we waste resources? Are our distribution channels sustainable? But as always some are hidden harder than others. A branch which has to concern deeply is the tourism industry. Their core products are not recoverable goods or services. Tourism industry mainly consists of sit unique environment. This are their most worthwhile resources. Cities and landscape areas do not notice a strong change yet, even not in a negative manner. Whereas regions around the alpine massive are already effected seriously. Especially winter tourism destinations are in charge of the climatic change by winters with little snow ND changes of environment, the flora and fauna. Because tourism sector is an important source of income for the Alpine region, responsible solutions have to be developed. By climate change Alpine tourism destinations cannot achieve the same turnover as in previous years during winter seasons. Therefore it is needed to make a change in strategy to survive in future. As we will see this duty of shift can be both, bone and bane. The overall impact of global warming on tourism industry in case of Alpine winter destinations will be discussed in this essay. In paragraph two the global warming and its uniqueness as well as the impact on Alpine region is reviewed. In the next part potential solutions are mentioned. Paragraph four shows feasible example of successfully operating Alpine winter destination. Current projects of the destinations are mentioned and how they try to adapt the issue of global warming. We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact of Global Warming on Tourism Industry in Case specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact of Global Warming on Tourism Industry in Case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact of Global Warming on Tourism Industry in Case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Finally the conclusion summarizes the findings in this essay and gives an overview of my personal opinion concerning the mentioned subject. 2. Global warming and its impact on Alpine Region Due to several tourists statistics and researches, Alpine winter tourism destinations are in a process of change. The main issue, the global warming, cannot be improved by short-term acts. Nevertheless the fact that something has to be changed includes both, opportunities and risks for every destination affected (Mleer et al. , 2008, p. 14). Our climate is changing. This point is proofed from various scientific sources. In future the weather is going to be more extreme in both ways. In other words winters will contain high precipitation and summers with high heat and dryness will be more often. This issue has a high impact on tourism industry since especially Swiss tourism mainly convinces with its beautiful nature and its unique landscape. Thus to take care about the natural environment and the stunning landscape is on high interest for the branch. A responsible handling of the given resources as well as a sustainable development is challenged. At the same time the tourism industry is one of the strongest producer of the CO emission. Accordingly an on-going interaction between producing and reducing is required. Furthermore the Alpine region is strongly depended on tourists income, long-term solutions have to be found. The following description of the current situation makes the duty even more reasonable. Alpine winter destinations that are situated in lower altitudes, means beneath 1 300 meters above sea level, are hidden by winters with little snow. The last 30 years the preternaturally in Switzerland got up around 0. 70 C every decade (WSDL, 201 1). For alpine winter destinations this is a significant issues, since to guarantee snow is an important requirement. In the mentioned altitudes, snow is often very close to the melting point and therefore it reacts very sensitive to changes in temperature. A strong warming leads to rain instead of snow and the fallen snow melts rapidly, especially in this praline ands. This is f ollowed by winters with little snow (SALE 2011). Costumers generally expect a white landscape with deeply snowed slopes. Moreover they want to experience real winter feeling what is no longer given. Deep white winters are getting more and more rare. Destinations located in higher altitudes, means over 2000 meters above sea level, do not announce yet a climate-induced decline of snow (SELF, 2011 However also they have to be concerned about global warming. Still they are not affected by winters with little snow, sit natural environment is changing too. Glaciers, with whom early-starting winter season could be provided, are melting rapidly. Furthermore areas covered with permafrost are decreasing. The changing of ground due to the melting of permafrost will lead to a significant shift of the ground level. Due to this fact Alpine winter destinations on higher altitudes need to deal with upcoming natural dangers as earth slips and rock falls. Alpine winter destinations are not able to naturally provide winter as guests estimate. Besides little snow winters makes the seasons even shorter. When a season years ago started in early November and ended after eastern break, estimations had about five months to generate a positive turnover. In future they cannot rely on this income, because it is not naturally guaranteed anymore. Alternative solutions have to be discussed. Due to the mentioned difficulties alpine winter destinations need to act. The reaction should be in lasting view, because global warming cannot be stopped and so need to be adapted in future activities. 3. Potential Solution As we know now, there is at least one very important difficulty that urges Alpine winter destinations to act. The issue is well known in every affected area, but not every reaction IS successful (Risen, 201 1, p. ). Additionally to the mentioned problems, an increasing competition on the market and soared standards of guests need to be predicted, when searching for possible solutions. This makes it even harder, especially for small Alpine winter destinations with low budgets, to improve their strategy in long-term. One potential solution for the upcoming efforts is the application of artificial snow. This is a potential strategy of adoption, which solves the fact of snow-poor winters (Risen, 2011). Through artificial Snow blower the season can be expanded again. Furthermore wallpapered slopes can satisfy the risen tankards of customers. Therewith Alpine winter destinations respond to the implications of observed changes (COED, 2007, p. ). But artificial showcasing requires a development of technology as well as a huge amount of water and energy. This is directly connected to high cost and a responsible handling of water resources. Even though showcasing was proven cost- effective, such estimates are based only on the direct financial costs to ski operations and do not include the potential externalities of such practices on water consumption, energy demand, landsc ape, or ecology. Therefore this attention solutions only can be adapted in regions where a high budget is given. A further potential solution which is highly discussed is to focus on other strengths of Alpine winter destinations. It is suggested to offer a diverse and qualitative valuable range of activities (Risen, 2011 , p. 2). This includes to make costumers aware of additional opportunities about what could be taken into action around the destination and also, to create a new range of activities. Not just winters but also summers are going to be warmer, as already described above. For destinations with high altitudes it is quite costive effect. So this is an important opportunity, which has to be noticed, when thinking about solving this problem. Since the heat will be unbearable in lower altitudes as cities and lakeside, alpine regions can charge. The fresh summer breeze in higher altitudes express a good alternative. Besides increasing winter tourism, an improvement of summer offers seems to be a long lasting approach. By implementing trend sports or putting a new complexion on traditional activities, a new target audience can be addressed. Therewith the dependence on winter tourism fades in affected areas and roomer risk turn into opportunities. In illustration 1, possible adaptation options are shown. It is a recommendation out of the final report of SEEPS Climate (2011) from a research study about Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies. (Illustration 1: SEEPS Climate, 2011) 4. Feasible examples The following part will mention how successfully operating Alpine winter destinations respond to the obvious issue, that climate changes and global temperature rises. These destinations do not look away and try to adapt the variances into their future strategy. Rosa and Pizza are located in two efferent altitude levels. So they concern about distinctive topics. 4. 