Monday, September 30, 2019
Summary of Barbara Ehrenreich’s “What I’ve Learned from Menâ€Â
In â€Å"What I’ve Learned from Men†(215), Barbara Ehrenreich describes the things that women should try to learn from men. Through her serious and sarcastic notes, she explains that women should get tough and be able to take credit as men do. The author stresses that gender battles and arguments affect women’s desire to become tough. Women are willing to refuse being ladylike (216) putting themselves in front of men. Ehrenreich argues that women are discriminated as they viewed mentally weaker than men.During the course of Ehrenreich’s writing, she argues that some women used to view men as unclassy and selfish human beings who require the ability to give respect to women and to acknowledge the fact that women are able to take care of themselves and of others without their assistance. Thus, the stereotype of ladylikeness is something that should be broken. Ehrenreich continues her writing offering practical recommendations for women who are willing to be come tough.She writes (217) that small acts of deference must be cut back, and programs to perform ladylike must be re-shaped. Further, women must be encouraged not to take responsibility of every human interaction they are engaged with. However, men will view such deference as deliberate act of hostility (217). Finally, the author recommends learning from men how to deal with anger. She argues that the key difference is that men get mad, whereas women get irritated.Women are recommended to express justified anger clearly and colorfully. Ehrenreich arrives at her definitive conclusion with, â€Å"I stand up and announce coolly, ‘I’ve had enough of this crap’, then I walk out – slowly, deliberately, confidently. Just like men†(218). Works Cited Ehrenreich, Barbara. â€Å"What I’ve Learned from Men†. The Longman Reader. 8th Edition. Eds. Judith Nadell, John Langan, and Eliza A. Comodromos. Longman, 2007, pp. 215-218. .
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Edgar Degas Paintings Comparison and Analysis
Edgar Degas has become known as one of the world’s most influential Impressionist, or Realist (the title he preferred), artists. Impressionism was one of the most important art movements in the nineteenth century and had great influences on Modern Art development. The first Impressionist exhibitions were held in 1874, but at the time, it still was not recognized as a real art. Impressionist artists, including Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir, ignored details, revealed their brushstrokes, and placed unblended colors next to each other throughout their artwork. They were artists who were dissatisfied with Academic Art and opposed the Romantics idea that the main reason for art was to create emotional excitement for its viewers. Edgar Degas was one of these ‘rebels’ and one of the most prominent members of the group. Degas became known for his description of his subjects, which included depictions of ballet dancers and woman bathing which portrayed the ‘Impressionist’ label of experimental and vivid use of color. 1 As seen throughout many of his paintings, Degas consistently is seen to observe â€Å"laundresses, milliners and ballet dancers at work. 2 He employs in his artwork unusual perspectives and complex formal structures. His works, â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†and â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair†are two in particular pieces that are well-known and clearly depict the ‘Impressionist’ details of Degas. Both are very familiar in style, and in symbolism as well. â€Å"Dancers in Pin k and Green†and â€Å"Woman Combing her Hair†are two of hundreds of Degas pieces. They have significant similarities in style, mostly in part because they both reflect Impressionist artistic details. The charm of these two pictures are abstract- consisting in rhythm of light and shade, color and movement. Degas uses oil on canvas for â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green. †The vibrant colors, especially pink and green, are prominent in the painting and portray to the viewer a natural view of the ballerinas. The ballerinas appear natural and spontaneous rather than having a build up of composition with well-studied proportions and balance. Edgar Degas’ goal was to create a simple yet appealing image to the eye. Although Edgar Degas ignored details, revealed brushstrokes and placed unblended colors side by side, he still created a very realistic image of the ballerinas. If a viewer were to take a few steps back from the painting, the image itself seems to fall into place and seems real and intricate. His unusual perspectives and complex structures present in his artworks are also seen in his â€Å"Woman Combing her Hair. †Edgar Degas created â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair†with pastels on a light green wove paper. The pastels helped establish a simple in theme, but complex in structure, composition. He depended upon vivid colors and purposeful gestures in his paintings rather than precise lines. 3 These characteristics added to the depiction of the subject of the painting. As seen in the previous Dancer art piece, the natural image of a woman is portrayed, but in this case it is a woman combing her hair. There is no build up of composition with studied proportions or balance as well- it is an image merely of a naked woman combing her hair. â€Å"The animal being that takes care of himself, a cat that licks itself. Up to this moment, the nude has been presented in poses that had a public in mind; my women, on the other hand, are simple honest people who bother with nothing but the very caring of their bodies. †(Edgar Degas)4 This quote reflects upon his view as an Impressionist artist. He did not want to portray his women as fixed poses that are established to create an image of a typical woman’s stance in the public mind, but to just provide the audience with a natural woman performing the mere routines of caring for her body. Within the two paintings, Degas expressed and categorized these women according to their profession: whether they be dancers or regular women of the household. They represented specific types of individuals. 