Saturday, August 31, 2019
Autobiography – personal writing
My real father died when I was a baby. Only photographs and faint memories help me recall who he was. I suppose I accepted Roy as my father, I suppose I was too young not to accept him but now as I look at his old waxy skin as he lies in his open coffin, I realise that I don't miss him. I haven't talked to my mother in years so Its been years since I needed him. He passed away two days ago from heart failure. My mother is a different story, she was stranded without him, Roy married my mother a year after my father died, Roy was my step-father. The day after the funeral was Monday, I am informed by my financial advisor that my stocks have doubled over the weekend, ordinarily this is good news on a Monday morning but the thought of my mother on her own in that old dusty flat while I stand in my blush office, annoys me. â€Å"Any bad news today? †I ask with caution, â€Å"No, everything is as good as it can be†he replies with a bright smile. I thanked him for cheering me up and he left with a nod as if to imply â€Å"don't mention it†. I leant over to turn on the T. V in my office, going to work on a Monday with nothing to work on, â€Å"Three dead in terrifying car crash†I don't usually watch T. V in work because I should have something to do or to help with, I own a company called ‘Earth-links' it's a telecoms company. I left and went home at about half past ten to sleep rather than sit in my office, although it looked like the middle of the night, it was clouded up with rain. We have interrupted this programming to show a special news bulletin†I woke up to see the screen disappear into a solid blue picture then the 6 o'clock news studio came on the screen and a small black haired woman appeared and said â€Å"People in the northern Ireland area are asked to stay indoors unless it is an emergency†, the drone which was the rain on the window pane drew my attention, I stood up and walked to the window to see distorted houses and street lights below me, it didn't look good and the rain wasn't ending any time soon. The TV blurred on behind me until I turned to focus my attention, â€Å"severe flooding†said the news presenter. Although it might have not been the perfect time for me I decided to go talk with my mother, for the first time in years. I haven't talked to my mother because we argued over years and so I left when I was 19. I went down to the south of Ireland with her and Roy to sort things out, but that didn't work. I am now 32 five years have passed since that. I finish up some microwave pasta and use the elevator to get to the car park, The good thing about a car park is that you don't get wet, not today. My car was parked beside the exit where some rain water had got into and had soaked my toes. I had ignored all the weather warnings and drove out into the street and the street of Belfast, the rain was so loud on the roof of the car I put on some music, it was about half past five and I rarely saw another vehicle. My mother lives in an old persons flat quite inland. On my way through the country I saw flooded fields and cars stuck in mud. I arrived in the doorway at six o' clock and pressed number 6 and got no answer, the doorway is not very sheltered and I am now soaked from the rain. I press the doorbell again, â€Å"hello†said a voice, â€Å"hello mum can you open the door its Aaron†I said â€Å"oh hello Aaron, come on in then†she replied, her voice was weary and tired, I think she was sleeping. The buzzer went and I rushed out of the rain and into the hallway. There were 2 doors and a set of stairs. My feet now felt like wrinkly prunes from my saturated shoes, it had been raining all day now very heavily. I leave the hallway and notice my dark footprints behind me, I walked up the twisted stairway, I cannot see how someone could survive in a place like this, I haven't seen anyone its like it is derelict. I get up to the 2nd floor to find my mother standing at her door, â€Å"hi mum†I said before she noticed me, â€Å"Aaron, why have you come†she said, â€Å"look I just don't want you feeling real bad about yourself. I want to make things up with you†I said abruptly, â€Å"come inside†she said as she turned to go inside. The smell of tea and unclean furniture hit me like a slap to the face, I sat on the couch looking at the framed photographs of Roy and my mother, there was one of me, I was at the zoo with my sister and Roy, the clash of plates and cups awoke me from my daydream, â€Å"sugar? my mother asked, â€Å"yea, thanks†I said. I took a sip of my tea, it soothed my dry throat. â€Å"mum, I am really sorry for the last 10 or so years, I have been really stupid, I realised yesterday that I should have enjoyed Roys life while I could instead of ignoring you and him. I think I have just held on to bad things I shouldn't have. Can you forgiv e me†I said waiting for an answer. â€Å"Aaron, I was being the silly one not you, Roy told me so after that holiday to Ireland, I was down right rude†she said as she fiddled with here necklace. A good start I thought, we went on chatting about the good times we had together when I was a child, it wasn't until eight o' clock I went to leave. I walked back down the stairs smiling at what I had accomplished; my right foot was wet, I looked down and saw that the last few steps were covered in water and rising, the rain had flooded into the flats and was just below knee depth. I stood there for a while and decided to get to my car. I ran down through the hallway and out the door, out side wasn't as bad, I ran to my car through the dark rain, I couldn't see much but I got to my car which was parked not to far away but the street was flooded very severely, there was no way I was getting home. I ran back to the flats and the door was still open. I ran to the stairs and walked to the flat again I went inside and explained to my mother â€Å"its really flooded out there†, my mother replied †oh dear what shall you do†, I then said †do you mind if I sleep here†my mother said â€Å"oh not at all we'll sort something out†. I sat and watched the TV until 11 while my mother went to her bed quite early, the television was boring but it passed the time. Three days passed, it stopped raining on the 2nd day my mother and I really bonded through the days surviving on what she had in the dusty cupboards. The rain had mostly evaporated after one day and I went to my car. I drove back through the country past soaked and some still very flooded spots. I got home later that day to find everything as I had left it. The only difference was that I felt new and had straightened my life out with my mother. I have realised, I am happy.
Jane Addams – Biography
The argument Addams makes that â€Å"educational matters are more democratic in their political than in their social aspect†(197), I believe she is referring to the long struggle between the teachers and the Chicago School Board. The Chicago School Board was politically corrupt. Many of the teachers and custodial engineers were friends of politicians who secured their positions in exchange for certain kickbacks. The school board maintained control over the school administration for many years. During which they restricted the types of children that were able to attend the public schools and they restricted the amount of freedom and authority the teachers were able to use in their classrooms. On several different occasions the â€Å"Dunne†members of the board attempted to lower the restriction on the teachers side but were warned-off with tales of the politicians and the difficulties previous attempts encountered. Addams' describes the situation between the superintendent and the Teachers' Federation as â€Å"an epitome of the struggle between efficiency and democracy†(171). She clearly understood both standpoints and why they both felt compelled to make their argument, although she does mention that they both â€Å"inevitably exaggerated the difficulties of the situation†(171). As a member of the school board, Addams tried to influence the Federation to make changes that would be in the best interest of the children, but after the legal struggle and following months of constant change, many of the important measure were withdrawn. Although she did have an opportunity to debate these measures in a democratic way, they were dismissed because of (more or less) political reasons. Jane Addams' role for education in an effort to reform the city was to take the disruptive delinquents the public schools rejected and accept them unconditionally into the settlement. Give them the opportunity to learn domestic training and trade teachings. She felt that even people of lesser means were interested in the same topics as the â€Å"well-to-do†people of society. She also thought that if you give a child encouragement and a sense of self-worth combined with an opportunity to become something in society that they would try to become productive. Hull-House offered educational opportunities for anyone who wanted to attend with no political or economic restrictions. Hull-House also offered the opportunity for recreation, such as supervised sports matches, which hundreds of youths seemed to prefer. Jane Addams' makes an important statement that â€Å"The educational activities of a Settlement, as well as its philanthropic, civic, and social undertakings, are but differing manifestations of the attempt to socialize democracy, as is the very existence of the Settlement itself,†(206). That illustrates her idea of education, which I believe is what she wanted for the public school system, but was unable to achieve while she was a member of the board.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ethinicity And American Culture Essay
The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1850 was signed between the American government and the interim government of the military occupied Mexico which resulted in the end of the Mexican-American War. This was intended to bring peace in the disputed territory and the end result was that Mexico ceded a large territory to the United States and its size was reduced by forty-five percent. The land Mexico ceded to the U. S. is now a number of states: Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and California. The military government in Mexico received fair compensation for the territory. The treaty of Guadalupe paved the way for the way for the immigration of Mexicans especially workers to the U. S. this was necessitated by the United States’ need for labor to develop the newly acquired territory. Immigration patterns have been determined by American manual labor needs. The Immigration Process The immigration of Mexicans to the U. S. began soon after the territory was surrendered, the U. S. government sought labor from Mexico to build the railroad which was to connect all the new territory to the other states. Between 1850 and 1880 the U. S. government brought in 55,000 migrant workers from Mexico into the former Mexican territories to work on the railroad. The government preferred Mexican laborers because they were not entitled to any constitutional protection and they could work for substandard wages in the harsh conditions. The process of immigration began to peak up speed in 1910 when the Mexican revolution took place. After the revolution, more then 50,000 Mexican workers immigrated to the U. S. in search of jobs which they felt were better than those available in their home country. Changes over Time Change in the immigration process began to take shape in 1929 when American citizens massively complained that the illegal workers were taking up their job. The government responded by launching major crackdown on immigrants who did not posses the relevant immigration documents. This resulted in the forceful deportation of over two million Mexican of which about one and a half million had been born in the U. S. this was harsh as those born in the U. S. were therefore citizens by birth. The U. S however found itself in a tight spot when it got in World War II in 1942 which elicited the need for Mexican workers. The U. S. acted quickly to remedy the situation by getting into an agreement with Mexican officials and this was known as the Bracero program. Under the program guest Mexican workers would be allowed to enter the U. S. and provide labor on a temporary basis though they would not be afforded the labor protections accorded to their U. S. counterparts. The program run through out the period of World War II and went on up to 1964 as major Corporations had pulled string to ensure that the laborers continued to work as they wanted to cash in on the cheap labor. Since 1964 there was what has been referred to as an unspoken agreement between the undocumented workers, Corporations and the government. The government