1 Rosa The Alpine tourism destination Rosa is situated on an altitude of 1 800 meters above sea level. It attracts its guest by the slogan Rosa Schneider. Chi, translated Arose ? with guaranteed snow. Chi. Well- prepared slopes and winter walking trails are provided from December to April. Rosa offers 70 km of slopes, 13 chairlifts and furthermore 30 km offshore rides (Rosa Tourism, 201 1). The village is on high altitude so they dont have to be afraid of little snow. Despite that, Rosa is conscious that heir core resource, the nature, has to be protected. A Future tactic is to make guests more sensitive to global warming to support responsible traveling and a careful handling of nature (Rosa Tourism, 2011 To perform the described overall strategy Rosa has implemented a project called Sustainable Rosa which consists of several projects. Rosa is member of Alpine pearls, a network that guarantees its guests a sustainable, cultural diverse and climate protecting holiday adventure. With a further cooperation with Climate Partner, Rosa created five climate-neutral packages. This is unique in the Alpine region. What makes it even more attractive is the fact, that there is no additional cost for the customer. In corporation with Climate Partner it was developed how much CO emission a regular tourist produces. When a sustainable packages is booked Rosa gets supported from Alpine pearls. They then investigate their contribution into high-quality climate protection projects. Thus the produced CO emission in Rosa will be balanced. Therefore the booked sustainable holiday will be climate neutral. A further project is cherisher. H, translated safeguards. Chi with whom the first destination Scoffed is held. The gained money supports the promotion of youth with sportive, cultural and educational activities. Furthermore the Scoffed wants to care and promote the location, the impressive constructions, the unique intrapulmonary, the sound nature, the clean water, the healthy air and the friendly and hardworking citizen of Rosa (Rosa Tourism, 2011 On cherisher. Chi e verybody can become godparents of one of the 360 curves on the way from Church to Rosa. This contribution runs directly into the project. With the project Energy efficiency Check the destination offers its local industry to check their energy households. By cooperating with Climate Partner and Energys, a check will be done and it is tried to improve the current state. The attending companies as hotels, restaurants, handcrafts and many more, receive a label, which confirms a climate friendly use of resources. Last but not least a future project of Rosa is to build up a Unadventurous- and Animal-Park. This could attract more summersets and also creates a higher value for them. Therewith the possibility to experience nature in a more affective and with all senses included way, will be created. This project has not started yet, but Rosa is willing to start off soon. 4. Pizza The destination Of Pizza is situated in a lower altitude; the challenges they have to face are different. The villages from which the slopes of Pizza can be accessed are located on 500 meters above sea level and extend to the highest point of around 2300 meter above sleeve. Although the destination will in future be affected of winters with little snow, scientific analyses show that they do not have to worry. The region around Pizza already consists of a wide range of alternative activities as walking and hiking trails, sled-rides and a thermal spa. Furthermore it is highly attractive for day trips from cities close y (Climatologist, 201 2, p. 3). To continue successful winter seasons, Pizza has to investigate in refillable showcasing. Despite that, a more successful opportunity is to improve the summer tourism offer. Even if there are no projects running at this time, the destination is aware of sit strengths as well as its weaknesses.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Explain the Strategic Purpose of School Governors free essay sample
Other Statutory Roles, Teachers and Support Staff Roles School Governors – School Governors give direction and focus by performing a vital and strategic role. Their main role is to help raise standards of achievement. Governors: †¢Are accountable for the performance of the school †¢Help shape the school’s future direction †¢Monitor and review the performance of the school Make decisions about the school’s budget and staffing †¢Make sure the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs †¢Decide how the school can encourage pupil’s spiritual, moral and cultural development Governors are at the heart of how a school operates. Their job affects the interests of pupils, staff morale and how the school is seen by parents and others in the community. Governors are responsible for how the school is performing. They have to be prepared to support and challenge the head teacher and staff by gathering views, asking questions and deciding what’s best for the pupils. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain the Strategic Purpose of School Governors or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Senior Management Team – this is usually the head teacher and the deputy or and including the head of departments. The Special Needs Co-Ordinator could also be a member. Their role is to set and manage the strategic direction of the school. They also lead changes and generally make sure that the school is doing its best to deliver the strategic direction for the pupils that attend the school.Generally, the senior management of a school will be aware of the current state of the school, be imaginative in launching new and relevant initiatives in a way that can motivate the whole school behind them, be diligent in keeping track of the progress these initiatives are making and the targets achieved and be sincere in trying to lead by example. Teachers and Support Staff – Teachers are responsible for educating pupils that are in their care. In addition to that they set the tone of their classrooms, build warm environments, mentor and nurture pupils and are seen as role models.They are also responsible for listening to their pupils and looking out for signs of trouble. When a child’s behavior changes or if physical signs of abuse are noticed, teachers are required to look into the problem. Teachers – They are responsible for delivering the national curriculum effectively to the pupils according to various educational needs. The teacher has to prepare and plan for lessons as well as assess record and report on the development and progress of all the children. Where required, the teacher as to discuss any learning problems identified with SENCO.They are responsible for all of the children in their class; the teaching assistants, students who are doing their placements at the school and volunteers. As well as normal classroom teaching some teachers conduct extra focus group sessions for a selection of the children to help them reach attainment levels and gain confidence in doing their numeracy and literacy. In my school the teacher splits the children up into groups. Those that can work independently do so without the teacher or an adult and those that are struggling with the work get help from the teacher.This group is called the teacher’s focus group. The teacher also monitors the pupils reading and guides them to help them reach the expected reading attainment levels for their age. The teachers also plan and organise parent’s evenings. They feedback to parents about their child’s performance and provide information to parents on how they can help improve or maintain their child’s performance. Teachers work together as a team with their fellow colleagues and attend all training days and staff meetings as well as liaise with outside agencies.Support Staff and other statutory roles There are many different types of support roles in schools. These include: †¢Teaching Assistants or Learning Support Assistants – They complement the role of the Class Teacher and support learning for all pupils †¢Higher Level Teaching Assistants – They work closely with the teacher, complementing their role and helping free up teacher time to enable each child to work to his/her full potential †¢Cover Supervisors – They cover short-term absences of teachers such as unexpected sick leave or professional development leave.They set work for pupils in accordance with school policy, manage and supervise behaviour, collect work at the end of the lessons and report back to the appropriate senior member of staff †¢Specialist Teaching Support – They suppor t the teaching of children who have more complex learning needs. †¢Facilities Management – Caretakers and Cleaning Staff – They deal with the upkeep and maintenance of the school premises and grounds. †¢School Midday Supervisors and Assistants – They are responsible for the welfare of pupils in school during the lunchtime break.They supervise pupil behaviour indoors and outdoors, help younger children with tasks such as cutting up food, look out for the health and safety of pupils at all times, distribute and tidy away lunchtime resources, assist with play activities, deal with misbehaviour and report them to a senior member of staff. †¢Catering Staff – They plan, prepare, cook and serve meals to pupils and staff in accordance with school policy and a fixed budget. †¢Clerical and Administrative Roles – They cover a wide range of responsibilities, including being the clerical ‘face’ of the school and point of contact for staff and parents.School Administrators, Receptionists, Personal Assistants or Front Office staff will provide a key role in the day-to-day running of the school, communication between staff, pupils and parents, handling of staff rotas, parent enquiries, pupil absence and admissions. †¢Schools Business Managers (Bursars) – They manage the school’s finances, policies, resources and planning. They may also undertake a range of other bespoke responsibilities to support the smooth running of the school as a centre of the local community.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Privatization or Commodification of Water