has intentionally failed to implement border regulations after being lobbied by major corporations which benefit highly from the labor if the immigrants. Though the agreement has been said to benefit all the parties which is utterly false as the immigrant workers are subjected to poor living conditions, are paid substandard wages and do not enjoy the protection of labor unions or practices. In 1986 three million undocumented Mexican-American workers were granted amnesty by the Reagan administration and this consequently made them subject to human rights protections, (Borjas & National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007). Effect on Chicano Movement The Chicano movement was vastly affected by the immigration of undocumented as they were not officially recognized by the U. S. government. This meant that they did not enjoy constitutional protection like other American citizen and the movement’s job was harder as attempts at demanding for rights resulted in deportation. Mexican workers therefore did not seek the help of the movement as they fear that its intervention would result of their deportation, (Rosales, 2000). Conclusion The immigration of Mexican to the U. S. began with the need by the U. S. government to have cheap labor for building of a railroad through the territory acquired from Mexico in 1850. The immigration pattern has however been tied only to the manual labor needs of the U. S. as the government allows entry of undocumented Mexican workers when they are in dire need of cheap manual labor like during World War II. The pattern is also evident from the push and pull debate that rages on the undocumented workers. Reference Borjas, G. J. & National Bureau of Economic Research. (2007). Mexican Immigration to the United States. Chicago? : University of Chicago Press. Rosales, F. A. (2000). Testimonio: A Documentary History of the Mexican-American Struggle for Civil Rights. Houston: Arte Publico Press. ESSAY TWO Some historians describe the Civil Rights Movement as a two-phase process of a southern movement to guarantee basic human rights and a northern movement focused on economic and social inequalities. In an essay, which incorporates lecture, readings and class discussion analyze this process. Introduction The Civil Rights Movement sought reform in the way the American society treated African Americans and it sought to change the perception. The movement originated in the urban areas of the south after large numbers of African Americans migrated from the rural areas and this was after the abolishment of slavery. The American Civil Rights Movement faced a number of challenges in its quest for equal civil rights for African Americans and other minority groups. This came in the form of legislation which promoted the injustices committed against African Americans by white Americans. The movement was therefore forced to employ different strategies and tactics so as to have its voice and that of its people heard. The movement suffered major losses in the road to the eventual attainment of those rights. The Civil Rights Movement refers to a reform movement of African Americans which sought to attain equal civil rights under the law for all people. It sought to have the abolishment of both public and private acts of discrimination and segregation against African Americans. The movement is said to have originated in the southern urban areas when millions of African Americans migrated from rural areas to the urban centers of the south. The Civil Rights Movement employed various strategies which included: nonviolent strikes, civil disobedience, marches, boycotts, protests rallies and â€Å"freedom rides. †The movement therefore focused on disenfranchisement and the Jim Crow laws in the south. The Civil Rights Movement in the south can be said to have been the most intense as it was in the south that African Americans faced the greatest resistance to their attempts to struggle for equal rights. The south had become the most notorious when it came to the suppression of rights of African Americans. The laws in the south permitted or required four acts of discrimination against African Americans. They included voter suppression or disfranchisement, denial of economic opportunities, private acts and mass racial violence and racial segregation which was first upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court decision in 1896 in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson. It was also in the south that most of the milestone events in the civil rights movement took place in the south which included the: Martin Luther king Jr. assassination, march on Selma, Alabama, Mississippi freedom summer and the Montgomery bus boycott. The south was also home of some of the most important literature to come out of the Civil Rights Movement like Dr. King’s Letter from Birmingham jail. It also home to important Civil Rights Movement landmarks like the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Site. The latter also house a museum which chronicles the American Civil Rights Movement. The challenges of the movement in south emanated from the legislature passing of the Jim Crow laws which legalized segregation in all public facilities. This law meant that African Americans and other non-white citizens were designated different facilities this includes: lavatories, buses, restaurants, housing establishments among others. These went on to be adopted by most local government across the country and this turned to be a major challenge to the Civil Rights Movement. It was the successes of the Civil Rights Movement in the south which made life better for African Americans all over the United States. The civil rights movement culminated in the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965 but of which were a clear symbol of the success of the Civil Rights Movement, (Williams & Bond, 1988). Conclusion Despite the major challenges the American civil Rights Movement faced, it managed to succeed in its cause because of its strategies, sacrifices and it resilience. Some of the sacrifices the movement had to contend with included the loss of one of its leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was assassinated. Though this was a major blow the movement managed to remain resilient and it was rewarded with the passing of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act in 1964 and 1965 respectively. The fact that most of the Civil Rights Movement events took place in the south does not mean that the northern part of the country was not involved as activities like the march on Washington took place in the north. The march was the venue for famous â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech by Dr. Martin Luther King. The civil rights movement therefore came along way to achieve success. Reference Williams, J. , & Bond, J. (INT) (1988). Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954- 1965. ISBN 0833514318, 9780833514318: Bt Bound
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Case Writeup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Case Writeup - Essay Example Kiva’s existing business model does not allow lenders to receive interest against the funds they loan however; Kiva’s field partners charge the interest from the entrepreneurs. Though this rate is lower however, it is considered as enough to meet the requirements of the Kiva’s field partners. One group which obviously be affected by this will be the poor entrepreneurs because if start paying the interest to its lenders, this cost will certainly be passed on to the actual borrowers. Secondly, by not paying the interest, Kiva’s lenders are being affected though most of its lenders lend the money to gain the emotional returns rather than the financial returns. The situation described above therefore indicate towards the adaptation of a business model which can effectively combine both the elements together in order to create value for each of the stakeholders in terms of financial rewards. A closer analysis of the facts would suggest that Kiva is facing two important problems i.e. strategic as well as of operational nature. It is Strategic in the sense that paying interest rates to the lenders may dilute its overall appeal and can significantly reduce its overall public image. Further, it also need to maintain its operational viability therefore in order to attract more funds, it may require paying interest to the lenders. Apart from this, a change in the business model of the firm would also force it to change its very character therefore may further require it to complete important legal requirements in order to comply with the existing legal requirements for the commercial organizations. Apart from this since the lenders of Kiva may not be directly into the business of lending therefore they may also be subject to the different regulatory requirements which can effectively discourage them to lend to Kiva owing to
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Right to Die - Financial Objections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Right to Die - Financial Objections - Essay Example And each new day makes it less and less likely. Her eyes are closed, but its not just that. Her face seems dead. She just has the same look all the time, like she was when she first collapsed. Its sort of a smile, but I think its a grimace. But it never responds, never changes. Its like looking at a corpse thats just barely breathing. Then the money problems make it so much harder. I wouldnt want my Mom to die because its hard to pay for her, but it just is. Her money is starting to run out. The ventilator, the doctor visits, the nurse checkups... they cost, and insurance doesnt cover it all. Im working two jobs to cover it. One of my jobs has insurance, but one pays just about minimum wage. I work the graveyard shift. I cant even be there to hold her hand because it costs so much money. American Hospice Foundation. â€Å"Coma and Persistent Vegetative State: An Exploration of Terms†. Cheryl Arenella, MD/MPH. mainmenu-10/50-coma-and-persistent-vegetative-state-an-exploration-of-terms . Web. Accessed
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Martha Rogers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Martha Rogers - Research Paper Example Delegation becomes necessary to obtain protected outcomes which become possible if the registered nurses can delegate their roles to unlicensed assistant personnel who are capable of providing healthcare directly to the patients. In the process, the registered nurses can retain their accountability as well. However, although the needs and benefits of delegation are studied and known to certain extents, their implementation in actual healthcare is still found to be limited (Anthony and Vidal, 2010). Delegation of responsibility can be achieved safely if the tasks are performed with proper planning and dedication. If the delegation proves to be a failure, then the registered nurses get accountable for any negative outcome on the patient. Thus communication and providing the right direction is highly essential while delegating responsibilities in nursing. Moreover such information needs to be updated followed by continuous evaluation in order to reduce the complexities in the nursing wo rk environments. Another significant factor is the relationship between the registered nurses and the personnel to whom the tasks are delegated. Harmonization, teamwork and mutual aid are extremely essential in order to provide safe delivery of healthcare to the patients (Anthony and Vidal, 2010). ... However the registered nurse has to constantly supervise the tasks even after delegation to achieve improved patient outcomes, as she remains responsible for such outcomes and patient satisfaction. The process and skills of delegation not being easy are in need for proper training and facilities in order to be successful on patient safety (Ruff, 2011). Martha E. Rogers, who was an American nurse, had served her life on nursing, and wrote many papers where she focused on improving the work of nursing in better work environments to improve lives of patients. She, through her writings and journals, presented a nurse as a unitary human being. Resonancy, helicy and integrality are the three concepts that she focused on explain the relation and communication of human beings with their environments. Thus the working environment was considered as highly important for nursing, by Rogers. Her theory was named as the Science of Unitary Human Beings (SUHB) that was primarily developed to motivat e the existing theories of nursing (Meleis, 2011). Nursing was thus given particular attention by Martha Rogers in regard to the role that nurses have to play in the healthcare environment and the responsibilities that they have to focus on for patient safety and satisfaction. This is important in developing the right path for nursing delegation as well in healthcare. Conclusion: It can be concluded from the above study that the concept of nursing delegation has been in existence since a long time. However the need and importance of delegation has been realized more in the present day healthcare with the healthcare systems and working environments for nurses becoming more and more complex. The nurses having a large number of responsibilities together in
Monday, August 26, 2019
Sports Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sports Tourism - Essay Example Sport tourism can be classified in to three main categories. The first category is nostalgia sport tourism. In this category, people visit museums and halls of fame to view documented articles, trophies, and monuments of great sporting achievements. The second category is active sport tourism. This category includes activity holidays and active events. The third category is event sport tourism. This includes the active and passive participation in sporting events (Gibson, 1998). Gibson (1998, p. 49) further conceptualizes sport tourism to be in three distinct areas: traveling to take part in a sporting event; traveling to watch a sport; or travelling to celebrate, worship, or venerate a sport. More recent definitions of sport tourism suggest that it is more than a two -dimensional synergetic phenomenon. In a more intricate definition, sport tourism is a social, economic and cultural phenomenon that arises from the unique interaction of activity, people, and place (Weed and Bull, 2004 , p. 37). Weymouth and Portland as Sport Tourism Destinations Weymouth and Portland are located on the south coast of England. This area provides some of the best sailing waters in the UK. In addition, the area has facilities on land to complement the sailing activities that take place. Before the 2012 Olympic Games, the area already had world class facilities, but some enhancements were necessary to ensure that the facilities were suitable enough to host the sailing competition during the main Olympics and the Paralympics (London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, 2012). Considering that sailing is both a competitive and leisure sporting event, there were several types of sport tourists expected to be in the area during the Olympic period. Gibson conceptualizes sport tourism to be in three distinct areas: travelling to take part; travelling to watch; or travelling to celebrate, worship or venerate a sport. From his conceptualization, the types of tourists that can and were attracte d to visit Weymouth and Portland during the Olympics can be derived. The first type of tourists that were attracted in the area are the participants (Gibson, 1998, p. 49). The Olympics bring together athletes and sportsmen from all over the world. Therefore, any sportsman that participated in the sailing competition in both the main Olympics and the Paralympics were tourists. Though their main agenda was to participate in the competition, the fact that they were foreigners makes them tourists by default. Also, the sailing competition was not taking place every single day during the games. The athletes, therefore, had some time to spare in between the races. During this spare time, they toured the area to get to explore its aesthetics and to appreciate the advancements that had been made in the area specifically for the sport. The second area of sport tourism is travelling to watch the sport (Gibson, 1998, p. 49). This was undoubtedly the area that produced the largest number of spor t tourists. People from around the world had travelled to London to specifically watch the games that were taking place there. Most of the tourists in Weymouth and Portland during this period had come as spectators to the sailing competition. Considering that they were not entirely caught up in watching the games either, they had some spare time. During this time, they either went to tour the area or participated in the sailing sport for leisure. This is in line with Gibson’s second category of sport tourism which includes activity holidays. Therefore, the agenda for this type of tourist was twofold. Primarily, their agenda was to
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Steven Spielbergs Schindlers List A Legend Essay
Steven Spielbergs Schindlers List A Legend - Essay Example In the film of Steven Spielberg, the story of the Holocaust was made into action. It went further to include other real life testimonies from survivors and witnesses of the historical event. Spielberg went into deeper facts through interviews and actual visitation of the places where mass murder supposedly occurred. This three-hour movie is styled differently. Unlike any other hit movies in the Hollywood, Schindler’s List is being filmed in documentary form. The actual events were portrayed in patches of scenes that came from real life experiences of those who knew better- the survivors and witnesses. Series and factions of the whole genocide story were being reduced into scenes from various perspectives. This reduction or miniaturization of the specific events is as much as part of the cataclysm of the Jews extermination plan of the Nazis. Various scenes were made into action depicting the experiences of the Jews under the Nazi rule. There are scenes of Jews transported in trains and held in forced labor camps, and scenes of families broken as men, women, children and old people were separated from each other. There are also scenes of people going into gas chambers being killed at once as gas fumes are being released with Jews being imprisoned inside the chambers. This series of events add up to the horrific totality of the genocide plan of the Nazis. These murders and life-exterminating events to stamp out the Jews lineage in the face of humanity were being made into reality by the actors directed by Spielberg.teven Spielberg. It takes a lot of various perspective of the Holocau st event to totally capture what really happened in the history. Replicas and literal imitations of the events were acted by chosen actors quite effectively. Supporting props and scenic settings as backgrounds helped in the total output scene on cameras. As the film is being shown as a documentary, the events do not limit to the world of the life of the protagonist alone. Although most part of the movie progressively follow the events that happened with Oskar Schindler, but the events does not limit to his experiences alone. Stories of various Jews were portrayed one by one to provide different perspective. Black and White â€Å"Schindler’s List†is a uniquely fabricated film done by the hands of the expert. Unlike Spielberg’s usual movies that are full of stunning and spectacular effects, with
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Robert M. Adams, Moral arguments for Theistic Belief Essay
Robert M. Adams, Moral arguments for Theistic Belief - Essay Example Adams begins with what he thinks is one of the most apparent, though perhaps not the most fashionable, arguments about the farm: the Argument on the Nature of Wrong and Right. He deems that people believe quite firmly that particular things are morally right while others remain morally wrong (for instance, that it not right to torture a person to death only for fun). He goes ahead to raise questions on the nature of what is in these moral beliefs: what does the wrongness or rightness of an act comprise in? He believe that the most satisfactory answer is given by a theory that involves the existence of God – particularly, by a theory that moral wrongness and rightness consist in disagreement and agreement, respectively, with the commands or will of the loving God. The most generally conventional reasons for believing in existence of anything are what its existence is inferred by the theory that appears to account most satisfactorily for some subject matter. He contemplates that his metaethical views provide him with a reason of a substantial weight for believing in God existence. Adams thinks that there is no need of discussing to what extent the advantages of divine command theory may be controlled by theological metaethical theories, for instance, by views according to what moral principles do not rely on the will of God for their cogency, but on his consideration for their ontological positions. Such theories, if someone is inclined to take them, can of course get the basis of theism argument. He thinks it is very important to discuss, and at greater depth than the advantages, the alleged disadvantages of celestial command metaethics. Advantages may be easily acknowledged, but the disadvantages are normally thought to be decisive. He argues that, they these disadvantages are not decisive. There he takes the reader through three major objections that are particularly significant for the present argument as
Friday, August 23, 2019
Effects of inflation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Effects of inflation - Term Paper Example The reduction in investments level will lead to a reduction in economic growth levels which depend on the level of investments. Inflation makes it hard for firms to plan for the amount of output to produce since the firms cannot forecast the demand for their product at the higher prices they will have to charge to cover costs. High inflation causes speculation on prices and interest rates which in turn increases the risk among potential trade partners, discouraging trade. Inflation reduces the value of depositor’s savings and as well reduces the value of bank loans. In the long run, the company’s revenue and earnings should increase at the same pace as inflation. But it could also reduce the confidence of investors by reducing confidence in investments that take a long time to mature. When there is a high rate of inflation a firm may look as if it is doing well when inflation is the reason behind the growth (Wildermuth, 2012).The effect of inflation on investment occurs directly and indirectly. People are not ready to enter into contracts when inflation cannot be predicted making relative prices uncertain. This reluctance to enter into contracts will affect economic growth. High inflation leads to financial repression as governments take action to protect certain sectors of the economy.Inflation is particularly detrimental to retirees whose pensions and financial investments have to be adjusted for inflation. Pension payments are now indexed to inflation in order to reduce the effects of inflation... When there is a high rate of inflation a firm may look as if it is doing well when inflation is the reason behind the growth (Wildermuth, 2012). The effect of inflation on investment occurs directly and indirectly. People are not ready to enter into contracts when inflation cannot be predicted making relative prices uncertain. This reluctance to enter into contracts will affect economic growth. High inflation leads to financial repression as governments take action to protect certain sectors of the economy. Inflation is particularly detrimental to retirees whose pensions and financial investments have to be adjusted for inflation. Pension payments are now indexed to inflation in order to reduce the effects of inflation Inflation can lead to a poor performance in the stock markets. In times of high inflation, if the firms cannot pass on the extra cost to the consumers they will most likely end up making losses. This will reduce the viability of their stocks and lead to the investors w ho had invested in the firms' stocks will suffer financial setback as the company makes losses. It leads to the changes in the preferred assets held by the wealthy individuals in a country. In the initial stages the three would be a preference for intangible assets so as to make a killing from the interest rates but as inflation increases there is capital flight from the stock markets by foreign and domestic investors and who instead invest their wealth in tangible assets whose value is not likely to be eroded swiftly by the inflationary tendencies. Inflation leads to a reduction in the balance of payments. When the domestic price level rises faster than it is rising