The Privatization or Commodification of Water Introduction For a long time, ethics has been seen as the study of what comprises good and bad conduct which includes the values that influence the conduct. Generally, contemporary culture has given humans unprecedented liberty and prosperity which has necessitated the growth of the concept of ethics.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Privatization or Commodification of Water specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Business ethics on the other hand has existed in the form of reflection on the ethical dimensions of business exchanges and institutions whereby the concept has been understood in two distinctive ways, where one group views it from the background of philosophy while the other group views it from the background of business community (Brenkert and Beauchamp 3). These two approaches are not exclusive, but the philosophical approach appears to be the broader of the two. In all cases, it becomes important t o appreciate the fact that moral problems and the process of analyzing them invites different forms of useful analysis. Water forms an essential commodity that ensures continuity of life, though for a long time no systematic way has been elaborated in appreciating its value (Brown and Schmidt 3). For long, people have regarded water as a renewable commodity that has potential to develop without limit. With the larger society utilizing water in different ways such as irrigation, energy and burgeoning urban centers, the reality is now clearer that like just other renewable commodities, water is a finite resource. However, providing answers to modern water problems requires giving answers to questions of value: how should society capture, store or distribute water; at what cost; for whom; and for how long (Brown and Schmidt 4). All these questions are regarded as ethical because just like any other essential resource, determining a fair and just distribution of water has direct effects on human and nonhuman lives and also the systems that sustain them. Commodification of water Borgmann argues that the driving force of the contemporary society is the aspect of commodification which is described as, that vital structure of modern society of the market which conveys a sense of moral censure (Borgmann 143). The author, in reference to Viviana Zelizer, states that, â€Å"economic prophets have frequently warned us against global commodification and the loss of the moral-emotional fiber it brings†(Borgmann 144). Using the Marx’s concept of commodification, Borgmann first sees the concept to possess the verb to commodify, which to him is â€Å"to draw something from outside the market into the market so that it becomes available for sale and purchase†(Borgmann 144).Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Marx looked at the va rious ways in which capitalism perceived the production of things such as wheat, shoes and clothing out of the hands and circumstances of the farmers, artisan and householders, stripped them of their context of skills and persons, of exchanges and uses and made them into commodities (goods) whose importance was reduced to their price. Moreover, Marx became critical of how labor was being converted into something that could be purchased and sold under conditions that only favored the capitalists and made the workers beggars (Borgmann 144); thus, commodification became purely and totally exploitation. The contemporary discussions continue to see the concept of commodification as contested. In such discussions, the broader agreement has remained that, certain goods such as justice should never be for sale (Borgmann 145). But other goods have continued to draw divided opinions. For a long time, goods at issue in this discussion have generally constituted those in Michael Walzer’s list of items which are subject to ‘blocked exchanges’: 1) Human beings; 2) political power and influence; 3) criminal justice; 4) freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly; 5) marriage and procreation; 6) the right to leave the political community; 7) exemptions from military service, from jury duty, and from any other form of communally imposed work; 8) political offices; 9) basic welfare services like police protection or primary and secondary schooling; 10) desperate exchanges; 11) prizes and honors of many sorts; 12) divine grace; 13) love and friendship; and 14) a long series of criminal sales (Borgmann p.145). The above list can be complete if addition of certain public goods is made. These public goods are; clean air and clean water, safety from crime, basic health care and public lands. The main argument in disfavor of commodification of public goods is that commodification may leads to social injustice, for instance, if education is totally commodified, th e children of the poor will get no education or for them, inferior education will be enough (Borgmann p.145). Commodification of water: Public vs. Private debate There exist two debates that continue to dominate the lives of many people concerning the issue of water. For instance, there are arguments whether water services should remain public or go private. One of the arguments â€Å"is concerned with practical issues of efficiency and economics, and the other is about principle†(Snitow, Kaufman and Fox p.10). Privatizing water in a country like USA has been a hard venture to undertake. Those opposed to such move include personalities such as Barlow of the Council of Canadians and Tony Clarke of Canada’s Polaris Institute (Snitow, Kaufman and Fox 10). The two have opposed the move to privatize water in principle and they are convinced that private companies should only get involved in narrow areas of infrastructure development but not allowed to have ownership, contr ol or delivery of the basic service.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Privatization or Commodification of Water specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To them, the process or actions of commodifying water is generally wrong in terms of ethics, environmental and social (Snitow, Kaufman and Fox p.10). They are on the view that the process will, â€Å"insure that decisions regarding the allocation of water would center on commercial, not environmental or social justice considerations; privatization means that management of water resources is based on principles of scarcity and profit maximization rather than long-term sustainability†(Snitow, Kaufman and Fox 10). Contrary to this position, there is a divergent view which has been adopted by Peter Cook of the National Association of Water Companies who is convinced that if market principles are applicable to other products in the market, then water as a com modity cannot be exceptional. Cook sees nothing wrong or unethical in making profits from water since the money which has been pumped into the business by the investors is used to benefit customers and provide them with services. Cook sums up his position by quoting the bible by stating that, the bible and especially the Ten Commandments have no provision that prohibits people from making profits, and utilities need to be operated as enterprises (Snitow, Kaufman and Fox pp.10-11). To this extent, â€Å"the practical debate over who can provide water better focuses on the issues of transparency, efficiency, rates, and sustainability†(Snitow, Kaufman and Fox pp.11).. Indeed, most of these values are possible in public controlled enterprises but far more difficult in private owned enterprises or corporations. Ethical dilemma The essence of water being a commodity that sustains life has drawn conflicting debates and reactions on whether it is ethical to commodify and therefore s ubject it to market competition principles. This particular confusion has been precipitated by the actions of United Nations to declare that water is a human right that should be accessible to everyone. The question that arises is; are their moral consequences that arise as a result of commodifying water and hence its availability and accessibility largely become determined by market mechanisms? Ethical