Professional Devlopment- Research report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Professional Devlopment- Research report - Essay Example This is crucial everywhere, especially at children’s settings as they are the practitioners’ responsibility. Therefore as a teacher, it is crucial to provide a supportive classroom environment suitable for children to engage in learning through creation of more lasting memory arising from brain involvement (McGaugh, 2003). In engaged learning, the focus of the teacher should be to connect new information to what is known already instead of teaching pupils in isolation (Helm, 2008, p. 2). Helm (2008) also reveals a project approach as one of the means of engaged-learning that enables students to bond the convention knowledge and skills with the world they live. According to the national Union of Teachers (2012-13), the professional duties of teachers are set out in detail in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. It requires teachers to undertake a wide range of duties including in particular planning and teaching lessons, reporting on pupils’ pr ogress, maintaining good order and discipline, preparation of pupils for examination, collaborating with colleagues, safeguarding pupil health and safety. Practitioners need to provide various methods of effective learning as all children’s have different needs to be met. This can include singing, classroom toys, various games and physical movements. The role of the teachers is to help the child reach the milestone and reach their development stage. To do so it is essential to have a strong relationship with parents where they can communicate regarding the child’s feedback on their progress, share observations and discuss what can be done further. Current research from the Department of education (2013) (see appendix 1) shows that as of November 2012, there were 442,000 teachers - 4,000 up on November 2011. That is 7,800 higher than in 2005, and 36,200 higher than in 2000. , therefore the expectations for applying for a teaching job has
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Funerals of Sclyd and Beowulf Essay Example for Free
The Funerals of Sclyd and Beowulf Essay The opening of the Beowulf is the funeral of Sclyd, his clan is preparing him for his funeral and sending his body to God, As they prepare him for his voyage, I use this as an important word because as we continue to read of the grief of his clan we find out that they instead of a funeral pyre as was common in some cultures of the time that his clan filled the ship with the bounty from as it said far and wide. Setting him out to sea upon a ship or barge as it is also referred to in this passage. It is interesting that this is the way the clan set their beloved Lord to his final rest because the Historic funeral show that the Scandinavians practice of setting them out to sea with one twist, they generally set the barge or ship carrying the deceased on fire in the passage where they send Sclyd off to his final rest they do not set him on fire but fill the ship with many riches. There were a couple of reasons for burning the body at that time, one was to keep the spirit of the deceased from coming back to harm the living, it was also for the purpose of â€Å"Freeing the Spirit†so that it could enter the afterlife with the Gods. One interesting point in the passage of Scyld’s death is the part where they fill the ship with the riches of far and wide. This was not a normal Scandinavian practice in this practice originated with the ancient Egyptian practices of burying the possessions of the Pharaohs with them in their crypts. It is a curious cross of cultures. They loaded the ship with weapons, shields and upon his chest his breast plate and helmet were laid. In the death of Beowulf we see a far different funeral scene. The difference between the two is telling, while Scyld’s body is cast to the sea on a ship carrying with him his riches. Beowulf, however, was buried in a different manor all together he was placed upon a funeral pyre, following the proper burial of the times. There were no riches to surround him although before his death he did request to see the treasures guarded by the dragon that he fought and lost his life too. There is an interesting contrast between the two of these men while Sclyd was considered a lord and given a burial that his clan felt was befitting his status, Beowulf was a prince of his people and yet his burial was in the traditions of the Nordic clans of the time, they believed that setting the soul free was the best way to honor their fallen hero. In the funeral there is the sorrow of his queen, as she sings her pain for all to hear. As they mourned him they set him on fire and the blaze burned all that was upon his pyre. What was most interesting is what they did after they built as he requested a mound that over looked the sea so that sailors would see it as they sailed by, they then built a wall where they put his ashes behind the wall and placed the treasures from his last battle with him. Then the warriors the same who had failed to aide him when he needed them rode in a circle and told of their grief and sorrow. They left the great warrior among the kings that he had gone to join. The contrast between the two cultures is evident in the passages as you read seeing how the people dealt with the death of each man, while Beowulf’s men grieved him they carried out his final wishes and built the great mound that he asked them to do. While Sclyd was laid to rest an old man with his many riches there was no great out cry of mourning it was simply they mourned their honored lord. References Historic Funeral Practices-Roger D. Sellers- http://www. sellersfuneralhome. com Beowulf- By Dr. David Breeden-http://www. lnstar. com/literature/beowulf/index. html http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=0015-587X(195012)61%3A4%3C169%3ATHOTDA%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-I
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
How did Television Sitcoms Change Gender Roles?
How did Television Sitcoms Change Gender Roles? How did television sitcoms change gender roles from late 50s to 60s? Television started to become a popular piece of entertainment for the family in the 50s. Television was one of the most important entertainment forms of device that entertained the family at home rather than going out[1]. As television got popular over the years, more and more people started to buy them for their house. Television took the place for piano, radio and phonograph[2]. Television was placed in the center of the family, where they would spend family time watching news to sitcoms. Television was the great family entertainer that brought mom, dad, and the kids together; while portraying different gender roles and social functions in a society[3]. Sitcoms in 1950s portrayed of having a perfect family, husband was the bread winner and the women was the house wife. Women were often showed in sitcoms as the family care of the family and also not expected to have a job. Sitcoms played a major role in the American society and played a biggest influence role on women throughout the years .1960s was the era where the perfect family construct was changed, where both men and women were shown of having jobs in sitcoms, which was different from 1950s. There was a big shift in the sitcoms, once it was shown to have a perfect family of one male worker in the family to showing both gender having a job. Television and sitcoms played a huge role into shaping up the future of the society. The American suburb was growing postwar era, a nuclear family was a basic social construct [4]. Sitcoms such as father knows best and leave it to beaver showed a perfect nuclear family construct. A womens job was to stay at home, take care of the family, cook, and make husband happy. In an episode from I love Lucy; Lucy was portrayed to follow her husbands commands. Where the man is the master, and the woman does what shes told (equal rights).ÂÂ Usually women had to be obedient to their husbands, respect their opinion and always agree with their opinion.ÂÂ Most of the sitcoms would show women at home taking care of the house instead of pursuing a career. A womans place is in home (leave it to beaver, Beavers house guest).ÂÂ Sitcoms such as father knows best, Jane the mother, was always at home taking care of the children, cleaning, and making food; While the man had a different role A husband was the bread winner of the family[5]. In an episode from Father knows best, a young engineer had the ideal family vision of a hardworking man that worked hard all day that would come home to pretty wife. So when the day is over he can come home to some nice pretty wife (Betty, Girl Engineer).ÂÂ There are many things that sitcoms portrayed about a suburban culture from Father knows best, I love Lucy, and Leave it to beaver that showed predominantly common gender role, where the husband was the bread winner and women was the home wife. Sitcom such as father knows the best played a perfect nuclear family that Americans dreamed of having. Jim played the role of the husband. He came home after work every day expecting dinner and the house to be clean. Since the men were the money provider for the family, they realized that supporting the family was hard at times. For example: in an episode Jim told the family Time has come for us to tighten our bills (The Mink Coat). This shows that Jim was the only money provider for the whole family, while the rest of the family did not know how to control their expenses. It got harder for Jim to balance the checks, since he was the only money provider for the house. In a way, Jim as a husband and father has to make his family happy but since he is the only worker of the family, sitcoms showed that man would work hard all day and come home to nice family, which was a stress reliever. While women on sitcoms had a different thinking that earning money was same as working in the home. Lucys character was mainly showed as naÃÆ'Â ¯ve, dumb, and careless with money. For example, in I love Lucy whats so tough about earning a living (Job Switching). Lucy thought that earning money was not hard, and it could be done by women as well. Sitcoms often showed that women were not mature when it came to money decision and work, while on the other had men were shown to be the mature responsible earner of the family. Sitcoms often showed women only doing the house work. They were not shown intelligent and were not encouraged to pursue any career.ÂÂ For example: In an episode from fathers knows best in which betty signed up as wanting to be an engineer, one of bettys guy friend said but youre a girl (Betty, Girl Engineer) referring it to how men thought girls were not capable to do jobs like men. Even mothers would train their daughters to do house work and be a good wife. Youre joking (Betty, an engineer) Jane, mother of Betty took it as a joke that Betty was going to be an engineer. Sitcoms often showed that women were not expected to do big things in life such as work and earn a living. In an episode from I love Lucy, Ricky said Anybody can cook and do house work (Job Switching). Ricky the husband works in the kitchen and Lucy works in a chocolate factory. It showed in the episode how it was miserable for both the man and women to struggle for job switching. It referenced that women were better in the kitchen and man were better at earning a living. Sitcoms also showed that women were shown non intelligent even if they were working in a chocolate factory. In 1960s, there was a change in sitcoms, where women were not always shown working in the kitchen but they held some type of job on the side. Shows such as That Girl played an important role in the 1960s showing women were more than capable to work and handle house work. Ann was portrayed as a strong woman who is focused on her career. You got the job (Help Wanted) it was when Ann got a job as a secretary job. It was an important scene because it showed the viewers that women should advance in their careers instead of being a full time house wife.ÂÂ Ann was a main character in the show, where she was portrayed as a hard working woman. Shows like That Girl, made women realize that they can be more independent. Sitcom such as That Girl tried to show that women should pursue their career instead of being rushed to their marriage and raising a family. Finally, Television played an important role in social life and gender life. Television transitioned the whole idea of gender roles. 1950s was a period of time where nuclear family was known as the dream family. In 1950s, men were the bread winner of the family and the women were the home taker of the house. The idea of nuclear family started to transition as time progressed. 1960s had a revolutionary change in sitcoms, women were shown having a job and taking care of the family, but before it was different where they were not shown to be working. Father knows best, I love Lucy, and Leave it to beaver showed how a typical family construct and showed the gender responsibility. Shows like that girl started to change the idea of a dream family and men and women were shown to be equal. Bibliography Primary sources: Father Knows the best. Betty, Girl Engineer April 11, 1956. Television Father Knows the best. The Mink Coat. April 11, 1956. Television Leave it to beaver, Beavers house guest. October 8, 1960. Television I love Lucy, job switching. September 15, 1952. Television I love Lucy, Equal Rights. October 26,1953. Television That girl, help wanted. October 20, 1966. Television Second Sources: Bogart, Leo. The Age of Television. 3rd ed., New York: Ungar, 1972. Spigel, Lynn. Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1992. Print. [1] Bogart, Leo. The Age of Television. 3rd ed., New York: Ungar, 1972. [2] Spigel, Lynn. Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1992. Print. [3] Spigel, Lynn. Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1992. Print. [4] Spigel, Lynn. Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1992. Print. [5] Spigel, Lynn. Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1992. Print.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Vodafone And Airtel And Customer Satisfation Marketing Essay