lapse In most cases, ethical lapse can be categorized into three groups: deception, stealing and harming (Howard and Korver 13). There exists many variants to these but the mentioned three have come out as the most wrongdoings which people commit.Advertising Looking for research paper on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lying has been described in many ways that include: doctor, cover up, overstate, understate, misinform, misguide or stretch the truth (Howard and Korver p.14). additionally, the act of lying has psychological costs, for example, when individuals lie there is always a clash between their values and who they are; lying also creates barriers in relationships and soils self-image of an individual (Howard and Korver p.15). Moral reasoning The contemporary society is faced with a situation where people are facing dilemma on various ethical decisions and as a result there have been numerous methods of moral reasoning. Moral reasoning has taken center stage in various social issues as people continue to debate on what is right and what is wrong or what ought to be or not be done. In most cases many people are convinced that it is not necessary the principles which determine what is right or wrong, but the consequences produced by the actions in question (Rae p.81). When a particular course of action or decision produces the best set of consequences, then to majority such actions need to be allowed and accepted. In other words the action(s) that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms is the one that is considered as the most moral. Generally actions considered right or wrong (morality) should depend on the situation and also on what the cultural consensus of right and wrong is at that time. In the case of commodifying water, if the society and hence culture reaches consensus that water commodification is wrong then it would be morally wrong to commodify or privatize water. Ethical approaches Utilitarianism ethics Utilitarianism ethics postulate that morality of an act is determined by the end result. From this observation, utilitarianism conviction is that the moral choice is the one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people or at the same time the moral choice is the course of action that produces more good consequences than harmf ul ones. Utilitarianism sometimes is regarded as consequentialism ethics due to its emphasis on the consequences of an action. Jeremy Bentham, one of the philosophers credited to utilitarianism believed in hedonistic utilitarianism which postulates that â€Å"the most moral acts are those that maximize pleasure and minimize pain†(Rae p.85). On the other hand John Mill, another believer of utilitarianism ethics established his approach which differed from that of Bentham which was general concept of maximizing the general happiness, or what he termed as the greatest good for the greatest number. Hence ethics can be seen as the art of directing the actions of people so as to bring about the greatest possible happiness to all those who are concerned with these actions. As a result, Bentham observed that the interests of the community are simply the sum of the interests of its members. In sum the utilitarianism principle hold that, â€Å"an action is right from an ethical point of view if and only if the sum total of utilities produced by that act is greater than the sum total of utilities produced by any other act the agent could have performed in its place†(Fernando p.34). Water commodification can be analyzed within the precepts of utilitarianism ethics where business principles can take a backseat to consequences, if on balance, commodification of water provides more beneficial consequences for more people then utilitarianism ethics consider it to be the most moral choice. Evaluation of actions needs to be made on the basis of benefits or harms the action(s) will bring upon human beings. The morality of the theory is that, individual or an organization performing particular actions need to impartially take into account interests of everyone on equal basis. Kantian ethics Kant was convinced that morality should be derived from recognition that people share a common human condition and what makes humans valuable and special is their ability to re ason and that moral rules based on reason should govern human behavior. To Kant moral rules need to be based on tradition, intuition, desire, conscience, emotion and sympathy and that free will among humans comes from their ability to reason and prompts them to develop rules for moral behavior which in turn can be applicable universally disregarding utilitarianism consequences. The moral rules established needs to recognize the fact that all people have a certain human dignity and therefore they should be accorded respect as autonomous beings (Fernando p.35). According to Kant moral ethics, an action is only moral for an individual in a certain situation if, and only if, the individual’s reason for carrying out the action is one that he or she would be willing to have every person act on in any similar situation. At the same time moral worth would not be attached to an action motivated singularly to promote individual interests or for pleasure and that if an action is wrong f or other people, it is wrong for any one person. For Kant an action is regarded morally worth if it reflects a good will and it is only when individuals act from duty that their actions are regarded to be moral worth. As a result Kant believes that ethics should be grounded in reason alone and not on human nature (Fernando p.35). Ethicality in commodifying water On November 27 2002, United Nation declared water to be a human right for the first time and went a head to require states to adopt key legal mechanisms that would ensure this fundamental right is achieved (Sierra Club par. 1). From UN observation, the conviction was that privatizing water could not be achieved since it is impossible to marry the profit motive of a private enterprise and the necessity and importance of a commodity like water which many people require in order to survive (utilitarianism). The conclusion is that the issue of rendering water as a private thing should be done away from the market place since wat er belongs to earth, to all species, to the future generation and in this regard no one has the right to commodify water for personal (deontological) or corporate gain (Sierra Club par. 1). On advancing this claim, the Cochabamba Declaration of December 8, 2000, which brought together interested parties aimed at ensuring the privatization of water, was not achieved (welfare concern). To cement and solidify their claim the group came up with key points to be observed which turned out to constitute the Cochabamba Declaration (Sierra Club par. 4). To the group access to water is the fundamental right of every human and all humans are required to respect nature as they use water given by the earth. The three main points formulated were: Water was described to belong to the earth and also to all species of the world and that water need to be regarded as sacred to life, and from this view the water of the world needs to be conserved, reclaimed and put under adequate protection in order t o ensure the future generation is safe; Water was described as fundamental human right and also as a public trust that needs to be guarded by all structures of the government and as a result it should not be commodified, privatized or commercially traded; lastly Water can be best protected by local communities and people and who must be given equal respect as partners of various governments in the process of protecting and regulating water (Sierra Club par. 5). Conclusion Water ethic has developed in many societies as a result of continued efforts by enterprises and corporation to commodifying water. As a result, in most societies specifically the developed ones, water ethics commodification and privatization with marginalized access to water continue to raise key questions such as: Can water be sustainably managed while the global financial institutions and transnational corporations possess the means to do so? How can the empowerment of public and rights of people over water be r estored? How can global skills, capital and user practices are reconciled with the need and desire for control over water of local people? Such questions give an impression of how fundamental ethics has become essential in addressing the issue of water commodification. Ethical reasoning in regards to water will ensure proper, efficient and sustainable use of water despite its scarcity in nature. Borgmann, Albert. Real American ethics: taking responsibility for our country. IL, University of Chicago Press. 2006. 16 August 2010. Brenkert, George G. and Beauchamp, Tom L. The Oxford Handbook of Business Ethics. NY, Oxford University Press US. 2009. 16 August 2010. enei=GvJoTPmcB4aS4gb6npCZBAsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=9ved=0CFkQ6AEwCA#v=onepageqf=false. Brown, Peter G. and Schmidt, Jeremy J. Water Ethics: Foundational Readings for Students and Professionals. NW, Island Press. 