Vodafone And Airtel And Customer Satisfation Marketing Essay The Indian Telecommunications network with 110.01 million connections is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world and represents unique opportunities for U.S. companies in the stagnant global scenario. The total subscriber base, which has grown by 40% in 2005, is expected to reach 250 million in 2007. According to Broadband Policy 2004, Government of India aims at 9 million broadband connections and 18 million internet connections by 2007. The wireless subscriber base has jumped from 33.69 million in 2004 to 62.57 million in FY2004- 2005. In the last 3 years, two out of every three new telephone subscribers were wireless subscribers. Consequently, wireless now accounts for 54.6% of the total telephone subscriber base, as compared to only 40% in 2003. Wireless subscriber growth is expected to bypass 2.5 million new subscribers per month by 2007. The wireless technologies currently i n use are Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). There are primarily 9 GSM and 5 CDMA operators providing mobile services in 19 telecom circles and 4 metro cities, covering 2000 towns across the country. Vodafone Group plc is a global telecommunications company headquartered in Newbury, United Kingdom. It is the worlds largest mobile telecommunications company measured by revenues and the worlds second-largest measured by subscribers (behind China Mobile), with around 332 million proportionate subscribers as at 30 September 2010. It operates networks in over 30 countries and has partner networks in over 40 additional countries. It owns 45% of Verizon Wireless, the largest mobile telecommunications company in the United States measured by subscriber The name Vodafone comes from voice data fone, chosen by the company to reflect the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones Its primary listing is on the London Stock Exchange and it is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It had a market capitalization of approximately  £92 billion as of November 2010, making it the third largest company on the London Stock Exchange. It has a secondary listing on NASDAQ.In 1980, Sir Ernes t Harrison OBE, chairman of Racal Electronics plcs, the UKs largest maker of military radio technology, agreed a deal with Lord Weinstocks of General Electric Company plc to allow Racal to access some of GECs tactical battlefield radio technology. Briefing the head of Racals military radio division Gerry Whent to drive the company into commercial mobile radio, Whent visited GEs factory in Virginia USA in 1980. In 1982, Racals newly formed subsidiary Racal Strategic Radio Ltd under CEO When, won one of two UK cellular telephone network licenses; the other going to British Telecom The network, known as Racal Vodafone was 80% owned by Racal, Millicom with 15% and Hambros Technology Trust 5% respectively. Vodafone was launched on 1 January 1985Racal Strategic Radio was renamed Racal Telecommunications Group Limited in 1985. On 29 December 1986, Racal Electronics bought out the minority shareholders of Vodafone for GB £110 million. Under stock market pressure to realize full value for shareholders (the mobile unit was being valued at the same amount as the whole Racal group), in September 1988, the company was again renamed Racal Telecom, and on 26 October 1988, Racal Electronics floated 20% of the company. The flotation valued Racal Telecom at GB £1.7 billion. On 16 September 1991, Racal Telecom was demerged from Racal Electronics as Vodafone Group. In July 1996, Vodafone acquired the two thirds of Talk land it did not already own for  £30.6 million. On 19 November 1996, in a defensive move, Vodafone purchased Peoples Phone for  £77 million, a 181 store chain whose customers were overwhelmingly using Vodafones network. In a similar move the company acquired the 80% of Astec Communications that it did not own, a service provider with 21 stores. In 1997, Vodafone introduced its Speech mark logo, as it is a quotation mark in a circle; the Os in the Vodafone logotype are opening and closing quotation marks, suggesting conversation. untitled.bmp Bharathi Airtel Sunil Bharti Mittal founded the Bharti Group. In 1983, Sunil Mittal was into an agreement with Germanys Siemens to manufacture the companys push-button telephone models for the Indian market. In 1986, Sunil Bharti Mittal incorporated Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL) and his company became the first in India to offer push-button telephones, establishing the basis of Bharti Enterprises. This first-mover advantage allowed Sunil Mittal to expand his manufacturing capacity elsewhere in the telecommunications market. By the early 1990s, Sunil Mittal had also launched the countrys first fax machines and its first cordless telephones. In 1992, Sunil Mittal won a bid to build a cellular phone network in Delhi. In 1995, Sunil Mittal incorporated the cellular operations as Bharti Tele-Ventures and launched service in Delhi. In 1996, cellular service was extended to Himachal Pradesh. In 1999, Bharti Enterprises acquired control of JT Holdings, and extended cellular operations to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2000, Bharti acquired control of Skycell Communications, in Chennai. In 2001, the company acquired control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises went public in 2002, and the company was listed on Mumbai Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. In 2003, the cellular phone operations were rebranded under the single Airtel brand. In 2004, Bharti acquired control of Hexacom and entered Rajasthan. In 2005, Bharti extended its network to Andaman and Nicobar. In 2009, Airtel launched its first international mobile network in Sri Lanka. In 2010, Airtel began operating in Bangladesh and 16 African countries. Today, Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India and fifth largest in the world. Aims and objectives: To see whether the customer of Vodafone and airtel are satisfied or not? To find out which telecom company have good plans of value added service and what type of plans subscriber like. Methodology: A survey was conducted on the customers of Vodafone and airtel . Personal interaction was made while conducting the survey. The primary data source includes that Final questionnaire filled by 100 customers. The Questioners include following: Close ended questions. Open ended questions. Suggestions of the customers. All the respondents were asked their own suggestions and they are mentioned after the responses. The secondary data sources were Internet, Broachers, gallery etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Problem Statement: There was a need to know the present position of the Vodafone and airtel telecommunication service provider and to know the level of the customer satisfaction. This will help out to both telecommunication service provider companies to improve their customers next visit and to retain in the Business Research Objective: Customer Satisfaction for Vodafone and Airtel Background: The report is based on the data collected from the customers, who are the users of Vodafone and Airtel also. Pilot Sampling: A Pilot Survey was conducted on 20 Respondents of customers of Vodafone and airtel. The aim of this Pilot Survey to get an idea of the question that can be asked in main questionnaire Survey and It also help out me in creating the options in the main questionnaire survey. Sampling Size: The Sample size was 100Respondents, who the users of both Vodafone and Airtel and are students of my college. The survey was conducted in my college premises only. Target Audience: Students who are using Vodafone as well as airtel service. Analysis Sms pack Which telecommunication service do you use? Conclusion: Above Pie-chart speaks about both customers are using airtel as well as Vodafone. 2) Do you use SMS pack service on your cell phone? Conclusion: Above pie chart speak about most of the 95% customer are using sms pack and 5% are not using sms pack. 3) Which companys SMS packing service do you use? Conclusion: Above Pie-chart speaks about both customers are using airtel as well as Vodafone. What influenced you to activate SMS service on: Conclusion :(Airtel) Above pie chat speak about that 77% customer come to know from the friend,12% come to know from the schemes,8% come to know from the advertisement and 3% come to know from the any other (brochers,banner etc) Conclusion :(Vodafone) Above pie chat speak about that 70% customer come to know from the friend,15% come to know from the schemes,11% come to know from the advertisement and 4% come to know from the any other (brochers,banner etc) 5)Which SMS pack service have you experienced using on: Airtel Vodafone Rs 9 (40 all loc sms) 1 day Rs 4( 100locnat sms) 1day Rs 24(5000 all loc+std sms) 10day Rs 10(50loc%nat sms) 10day Rs 67(15000 all loc+td sms)30 day Rs15 (75 loc%nat sms) 15day Rs 26(5000loc%nat sms) 10day Rs 36(1000loc%nat sms) 30day Rs 66(15000loc%nat sms) 30day Conclusion: Above table speak about list of sms pack service that airtel and Vodafone customer have experience before. 6)Which SMS pack schemes do you use currently on: Airtel Vodafone Rs 67(15000 all loc+std sms)30 day Rs 66(15000loc%nat sms) 30day Conclusion: Above table speak about most of airtel customer are currently using Rs 67(15000 all loc+std sms)30 day and most of the Vodafone customer are currently using Rs66(15000loc%nat sms) 30day . 7) How often do you activate SMS schemes on your mobile? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 63% of customer are often are using activate SMS schemes on mobile,19% of customer are frequently activate SMS schemes on mobile,6% of customer are once a month activate SMS schemes on mobile,7% of customer are once 3 month activate SMS schemes on mobile and ,5% of customer are once a 6 months activate SMS schemes on mobile. 8) What do you think about the pricing of these SMS packs? Airtel: ok Vodafone: very good and excellent. Do you think that SMS pack service of Airtel is better than that of Vodafone? Conclusion: Above pie chart speak about 15% customers has said that sms pack service of airtel is better then of Vodafone and 85% said that sms pack service of Vodafone is better then airtel. How satisfied are you with the SMS pack service provided by Airtel? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 15% customers of airtel are highly satisfied on sms pack service,25% customers of airtel are satisfied on sms pack,10% customers of airtel are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on sms pack , 20%customers of airtel are dissatisfied on sms packand 30%customers of airtel are highly dissatisfied on sms pack service. How satisfied are you with the SMS pack service provided by Vodafone? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 50% customers of airtel are highly satisfied,40% customers of airtel are satisfied,5% customers of airtel are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied , 3%customers of airtel are dissatisfied and 2%customers of airtel are highly dissatisfied. 12) According to you SMS pack service of which telecom service provider is better? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 75% customer are said that Vodafone is better then airtel and 25% of airtel customer said that airtel is better then Vodafone. 13) Do you have any complaints? Airtel: No proper range High price Less awareness Messages pending mostly Vodafone: Increase validity of sms pack 14) Which service providers SMS pack service will you recommend to others in future? Conclusion: Above pie chart speak about that 71% of customers will recommend to Vodafone only in future, 24%% of customers will recommend to airtel only in future, and 5% for the both. Night calling Do you use Night calling service on your cell phone? Conclusion: Above pie chart speak about most of the 61% customer are using night calling pack and 39% are not using night calling pack. If yes then, which companys Night calling service do you use? Conclusion: Above pie chart speak about 5% of customers are using airtel only, 10% of customers are using Vodafone, and 85% of customers are using both. What influenced you to activate Night calling service on: Conclusion :(Airtel) Above pie chat speak about that 78% customer come to know from the friend,15% come to know from the schemes,5% come to know from the advertisement and 2% come to know from the any other (brochers,banner etc) Conclusion :(Vodafone) Above pie chat speak about that 70% customer come to know from the friend,15% come to know from the schemes,11% come to know from the advertisement and 4% come to know from the any other (brochers,banner etc) Which Night calling schemes do you use currently on: Airtel Vodafone Rs 28(300 night loc airtel min) 5 day Rs 22(175 loc Vodafone night min) 15 day Conclusion: Above table speak about most of airtel customer are currently using Rs 28(300 night loc airtel min) 5 day and most of the Vodafone customer are currently using Rs 22(175 loc Vodafone night min) 15 day. How often do you activate Night calling scheme on your mobile? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 41% of customer are often are using activate night calling pack on mobile,52% of customer are frequently activate night calling pack on mobile,3% of customer are once a month activate night calling pack on mobile,2% of customer are once 3 month activate night calling pack on mobile and ,1% of customer are once a 6 months activate night calling pack on mobile. What do you think about the pricing of these Nights calling scheme? Ok satisfied Good Very good Attractive Do you think that Night calling scheme of Airtel is better than that of Vodafone? Conclusion: Above pie chart speak about 8% customers has said that night calling pack of airtel is better then of Vodafone and 92% said that night calling pack of Vodafone is better then airtel. How satisfied are you with the Night calling service provided by Airtel? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 2% customers of airtel are highly satisfied with night calling service,10% customers of airtel are satisfied with night calling service ,26% customers of airtel are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with night calling service , 57%customers of airtel are dissatisfied and 5%customers of airtel are highly dissatisfied with night calling service. How satisfied are you with the Night calling service provided by Vodafone? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 64% customers of Vodafone are highly satisfied with night calling service,27% customers of Vodafone are satisfied with night calling service ,4% customers of Vodafone are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with night calling service , 3%customers of Vodafone are dissatisfied and 2%customers of Vodafone are highly dissatisfied with night calling service. According to you Night calling service of which telecom service provider is better? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 78% customer are said that night calling service of Vodafone is better then airtel and 22% of customer said that night calling service of airtel is better then Vodafone. Do you have any complaints: Airtel: no range, no clarity, price Vodafone: no. its ok and excellent. Which service providers Night calling pack service will you recommend to others in future? Conclusion: Above line graph speak about 3% of customer will recommended to airtel night calling pack service provider , 89% of customer will recommended to Vodafone as a night calling pack service provider and 8% of customers will recommended to both service providers. 13) Your suggestions to: Airtel :__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Vodafone : __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION AND LEARNING To end my project report, I would like to say that it was a really great experience working with Vodafone and airtel telecom industry Through this Internship I gained a lot of knowledge in this Project. It was a great experience to interact with the customers of Vodafone and airtel. Finally I want say thanks to the Vodafone and Airtel executive officer for allowing me to gain valuable information, for giving me an opportunity to conduct this study. From the above research I have done I can conclude that Vodafone is much better than airtel and hence airtel needs to work hard and get better. Specially about the sms packs, the pending messages which irritate the customers and the range at night. RECOMMENDATIONS/SUGGESTIONS Sms pack For Vodafone The validity for the sms pack should be increased as the customers those who are sending sms regularly are facing problem. More messages should be offer to customers for less money For Airtel Messages pending Slow delivery is there. So try to increase the speed. Easy service More messages should be offer to customers for less money More advertising should be done in order attract the customers. Night calling Vodafone:- Increase timings hours from (10.00pm to 8.00am) firstly it was (11.00pm to 8.00am) Reduce the price Validity should be increase. Should improve the scheme for night calling Airtel: Range problem. So set up a good range towers Promote your services to maximum end customers More advertising /promotion should be done in order attract the customers. Increase timings hours from (10.00pm to 8.00am) first it was (11.00pm to 6.00am) Bibliography Website:
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Role of Hamartia in Oedipus the King Essay -- Oedipus the King Oed
The Role of Hamartia in Oedipus the King Literary tragedy has roots that extend two and a half millennia into the past, but throughout this history the genre's defining characteristics have remained the same. At the very core of tragedy lies an uncertainty over the cause of the tragic predicament. The leading candidate for an explanation of this cause often comes under the name of hamartia, a Greek word that translates into "a defect in character", "an error" or "a mistake." However, the most common conception (or misconception) of this notion is that it involves "a moral or intellectual weakness," a view that often leads scholars to regard hamartia as the answer to questions of tragic flaw. Care must be taken in making this assumption since no element in tragedy bears easy explanation and since the exact nature of hamartia itself is impossible to pinpoint.    In this spirit of uncertainty and as Aristotle's conception of the "ideal" tragedy, Oedipus the King revolves around just such an elusive "why". This play, like all tragedies, defies our notions of cause and effect--no single action or fault of the hero could have rightly vaulted him into the intense shame of incest and patricide. In the incessant search for what could have created this downfall, one line of thought gives responsibility for Oedipus' story to the heavy hand of destiny. If this theory is to be believed, his entire life can be viewed as a confirmation of a prophesized fate, much as a reading of the text is a fulfillment of the story we already know. Whether a prewritten destiny dictated the king's actions, or whether he earned this destiny with the faulted life foreseen by the gods, an analysis of Oedipus' behaviors may suggest why he was forced to f... ...sible to call Oedipus' faults an object of Sophocles' exploration. Perhaps, too, the great tragedian sought to illustrate the consequence of such behaviors by associating them with a doomed individual. Though it is difficult to imagine Sophocles offering an Aesop-like lesson, the Greek tragedies always served a civic function to the audience that gathered to view them. Thus it may be reasonable to believe that this drama meant to illuminate the faults that could lead to downfall in the ancient world, and even to caution against them. The unpredictable influences destiny and divinity surely played a role in Oedipus' decline, but just as significant a contribution to the tragic predicament came from his own failings. Works Cited: Sophocles. â€Å"Oedipus the King.†The Bedford Introduction to Literature. 5th ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston. Bedford/St. Martin’s. 1999.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Motivating Students Essay -- essays papers
Motivating Students The purpose of this research paper is to present research findings that show motivational teaching strategies to encourage the academic performance and achievement of students. Motivation is the drive on one’s thoughts and actions. Motivation is key to arouse the brain and to activate your senses. Motivation to learn is defined as, â€Å"The meaningfulness, value, and benefits of academic tasks to the learner.†(Lumsden, 1994). Students use motivation in the classroom to stimulate their learning capabilities. â€Å" Some students seem naturally enthusiastic about learning, but many need-or expect-their instructors to inspire, challenge, and stimulate them.†(Gross Davis 1993). To properly motivate one must understand a student’s behaviors. Behaviors that include the logical and illogical, the rational and irrational (Ames, 1984). Types of Motivation There are two different types of motivation in human behavior. The first is intrinsic. In this type of motivation a person does things because he or she wants to do them. â€Å"A student who is intrinsically motivated undertakes an activity ‘for its own sake, for the enjoyment it provides, the learning it permits, or the feelings of accomplishment it evokes†(Lumsden 1994). To make a student intrinsically motivated you must make the class relevant to them (Coolidge 1996). When a student realizes the benefits they will have in their lives by doing well in the class, they will be more eager to learn. The second type of motivation is extrinsic. This type of motivation is based on outside things. When a person does something in order to get something physical it is an extrinsic motivator. â€Å"An extrinsically motivated student performs ‘in order to obtain s... ...phies to motivate students. Seifert, K. (1999). Constructing a Psychology of Teaching & Learning. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. This book explores how to reinforce motivation. Motivation that brings about success and failure. How to manage misbehavior. Tauber, R. (1998). Good or Bad, What Teachers Expect from Students They Generally Get. Retrieved November 16, 2003 from ERIC database. This article explains how not to let a child’s past or history affect your judgment of them, and how to teach equally to those who misbehave. Twenty Tips on Motivating Students. University of Nebraska Lincoln. Retrieved November 16, 2003 from Gives many tips for being an effective motivator. Wolk, R. (2003). Worlds Apart. Teacher Magazine, 14(5), pp.5. Retrieved September 24, 2003 from EBSCO database.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Crime Data Comparison Paper Essay