2010. 16 August 2010. Fernando, A. C. Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective. New Delhi, Pearson Education India, 2009. 16 August 2010. Howard, Ronald A. and Korver, Clinton D. Ethics for the real world: creating a personal code to guide decisions in work and life. MA, Harvard Business Press. 2008. 16 August 2010. tcoverdq=Ethics+for+the+Real+World.hl=enei=RBtqTKP8LZCl4Qan5OCaAQsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=1ved=0CCUQ6AEwAA#v=onepageqf=false. Rae, Scott B. Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics. MI, Zondervan, 2000. 16 August 2010. Sierra Club. Corporate Water Privatization: Water is a Human Right not a Commodity. 2008. 16 August 2010. Snitow, Allan, Kaufman, Deborah and Fox, Michael. Thirst: fighting the corporate theft of our water. CA, John Wiley and Sons. 2007. 16 August 2010.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Policies to Reduce Unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Policies to Reduce Unemployment - Essay Example It's with this in mind that the government of the UK has to change tactic in order to enable companies to remain in business and create job opportunities despite the economic recession The number of people in full time employment fell drastically between 2007 and 2009 (Arnold 2001). The rate of loosing jobs is alarming. About the same number of jobs lost the previous year were lost in just four months last year from October 2008 to the beginning of the year 2009. it better to make the assumption that those who lost their jobs were those who were being paid well from their professional expertise and could still be living on their bonuses. The number of people unemployed but actively seeking employment has increased by about one million, other people appears to have opted for part time jobs and as a result the number of part-time employees has increased by almost 1.3 million. Some people have already given up (Gilbody 1998). By the beginning of the new millennium, (the year 2000) the world was very different from the way it was in the 1900s. The United Kingdom underwent a massive change. The labour party of United Kingdom had won its second term to serve again in office. In the beginning of the year 2001, the government wanted to have enough money to be spent on public services especially the national health services which was being under funded by then (Arnold 2001). The economic growth rates have been quite stable operating at about 2-3% since the beginning of the millennium. Inflation has not been a problem to the economy of the British government. The bank of England has been able to regulate the interest rates therefore managing to stabilize the economy of Britain. The pound has maintained a stable increase in value reaching a minimum rate of 1.37 dollars against the US dollar in 2001 and rising again to about a rate of one pound going for two dollars (Arnold 2001). With the emergence of the current economic recession, the number of people loosing jobs has caused a serious setback or rather it's an impediment to the banks lending, prevention of debt deflation strategies to be implemented and to renew output growth (Gilbody 1998). There has also been a wave of rising defaults all concentrating in the riskier parts of the banks loaning documents; buy to let loans, subprine mortgages and lending money to private equity enterprise as well as the management of financial asset acquisition among other activities, Europa Publications Staff (2003). Intervention to Support Economy It's very correct to stick to the conventional parts of lending schemes as advised by senior bankers since they have been performing well till now. The problems have only emerged on the financing side of bank's balance sheets and other particular aspects of the lending side. In other parts, the process of risk management on the ability to lend has performed convincingly fine. The amount of loss encountered rose in regions where systems for management of risks and credit control schemes are purposively overridden by senior managers anxious to take over the market share or produce mortgages for the packaging as a section of the model known as
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Online Travel Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Online Travel - Case Study Example The possibility of spreading the reach of the business overseas is made possible by the practically zero marginal cost incurred by online travel companies in extending their marketing to foreign countries. Europeans have actually been observed to travel more than their Americans counterpart, averaging four weeks of vacation annually while Asian travelers such as Chinese and Indians have posted a notable increase int heir frequency of travel due to the improved number of middle class consumers (Tracy). Subscribers of online travel have benefitted from the dominance of market economy and market system as we observe prices become competitive due to the presence of of more online travel service suppliers such as Kayak and Sidestep (Bhargava) . This leaves an experience of intense competition for the big three companies such as Orbitz, Expedia and Travelocity, practically showing the validity of Adam Smith's theory of self-interest- that in the pursuit of business of many, self-interest can bring important sociopoliticsal evolution and economic growth (Robert B. Ekelund Jr.) Last minute dot com resides in an industry where consumers are task-oriented and highly price conscious, with many experienced travel deal seekers searching for the best deals on air fare, hotels and car rentals with the competition being concentrated mainly in two areas-the corporate travel and the package deals(Bhargava). Currently, the way of handling the travel business have been very innovative as we see site like FlyerTal being flocked by most online travelers being consumer discussion driven, having posts from travelers helping each other, trading discount certificates and talking about customer service experiences. TravelAdvisory is also one of the most trafficked sites being due to its high rankings in a location or hotel-based keyword search (Bhargava). Obviously, the industry is taking on a different phase of competition especially as the technology develops more. The use of dot travel domain has also been introduced recently but has been used slightly with and as the only notable sites., on the other hand, has refused to activate a dot travel domain with the belief that the dot com domain is central to its brand (Nelson). The industry is expected to tread upward in terms of usage and sales, with the many facets of technology being adapted specifically in the marketing aspect. As one of the articles in the Harvard Business Review in Management says, "if tops management wants to find ways of improving profits and growth, it must actively participate in the development of marketing plans by challenging their underlying assumptions and by contributing alternative ideas on strategy and programs (Ames). Effect of Current Political and Economic Issues Starting in 1998, last was well managed by owners Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane-Fox, expanding its services to holidays, hotels, car hire, restaurants, theater and spa. In 2005, it was purchased by Travelocity, becoming part of Saber family of travel companies (Last Minute Network Limited). The buy-out of Saber Holdings of has made its share soar from "45.4 per cent, to 153.25p, putting a value of pounds 522m on the company" (Reece). The decision by Hoberman and Lane-Fox to renounce leadership of the company was made after its financial struggle, experiencing an over-all loss of pounds
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Select a big data problem, evaluate what was discovered and explain Essay
Select a big data problem, evaluate what was discovered and explain how it supports the business including any challenges, oppor - Essay Example With these units being used, people faced trouble to get part of the data or use it to develop a trend of events or occurrences in an environment which can be used to ensure it becomes useful to its owner (Sathi, 2012, p4). Some of the organisations that use big data include meteorological organisations, biological and environmental research complex physics simulations among others. These find it difficult to establish amicable to capture, store transmit and analyse some of their data that are collected from different events and analyse them to have necessary deductions. Units for measuring the amounts of data have continued to be invented with time and they are moving from simple to extremely complex and large figures that require large capacity to store. To understand the problem of big data, it is good to focus on the analysis of the issues of data analysis as could be realised in different organisations within the world (O'Reilly Radar Team et al, 2012, p8). Big data problem caus es and exposition In the past, people used to measure data in megabytes and in those times, 100 megabytes of data were considered a very large. With time, there data increased and gigabytes were used to measure data, this paved way for terabyte, petabytes and the latest invention of the units of measurement of data is the Exabyte. ... The big data has not gone without considerable problems in the way it ought to be handled and processed to explain phenomenon and trends in business or in any other organisation. Some problems experienced in handling big data include collecting, processing, analysing and storing of the meaningful data for future use (Ohlhorst, 2013, p11). However, in order to expound the problems of big data, analysis of the same offers an insight into the difficulty of handling that kind of data and the risks thereof. Why analysis of big data is a problem Analysis of big data is problematic because there are limited methods, which can be used to store large amount of data in the same place and process desirable results using it. For this reason, analysis is one of the problems of big data in that it is difficult to combine the different bits that are making the big data. As a result, analysis of such data of great magnitude becomes difficult because there are few devices that accommodate data to a c ertain capacity and is type. It is tasking to engage in analysing big data because in their unstructured form, they indicate that people have taken part in an event but the information is decentralized into a common place for effective analysis (Best, 2008, p63). How big data is analysed To enable ease of analysis, scientist start by classifying the data into groups and categories, this can be easily analysed to give the required information. The method of analysing big data by structuring is a scientific invention that is designed to ensure that organisations do not have to delete their data from their database. Companies categorise their information into clusters that are representing data for
Friday, November 15, 2019
Understanding Of Law And Recognising Its Limitations Social Work Essay
Understanding Of Law And Recognising Its Limitations Social Work Essay [For social workers] to practise effectively it is necessary to have a critical understanding of law and to recognise its limitations alongside it strengths (Wilson et al, 2008: 191). Using the case study of Mr A, this essay will outline the legislation regarding statutory duties and guidance which needs to be understood by service providers. It will also critically analyse and explore the issues relating to funding Mr As accommodation and safeguarding requirements. There are numerous acts and guidance that need to be considered which make this a complicated exercise. The first is the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act, 1970 s1 which requires local authorities to be aware of the number of disabled people in their boundary in order to plan and develop provision of services. Furthermore, under s46 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act, 1990 they have a responsibility to publish a plan of community care services provided. As Mr B is the carer, the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act, 2004 requires Countyshire to inform him of his entitlement to a Carers assessment (Wilson et al, 2008). Whilst Mr A lived with his brother, Countyshire would have a statutory duty under the NHSCCA (1990) and the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act, 1995 to assess Mr Bs needs as main carer for his brother as Mr B is ordinary resident there. The Carers and Disabled Children Act (2000) gives Mr B the right to request an assessment even if Mr A is not involved with care services. Local Authority Circular (2004)24 s2 outlines good practice for Mr Bs involvement in his brothers assessment process. For Mr A, under s47 of the NHSCCA (1990), Countyshire would have a statutory duty to assess his needs while he was living with his brother and a further duty under the policy guidance, Fair Access to Care Services 2002, issued under s7(1) of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970, to decide within a reasonable time, what community care services should be provided to meet his needs (DOH, 2010). The legislation is complex for providing services, including accommodation, for Mr A. There are overlapping and conflicting obligations and a detailed history for Mr A is lacking. This highlights the need for a thorough assessment by a Social Worker and the appropriate sharing of information between the local authorities concerned. Because funding care is expensive authorities may hide behind the complexity of the law to evade their responsibility. As Mr A was detained under s37 of the Mental Health Act, 1983 (as amended by Mental Health Act, 2007) he would, upon leaving hospital under s117 MHA (1983), receive free after-care services for his mental health for as long as is required. As Mr A was detained in Ashire, that Local Authority, Local Health Board and Primary Care Trust are responsible for financing any after-care services (DOH, 2008 and Barber et al, 2009). After-care services under s117 of MHA (1989) would not be withdrawn from Mr A if he declined them, or Ashire discharged him from care. Even if Mr A was well settled in the community, he may continue to need after-care services in case of relapse or mental health deterioration. They would only be withdrawn if Ashire local authority, Mr A and the PCT agreed that he no longer needed them (DOH, 2008). If such an agreement was made by Ashire then Mr A would be unable to get after-care free under s117 of MHA (1989) but would need to be assessed under s47 of the NHSCCA (1990) for Countyshire to provide care under the National Assistance Act (1948). The MHA (1983) does not define what aftercare is, however it is accompanied by a Code of Practice, 2008, which, although not statutory is regarded as guidance, as confirmed in the case of R (Munjaz) v Mersey Care NHS Trust (2005) (Brammer, 2010 and Barber et al, 2009). The Code of Practice under 27.13 provides a list of areas to be considered in an assessment which the Social Worker, with Mr A, should include in the written after care plan (DOH, 2008). There have been numerous disputes between local authorities over the definition of ordinary resident, within s24 of the NAA (1948), and resident in s117(3) of the MHA (1993), and, therefore, which authority is responsible for funding a persons residential care. The recent publication Ordinary Residence by the Department of Health and the case of R (on the application of M) v. London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and Another; R (on the application of Hertfordshire County Council) v. London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (2010) have provided clarity and guidance for practice confirming that for the purposes of s117 MHA (1983) after care, s24(5) of the NAA (1948) does not apply (RadclifeLeBrasseur, 2010). In the case of Mr A, if he is still under s117 MHA (1989) the duty to provide after-care services, including accommodation, would remain with Ashire as the local authority where he was detained even though he is living in Countyshire (DOH, 2010). Countyshire, under s24(3) of the NAA (1948), initially placed Mr A in the residential home to provide respite for his brother. The home is registered for residents with dementia and physical disabilities. Upon the decision to stay there permanently, Countyshire would have a common duty to re-assess Mr A to ensure the home is appropriate for his needs. If it is not part of Mr As care plan to provide appropriate accommodation for his mental health then Countyshire would need to fund his accommodation, under s21 of the NAA (1948). Mr A would also meet the criteria under the NAA (1948) s29(1) for his domiciliary care services to be provided by the local authority. NAA (1948) s29(4) with LAC (93)10 also outlines what care services should be considered and s2 of the CSDPA (1970) gives the local authority the power and duty to provide such services. If the accommodation is provided for Mr As health needs, the NHS are responsible as the local authority is not able to provide health services as defined in s21(8) NAA (1948). If Mr A funded his own accommodation he would be classed as a self-funder and require an ordinary residence with Countyshire, in line with the settled purpose test in Shah v London Borough of Barnet (1983). NAA (1948) s22(2) allows Countyshire to charge Mr A for the accommodation. When carrying out the financial assessment they must use the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations (1992) in conjunction with Charging For Residential Accommodation Guide, which is updated annually (DOH, 2010). At present there is no specific legislation in England for vulnerable adult protection. The law regulating the safeguarding of vulnerable adults is taken from a number of relatively recent policies, guidance and case law (Clements and Thompson, 2007). Safeguarding has only recently become recognised as