The two metropolitan areas I have decided to do my research paper on are Cincinnati, Ohio and Dallas, Texas. I choose Cincinnati because it is one of the bigger cities where I live. I choose Dallas because there seems to be a big difference in crime rates compared to Cincinnati. In this paper I will be comparing the burglary rate between these two cities. I will identify the number of burglaries reported to the police in each area and also explain which area had more reported burglaries as well as what were the rates of the crimes in each area. I will also explain whether the rates have changed at all and look into what factors that might be involved that might explain the difference in the burglary rates. Looking at the research, Cincinnati, Ohio had a rate of 6,287 burglaries that were reported to police in 2009 (Crime in the United States, 2009). Dallas, Texas on the other hand had 19,428 burglaries in that same year. The rate of crime given for Cincinnati in 2009 was 375.1 occurrences per 10,000 persons (Crime in the United States, 2009). Dallas by comparison had a crime rate of 1505.7 occurrences per 100,000 people. According to the crime statistics, crime in Dallas, Texas is down 6.4 percent from 2008 and Cincinnati has one of the highest crime rates in the country compared to all communities of all sizes. Ones chance of becoming a victim of property crime is one in twelve. (NeighborhoodScout, 2012). There are many factors that could explain the differences in the crime rates between these two cities. One factor could be the difference in population. The population in Cincinnati is 296,943 within the city limits according to the 2010 census. (Crime in the United States, 2009) whereas in Dallas, Texas the population is 1,197,816 according to 2010 censes. When you look at the numbers the more people living in an area the higher the crime rate will be. There are also other factors that could explain the big differences between these cities. The ethnic and racial makeup of the people living there and their educational levels could be a big difference. To really explain the increase or decline in both these cities is difficult because the two areas that I choose are so very different in population is really the biggest difference. In conclusion, in comparing both these big cities Cincinnati is showing an increase in the number of burglaries and almost every other crime as for Dallas, the crime rate there is down 6.4 percent. With the population in Dallas being 1,197,816 and Cincinnati’s population being 296,943 people would think that Dallas would be a city full of crime but Cincinnati is far worse. According to NeighborhoodScout . com, on a scale of 100 to 1(100 is the safest) Cincinnati rates just a two. This scale shows that Cincinnati is just safer then two percent of the cities in the United States of America. There are many factors that could explain why Cincinnati has one of the fasting growing crime rates in the nation. One could be the economy where there is nine percent unemployment in the city alone. Another factor could be the racial and ethnic makeup of the city. Looking at the Dallas, Texas crime rates, it rates a six in the crime index ( This means that Dallas, Texas is safer than six percent of the cities in the United States. In Dallas there were 8,341 violent crimes and 63,022 property crimes compared to Cincinnati’s 3,087 violent crimes and 20,911 property crimes. Looking at how big Dallas is compared to Cincinnati you would think that there would be more crimes per 1,000 residents but it is not even close. In Cincinnati there are 10.42 crimes per 1,000 residents compared to Dallas’s 6.82 annual crimes per 1,000 residents. When you compare Cincinnati with Dallas, the crime index, population, and the crime rates going up or down, Dallas to me would be the safer of the two cities to live in. References Crime in the United States of America. (2009). February, 2012 Neighborhood Scout. (2012) http:/ http:/
Advanced Technology Boon or Curse
CURRICULUM VITAE VANDANA KOLI E-MAIL:[email protected] com CONTACT NO: 08816993499 Address: H. NO 1615 near gymkhana club Sector- 4, Rewari OBJECTIVE: To establish myself as a successful professional by executing my skills acquired from my academic qualifications, rich experience by personal approach to a given problem.Application of my talents and skills in the new atmosphere, with challenging outlook to gain the desired result in a given field. EDUCATION:- Professional Qualifications: Completed MBA in HR & Marketing from SITM Rewari (affiliated to MDU University Rohtak Haryana) Academic Qualifications: Completed Bachelor of Arts from M. D. University ( Rohtak) in 2010. Completed Senior Secondary from C. B. S. E in 2007. Completed Higher Secondary from C. B. S. E in 2005. KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED DURING JOB :- 1. Related essay: Internal Competition: A Curse for Team Performance?Develop interpersonal skill to interact with different kind of peoples. 2. Enhance knowledge . 3. A way of working . 4. How to work with team. AREA OF INTEREST: †¢ Interact with new people to share her views.. †¢ Internet surfing . PERSONAL SKILLS: †¢ Self Confidence & Willingness to Work. †¢ Good learner about new project or work. COMPUTER SKILLS: †¢ Basic Knowledge about computer †¢ Knowledge of MS Office and Internet. PERSONAL DETAILS: Father’s Name : Mr. Ranbir Singh Mother’s Name : Mrs. Sushila DeviDate of Birth : 9th March 1989 Sex : Female Nationality : Indian Marital Status : Single Languages Known : English, Hindi , Punjabi Permanent Address : H. NO. 1615 near gymkhana club Sector – 4, Rewari Pin No. -123401 Haryana DECLARATION: I, VANDANA KOLI Solemnly declare that the information given above are all true to the best of my Knowledge & believe. Place: REWARI Signature VANDANA KOLI
Friday, August 16, 2019
Marriage Matters Summary Linda J, Waite
As a preface, Waite progresses through various statistics fostering today's pattern of decreased marriages. She states clearly that, â€Å"The decline in marriage is directly connected to the rise in cohabitation-living with someone in a sexual relationship without being married. †Statistics showed a vast decrease in marriages between both black and white marriages. This seems to be an epidemic in today's society providing examples which might reflect people or situations In our lives.Another one, of the many, shocking statistics show that about â€Å"one third†of births occur outside of wedlock. Waiter's worry is that marriages are statistically more beneficial to the children who are conceived and born with a stable set of parents. The first argument poses a stance that health between a family is of greater quality when the family Is complete. That being said, Waite never quite defined what a complete family Is, but the term Is connotatively a derived of a mother, f ather, and could possibly consist of children.From the paper, a family Is anything Inside matrimony. Waiter's first argument for health is that marriage appears to reduce risky and unhealthy behaviors. Marriage will also increases material well-being such as income, assets, or wealth. The last component, which I think is the most beneficial, is moral support. All of these ideals are intricate measures needed for a healthy life-all of which stem and are heightened through marriage. The second argument for a pro marriage lifestyle is that life Is easier financially through a stable Income.Incomes can either be shared or enhanced with marriage. Waite argues that single parent households are in Jeopardy due to lack of sufficient funds and energy where dual parent homes are either amplified by double income or saved by production at home. Wives tend to lead the stay at home Job of doing the duties with house work while men go to work. This leaves more time to pay attention to family as w ell as diligence In their career while the wife rears the kids and does house work; leaving much more time to relax and recoup.The third argument supported by Waiter's article supports a greater intimacy between a couple in marriage. When people think of the word intimacy, it is attached (generally) to sex. Waite argues that not only are sexual needs exceeded, but emotionally the bond is wound tighter. â€Å"The long term contract implicit in marriage- which is not implicit in cohabitation- facilitates emotional investment in the relationship, which should affect both frequency of and needs are met. The final argument is the impact of marriage on the children.Statistics show that two times as many children that are raised in one-parent families than children from two-parent families drop out of high school. A startling fact but is upheld to be true. Almost all cases of poverty were recorded by cases of children growing up in single parent homes. It summates that children are superb ly affected by the role models which are designated in their lives. The last page of the article persuades the reader to â€Å"reverse the trend†and all of the casualties invested by overdeveloped monogamous relationships.Multiple sources are accredited with the foundation of a rubber standard. The ideals in society fluctuate because of public policy and acceptance. Policies and standards must be enforced throughout society to rectify change. In summate, Waite argues that a positive lifestyle is that of which is inside of marriage. She resolves that â€Å"marriage produces individuals who drink less, smoke less, abuse substances less, live longer, earn more, are wealthier, and have children who do better- need to give more thought and effort to supporting this valuable social institution. â€
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Prison Reform Essay
Three inmates could be released from prison today. Two of them will end up right back in the system within three years. This statistic should be enough to conclude that America’s prison systems are failing miserably with the rehabilitation of inmates. How is it plausible for every correctional facility to think isolation, segregation, and overcrowding could possibly benefit the crime rate? Instead of converting these inmates into proper citizens, the system has found ways to hold them down. To suppress their inspiration to change. For many inmates, those bars do not only imprison their bodies, but their motivation and determination as well. US prisons are breeding grounds for violence. These places are supposed to reform inmates into law abiding people. Instead, they turn even the harmless criminals into the most violent ones. One man is sentenced to one year due to drug trafficking. Another man is sentenced to life without parole for several brutal murders. Despite the different levels of their crimes, they could possibly be bunked together in the same cell. This right here is a prime example of what the DOC will do to hold an inmate down. By involving non-violent criminals with heinous ones, they are creating a situation of fear and defense. The man who is in for excruciating violent behavior could easily try to hurt his cell mate. He has nothing to lose. Is the man with minor charges expected to not defend himself? No. That’s where the violence sets in. When you mix completely different criminals together on purpose, there is going to be an outbreak of violence. Everybody has those weeks where you just feel like you need to get out of the house. As if staying home doing nothing one more day would just make you rip your hair out. Imagine having to do that for anywhere up to six months or longer. Not just in a wide open house, but in a small, confined cell. No human contact, nothing to keep you busy, sometimes even going hours wi thout food. This happens daily in the American prison systems. Solitary confinement has been a method used for years in the US. Such isolation can take a huge toll on anybody’s mental stability. Often these inmates are thrown into a single cell, and basically forgotten about. These prisoners are treated like dogs instead of human beings. Do these officers realize that each one of those men have someone who cares about them? For every inmate in that facility there is someone who loves them. Another flaw of the DOC is the hiring process of correctional staff. I have a great deal of thanks for those who have put their safety on the line to control inmates. However, I also believe they have much to do with the violent outbreaks. For some officers, this position is like a power trip. While there are many honorable officers, you can tell they love the future of the inmates riding in their hands. I have witnessed first hand CO’s getting inmates all wired up knowing the inmate will get themselves in trouble. Often these officers act just as childish as the prisoners! The only difference is the uniforms they’re wearing. The requirements to become a correctional officer is to provide security and to enforce the rules, not to contribute to the chaos! As a new inmate entering the system, there is one factor that everybody recognizes about you†¦The color of your skin. Instead of providing a place where segregation is at a minimum, prisons all across America are dealing with gang violence and race issues. These issues are known as â€Å"Prison Politics†to some. No matter who you are, or where you’re from, when entering prison you become identified by your skin tone. The level of gangs and cultural groups are so high, that often inmates have no choice but to follow the crowd. Sure, they could choose not to cooperate in the gang life, but where does that leave them? Then they will become the targets with no defense. The pressure to become accepted is so important in prison survival, that some inmates will throw away their moral s just to protect themselves. Prison officials often condone the promotion of racial segregation. If one person of a specific race was found suspicious, they have the right to lock down every person of the same nationality. They often bunk same races together to cut down the risk of altercations. This is probably for the best at the time being, but it makes you wonder why they don’t attempt to do something about gang involvement. You hear about classes on drug intervention, schooling, and religion. Why don’t they have a class on racial acceptance? I’m sure it wouldn’t convert the beliefs of many inmates, but it would at least show some effort to bring down the segregation rate. The release of an inmate should be one of the most exciting moments of their lives. It should be a time where they finally get to put all of the knowledge and inspiration they have gained to use. It should be a new stepping stone for them to create a new lifestyle without their past lagging behind them. Sadly, this is hardly ever how it works out. In the past generation, the process of parole and release has started lacking structure. It is very rare that an inmate is individually prepared to face the real world. Instead of carefully considering ways to provide help upon release, they often just let them go on their own with no support from the inside. I understand these are grown adults, but when you are facilitated for so long, there is a need for preparation for the outside world. When these inmates are faced with the outside realities all at once, they just go back to their old ways. They are not given the support they need to make it through life on their own. These prisons confine these inmates for years, harboring their every move. Yet when they are released, they do not help them along one bit. Something is obviously wrong here. The prison system has a long way to go before it becomes effective. More people need to start paying attention to these correctional departments. The cause seems so minuscule until someone you love becomes the victim. These prisons are inhumane, chaotic, and lacking necessary resources. Until prison systems of America reach a solid stability of rehabilitation, the inmates will continue to involve themselves in crime. These places should be for improvement, not corruption.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Ptlls Assignment 1 Ground Rules