an area of work in its own right. It is an increasingly important part of a Social Workers responsibilities, as policy and guidance has given social service authorities the lead role in dealing with safeguarding issues (Mandelstam, 2008). The local authority as a public body, under the Human Rights Act 1998 s6, has a duty of care towards its citizens, to protect them from harm and uphold their human rights (Braye, 2010). In Z and others v UK (2001) the European Court of Human Rights found the local authority to be in violation of s6(3) HRA (1998), having failed to take reasonable steps to prevent serious ill-treatment when they were aware of abuse (Clements and Thompson, 2007). Safeguarding Adults procedures should be put in place, in line with HRA (1998), to support a person to live a life that is free from abuse and neglect (ADASS, 2005). As the local authority has been made aware of Mr As recent behaviour towards the other residents it is important that they appoint an Investigating Officer and take reasonable steps to prevent any abuse. The Care Standards Act, 2000 standard 18, stipulates that local authorities and care homes must have a written safeguarding policy which would apply to Ashire, Countyshire and the private care home. Also in 2000, the Department of Health published the No Secrets policy document, which provides guidance to local authorities on how to protect vulnerable adults and implement policies to protect them. The policy requires local authorities to have written multi agency safeguarding procedures and policies (Brammer, 2010). No Secrets is regarded as statutory guidance because the LASSA (1970), s7 requires a local authority to act under such guidance. The case of R v Islington LBC, ex p Rixon (1996), demonstrated that an authority is acting unlawfully if they deviate from the guidance (Mandelstram, 2008). The Association of Directors of Social Services in 2004, published the Protocol For Inter-Authority Investigation Of Vulnerable Adult Abuse. This protocol with reference to s3.8 of No Secrets (2000) and National Assistance Act 1948 LAC (93)7, clarified the responsibility and actions of the host and placing local authorities with regards to safeguarding. In the case of Mr A, although the residential home contacted Ashire, it would be the responsibility of Countyshire, as the host local authority, to take the lead in safeguarding procedures. However, a link person from Ashire would be invited to attend any adult protection strategy meeting, if it is the local authority funding his accommodation, as it would still be expected to have a duty of continuing care for Mr A (2004: 1-2). In 2005, ADASS published Safeguarding Adults, providing a national framework for good practice in adult protection work, including giving clear time frames, multi agency working and details of responsibilities (Clements and Thompson, 2007; Brammer, 2010). Whilst following safeguarding procedures it is important for the local authority to keep to the Data Protection Act, 1998. However, No Secrets states, It is inappropriate for agencies to give assurances of absolute confidentiality in cases where there are concerns about abuse, particularly in those situations when other vulnerable people may be at risk (2000: 24). A criticism of the No Secrets policy is that vulnerable adults are defined as people in need of community care services who are unable to protect themselves from abuse so it does not take into consideration people who do not require community care services (Clements and Thompson, 2007). Safeguarding Adults framework introduced the term safeguarding and moved away from the description of protection and vulnerable (Brayne and Carr, 2010). ADASS defined Safeguarding Adults as, This phrase means all work which enables an adult who is or may be eligible for community care services to retain independence, wellbeing and choice and to access their human right to live a life that is free from abuse and neglect (2005: 5). Using the ADASS definition, the vulnerable adults in this case, would be Mr A, and all the other residents in the residential home, given his current and previous behaviour. As Mr A is residing at a private residential care home, the home, along with the local authority, will be regulated by The CSA, 2000, supported by National Minimum Standards. Standard 18 of the NMS states that the registered person at the care home needs to ensure that service users are safeguarded from abuse (Clements and Thompson, 2007; Brammer, 2010). The registered person and possibly other care staff from the home would, therefore, be invited to the safeguarding strategy meeting. Under the Care Homes Regulations 2001, it is the responsibility of the care home registered person to inform the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of any suspected abuse (Brammer, 2010). Hampshire County Council Safeguarding Policy states that although the CQC should be informed and invited to a safeguarding strategy meeting, it is not routinely necessary for them to attend (2010: 52). However, following the CQC Safeguarding Protocol Procedures they should provide any relevant information for the meeting (2010: 11). Safeguarding Adults framework provide guidance on police involvement; if a crime is alleged to have taken place then they should be involved as soon as possible and decide whether they will be taking action (2005: 34). However, as Mr A has committed no crime, the police may not need to be invited to a strategy meeting. The care-co-ordinator, psychiatrist and GP for Mr A would be invited to attend a strategy meeting (Dorset For You, 2007). If a safeguarding assessment strategy is decided at the strategy meeting, Mr A, as he is deemed to have mental capacity, could also be involved with the assessment process and his views taken into account. However, Countyshire must act to uphold the human rights of all citizens and as other residents potentially are at risk, this duty will take precedence (ADASS, 2005). The case of Mr A has shown that although local authority social services have a legal duty and obligation to provide, fund and safeguard the most suitable care, this is a complex task involving an understanding of overlapping and conflicting obligations, from a wide range of primary legislation, secondary legislation, directions, guidance and case laws (Wilson et al, 2008). The case of Mr A supports the Law Commissions current work to create, under one act, a coherent legal framework for the provision of adult social care similar to the Children Act, 1989 (Law Commission, 2010). Word Count: 2196
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Career path
The skills that I think are necessary for success in college are being self-motivated, having effective time management and a strong dedication and willpower to want to succeed. The desire to succeed can only come from you. There are people to help you along the way, but you are the only person that can make a change for yourself and for the better. Self-motivation is the number one factor in having a successful college experience. Once you have made a decision to further your education you must realize that there will conflicts throughout.Conflicts with work or family may arise. If you lack self-motivation, there is a possibility you will lose sight of what your goal is. There must be a balance between school and other obligations. You are responsible for finding that balance to ensure a successful college experience and a happy personal or work life as well. Effective time management is imperative in college. There are many times when tests and papers are due at the same time for e ach class. It is important to know what lies ahead in each class.A monthly calendar allows you to note upcoming due dates, midterm and final dates. It is helpful to have a visual so you can plan on a teeth to allow yourself adequate time for each class. Some people may be good at procrastination but when taking multiple classes, I don't think waiting until the last minute is effective. You made a decision to invest time and money to enter college. You have a goal in mind. In order to reach that goal you need a strong dedication and willpower to succeed. There will be bumps along the way.Each class will introduce new ideas and responsibilities; when those responsibilities conflict with other responsibilities, I think you need the willpower to push through it. You need the dedication to the lasses and program you enrolled in. Keep the end goal in sight. The skills that I already have are being self-motivated, having effective time management and a strong dedication to being successful in college. I am a lifetime learner. I enjoy attending my classes and what is involved to succeed. Part of what helps me succeed in my classes is being effective with time management.I have learned how to handle a full time class load, working and having a happy family. My last Job required you to be great at multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is useful when attending college and having a young family. I