Edexcel (PTLLS) Michelle Brunton Theory Task One (Unit 5) – part 1 How would a teacher/tutor establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment for their learners? It is important to provide a safe and supportive learning environment so that all learners feel comfortable, relaxed and able to explore learning regardless of their previous experiences. For example if student behaviour is not managed, bullying, intimidation and discrimination can occur. There are a number of methods and approaches which could be used to achieve this. Establish ground rulesIn order to create safe and supportive learning environments, it is important to agree rules and boundaries with learners. Gravells stated â€Å"Having ground rules gives a firm boundary for all learners to work within†(2008:8). Ground rules can be established in a number of ways. For example they can be dictated by the teacher/tutor or developed by the students through group exercises, designing posters to illustrate them. By establishing ground rules the learners will be more aware of what behaviour is expected of them, and therefore promotes respect between learners.In turn, this will establish a positive, agreeable and respectful environment in which to learn. According to Petty, â€Å"experiments show that classrooms become much more orderly when rules are stated, or better still negotiated, discussed and fully justified. †(2006:3) this is supported by Gravells who states that encouraging students to take part in making the ground rules, â€Å"allows the group to take ownership of their own rules, then they are more likely to keep to them†(2008:8) Build a strong classroom communityThe classroom environment allows learners to build stronger and larger networks beyond their own community. In â€Å"Evidence based teaching†Petty states â€Å"Good teacher-student relations ensure that students have a more positive attitude to the teacher and to learning, and m ake them more likely to accept rules and any disciplining. †(2006:6) The teacher/tutor can use a number of approaches to facilitate a strong classroom community such as Ice breakers, which provide students with an opportunity to share information about their backgrounds and cultures, exploring the diversity they bring to the classroom.Encouraging students to work in pairs or small groups is another way to encourage students to work with people they would not usually interact with. By building networks in the classroom, students can create supportive relationships with both peers and teachers. Valuing student diversity The classroom should provide students with an environment that is conducive to learning. Valuing diversity within the classroom encourages learners to recognise and respect the fact that people are different. Their differences could include age, cultural background, literacy and numeracy levels and learning styles.Gravells’ definition of diversity is â₠¬Å"valuing the differences in people, whether that relates to gender, race, age, disability or any other individual characteristics they may have†. (2008:18) If a student feels uncomfortable, unsafe, or not respected, then their chances of success in that class could dramatically decrease. Evidence suggests that to establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment it is essential to have agreed ground rules and boundaries in place, a strong classroom community which is co-operative and supportive and a strong value for diversity within the classroom.The Teacher should create an environment which outlines clear and reasonable expectations for behaviour, has a relaxed atmosphere and where social and cultural differences are respected and cultivated as resources for learning. Word count (533) Petty G. (2004) Teaching Today 3rd Edition, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Petty, G. (2006) Evidence Based Teaching: a practical approach. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Free additio nal chapter for ‘Evidence Based Teaching’ by Geoff Petty (2006) Nelson Thornes. www. geoffpetty. com. Gravells, A. (2008) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Exetor: Learning Matters.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sociology - Essay Example The world becomes accessible through greater connectivity and the socialization becomes a grand scale phenomenon in which all of the world is accessible if one learns how to create that access. When a child is born, socialization begins through the ways in which the world around them responds to their gender, in balance with the traditions that have been passed down in the way that an infant is handled. In the beginning, the way a child is talked to, the expectations that are imposed upon the child, and the ways in which adults behave around them will begin the process of teaching the child how to behave in the world and interact with others. As shown by Davis, a child will learn to get attention and to manifest wants, as well as how to eat and dispose of his or her elimination in a manner that is congruent with the people who are around them. When denied this type of learning, they will simply not participate in the world (558). As adults and older children interact with an infant, they begin to imitate the behaviors that they see being exhibited around them. This is the process of socialization. This occurs as the context of environmental factors begins to shape the perception of identity through different aspects of experience which include gender, ethnic identity, and nationality. In the United States this is a multifaceted structure in which connectivity is derived from crossing a series of cultures to which one is exposed and learning how to interact through a variety of different methods within a variety of different environments (Anderson and Taylor 98). As opposed to just one environment, a person has multiple environments in which different behaviors are appropriate. The way one behaves at home, in school, at work, and in social situations may all be very different and those behaviors are learned by observation and then imitation. Socialization is the occurrence of being able to navigate those atmospheres and to fit into them through interaction. Soci alization is the way in which a child learns to engage in the world. Without learning communication, both through verbal and physical indications, a child will be without the ability to interact. If the situation of Helen Keller is examined, a girl who was born without the ability to either see nor hear, one can see how communication is developed through interaction. Because of her condition, Helen was indulged and became used to violently and aggressive outbursts through which she communicated what she wanted, but she did not have a concept of the needs of others (Keller et al xi). She had neither heard nor seen anything of her world, thus her only concept was that of her self. Through the interactions that were provided by a strong willed teacher who sought to bring her out of her self involved world, Keller was able to begin to understand communication, through which she could not only act, but interact. The example provided by Davis of Anna, a little girl who had been severely n eglected to the point of showing little to no development of any kind, it is shown that through a small amount of interaction a child will be begin to interact with the world, thus proving the need and power of socialization. Anna showed little in the way of emotions, thus showing that even the acts of crying or smiling were not necessarily instinctual, but learned. However, just
Monday, August 12, 2019
Supply Chain Management in the Argri Foods Sector within UK and Research Paper
Supply Chain Management in the Argri Foods Sector within UK and Northern Ireland - Research Paper Example Over the past few years, companies having been focusing on reducing the number of suppliers that they have so as to harness effective relationships that is build more on collaboration (Ponce-Cueto, Garcia-Sanchez, and Ortega-Mier, 2010: 111). Indeed supplier relationship which had in the past been ignored is presently growing to be an influential aspect of the retail supply chain and businesses as well. Lintukangas and Kahkonen (2010:107) show that supplier relationship which essential in connecting a business to the supplier network, is critical in increasing a firm’s competitiveness as the company is able to exploit synergies from such relationships. This increases the effectiveness of supplier relationship management thereby increasing business performance. Such views are also shared by Jiang, Henneberg and Naude (2012) who note that supplier relationship management which thrive in trusting and dependent environments are critical for the enhancing business objectives where the quality of such relationships determine level of trust. Problem Statement Though there have a wide array of research on how best to manage relationships within the supply in order to enhance the performance of an organizational (Olurunniwo et al, 2011; Leeman, 2010; Croxton et al, 2001), the evolving nature of the retail supply chain necessitates constant change in the way it is managed. Such changes that have over the recent past been impacting the supply chain include changes into multi-tier network of relationships, the increasing practice of outsourcing key supply chain processes within the retail sector and the impacts of the recession in the way the way that retailers carry their business and relate to the suppliers. This necessitates a study in this area into how such... This essay approves that in analyzing data in this research study, repeated themes and ideas gathered from the interview answers will be identified in order to give meaning to the data collected. The data gotten will be constantly compared both with the reviewed literature and with other respondent’s answers in order to determine a pattern and meaning. Common elements within the smaller retailers will also be analysed and identified in order to understand what these have in common, while common elements, themes and ideas from the large retailers will also be analysed in order to be able to understand what these share. This report makes a conclusion that it is not possible to explore and reach out to all the retail supply players and to relevant business entities since there are quite many businesses with different business operations. This follows the fact that the research focuses on retail supply chain which is crowded with diverse businesses. The research will therefore have some bias in a way as regards reaching out to particular relevant businesses. In addition, the research will cover only one specific geographic region and therefore may not be representative of all geographic regions and especially the global environment. In addition, getting access to some executives in some companies may need a lot of dedicated efforts in order to get an appointment set. Though the study is limited by these constraints, the results could have important practical implications to the retail industry.
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