have learned how to study while my hillier are occupied or napping. I also have my husband's support which is crucial when attending school. In order to write a paper or study for an exam I will either go to the library, my parents' house or at times my husband will take our children somewhere, Just to give me the time I need.I don't think you could succeed in college and in personal life if you don't have the dedication to school. I want to succeed and do well in college to better the life for my family. I am dedicated in accomplishing my goal and I know I will succeed. I have developed these skills through experience. I graduated from high school in 999 and have been attending college since, taking breaks to start my family. I have an associate degree already but have always wanted to pursue nursing. Since graduating with my associates degree, I have always taken part time classes, while working full time and having a family.However, I made the decision to enroll full time and complete my degree. I have three young daughters, all less than six years old. I know that to better their lives I must finish schooling. I want them to see that a higher education is something to strive and work toward. I want them to see my self-motivation and my dedication, to only to them but to school. Effective time management is a necessity when raising my children, being a spouse and being a successful student. I have learned to love my calendar. I write everything down.I have to see lies ahead for my family and for school. One weakness that I have is being committed to too many dif ferent things with my children, all while I am trying to finish school. I sign up to help with a lot of their events and organizations. I need to realize that I am only one person and cannot do it all. I need to only sign up for a select number of events and commit myself to those instead off little bit here and there. I also have bad test anxiety. I am hoping that I can alleviate the anxiety I get by allowing myself adequate time to study and prepare for tests.I also need to have confidence in myself to know that I will succeed on the test. I try to go into each test with a positive attitude. I will be taking the TEAS test on 11/16/12. I have heard so much negativity towards the test from peers that I try to distance myself from the negativity. I know that going into the test Friday that I have done all I was able to do and look forward to seeing my results. I have chosen a nursing career. The same skills listed for a college experience are also needed for a successful nursing care er.In addition to these, strong interpersonal skills and critical thinking skills are needed. I have worked in the health care field for over 10 years, so I have seen first hand what skills are needed and already have knowledge of medical terminology and Anatomy and Physiology. This is only my first semester at Bryant & Stratton. I still need to pass my TEAS and am looking forward to being accepted in the nursing program. I would like to improve upon my confidence. As a nurse you don't have time to second guess yourself. I need to realize that I know the answer and stick to it.I also need to stop being afraid of failure. I need to set little goals and as those are accomplished, celebrate them. This will make my long term goal seem not so far out of reach. I previously stated that I like to avoid negativity. I do not want to be surrounded by negative people or situations. This only brings my confidence down. I also want to remain an active learner. Whether this means taking continuin g education courses or reading a health Journal related to my field; I know that this will increase my confidence because I will be full of knowledge.In conclusion, it is important to understand that the decision to enter college is a life changing decision. Dedication, time management, and the desire to succeed and take responsibility for what needs to be are commitments that must be made upon making the decision to enroll in college. The approach I took when writing this paper is following the outline given and responding to each question. The outline style was effective for this paper since a list of skills were required. I did not forget to expand on any skill since I had it in the outline format.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Computerize Enrollment Essay
This Chapter presents the proposed study all about. It also shows the problem that the proponents encountered during the research of the proposed study. Show the difference of the proposed system to the existing system. Introduction Most of educational institutional establishment today specially on those schools with specialization in teaching in the line of technologies are using computerized systems. It can help establishments or businesses to give more quality service to their customers. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system. Enrollment is the process of inputting and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. The Enrollment System is used so the school will have a record of information of a student, tracking or retrieving of their information will be possible. The verifying of payments and browsing of student bills is also the used of an enrollment system. Enrollment System is an example of computer generated process. This will lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As the result this will not only benefit the students but also the employees of a certain establishment. The Enrollment System is very essential for a school. In the case of AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS, they are using a manual system composed of a pen and an application form. The student or an applicant definitely having some erasures, and an illegibly hand writing that makes the information inaccurate. Verifying of the inaccurate information will lead to some errors in the process of the enrollment. Above our observation, human interventions will highly involve in this type of system. As a result, this may involve errors and redundancy of data resulting troubles in organization. Background of the Study The AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS is an educational institution specialize in the line of technologies, giving quality education since 1990 they make their make name by the student who make the â€Å"I love you Virus†since then AMA has standards of giving the a best education in the line of Information Technology. The AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS has a population estimated of 400+ students from different courses and year level that currently studying this semester. AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS are using an acquaint system applicants or students constantly having a hard time filling up application forms and take a lot of time in the enrollment process. With the large population of students employees had to do a lot work. Statement of the Problem The proponents aimed to develop and sought to answer the following specific problems 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Name; 1.2 Age; 1.3 Gender; 1.4 Year Level; 1.5 Course; 2. What is the problems encountered in the existing system? 3. What is the possible solutions to avoid the problems in the existing system? 4. What is the difference of the existing system between the proposed system. 4.1; Accuracy 4.2; Convenience 4.3; Usefulness 4.4; Speed 4.5; User-friendly Hypothesis The proponents to have an analysis if there is a significance difference between the existing system and the proposed system in terms of accuracy, convenience, usefulness, speed, and user-friendly interface. Significance of the Study The study declare that the proposed system can be a great help to the following: Students. The proposed system can help the students to have a less time, effort on the enrollment process. Employees/Professor. The proposed system can help the employees less the work load and save a lot of time that were needed in the enrollment process Reputation Significance. The proposed system will improve the reputation of the school by leveling the kind of system to other universities. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The Study focuses on how the students and employees have a benefit of saving a lot of time, giving a less effort, reducing of human errors, accuracy and speed of deriving information. The Study is limited service when it come to online access of the users, compared to the Online Enrollment System of the University of Santo Thomas that users can access online. Definition of Terms To Understand the different terminologies that were used in the proposed study, the proponents had provided the following terminologies. Enrollment. is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. Computerized System. A process or operation integrated by using a computer or other devices. Online System. A process or operation that powered by the world wide web and accessible to any users that has an internet connection.
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