5 Although completely different in themes, both paintings relay a similar message that not only characterizes Degas’ paintings, but characterizes Degas himself. It is evident through the collection of his works that Edgar Degas has developed obsessions, especially with woman in different forms. In these two cases, the women are either dancers or are regular woman performing daily routines such as combing hair. He is a keen observer to women and has cultivated complete objectivity in his paintings for he catches complete natural spontaneous poses of his subjects. These poses were very controversial at the time because it ‘exposed’ women in an uncommon way- a nude portrayal of them just in the means of their home. It could be nterpreted that Degas took regular woman routines, and added sexual depictions to them on purpose so that from then on, a woman combing her hair could be then be imagined as a woman combing her hair naked. As seen in â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green,†Degas reveals a simple image of multiple dancers getting ready to perform, and one in-particular dancer is just staring at her feet while others are prep ping for the performance. This simple depiction has more complex meaning in that the dancers are typically portrayed dancing. However, in this case, Degas shows one of them just staring at her feet- not dancing yet. Dance depicts structure, form and predetermined actions- a contradiction to his ideal of natural spontaneous poses. In â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair,†the image is obviously simple- a woman performing a daily routine. This indicates clearly that Edgar Degas seems to pay much attention to women’s actions in detail. The ballet dancers and naked woman are like a film sequence of women in his collection. They are neither delirious or romantic figures, but instead are objects of obsessed study of their working movements and intimate daily activities. Both â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†and â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair†were painted to portray a very natural feel, as if the viewers have come upon the scene without the knowledge of the people engaged in it. Quality of unexpectedness and elasticity is evident, and this suits the expression of movement and life in the paintings. Every appears to not to be premeditated, but an instantaneous impression, unlike a camera because the action isn’t suspended- it retains elastic rhythm of moving life. Within these two pieces of art, Edgar Degas is seen to put emphasis on certain aspects. In the case of the ballet dancers, emphasis is placed on the dancers’ costumes through their vivid color and size in comparison to the dancers’ body. They seem to ‘stand-out’ from the body in the painting. Degas’ ballet dancers have no beauty in the face or grace of figure in an ordinary sense. Rather, the beauty of the painting is depicted through the vibrant unblended colors of the pink and green costumes. The colors of the costumes, although they are very visible, are simultaneously related to the background colors- the natural colors of the scenery in the painting. In â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair,†emphasis is prominently placed upon the the length and color of the woman’s hair. The painting is dominated by light colors such as light vibrant green, and the white rug and the soft skin tones; however, the hair seems to be the prominent feature of the image that catches the eye the most. It’s length and dark luscious color grab the viewers’ attention and draws them to the focus: the woman combing her hair. Like the ballet dancers in â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†Degas does not make an attempt to conceal the physical activity of this woman. Without seeing the woman’s face, it is difficult to identify her beauty for he has purposefully concealed it so that emphasis could be placed on the action and artistic expression rather than the details. This also applies to the â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†painting. This unusual angularity was common in many of Degas’ pieces- it was a distinct characteristic of his innovative composition. He received many of his ideas from Japanese Print Art- this type of art heavily influenced his paintings; and his paintings and art style has in-turn influenced the artists following him. Edgar Degas has made history in the art world. His paintings have influenced and affected many, and have also been an inspiration for the next generation of artists. He made a huge impact on the effect that Impression had on the public and was known for it. His art had harmonious representation- aesthetic moments fixed on the canvas. : E. de Goncourt Jamal said on February 13, 1874 in commentary to Degas’ first exhibition: â€Å"Up until now, he is the person who best represents in a modern form what may be called the soul. †6
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Brief On The Code Of Hammurabi Essay
, Research Paper Brief Look at the Code of Hammurabi In his place as King of Babylonia, Hammurabi managed to form the universe # 8217 ; s first codification of Torahs and set up Babylon as the dominant and successful Amorite metropolis of its clip. # 8220 ; Records written on clay tablets show that Hammurabi was a really capable decision maker and a successful warrior. His regulation spanned from 1792 BC to 1750 BC When he became king in 1792, he was still immature, but had already become entrusted with many official responsibilities in his disposal # 8221 ; ( Grolier ) . In the early old ages of his reign, Hammurabi largely participated in traditional activities, such as mending edifices, delving canals, and contending wars. Yet subsequently in his regulation, Hammurabi organized a alone codification of Torahs, the first of its sort, hence doing himself one of the universe # 8217 ; s most influential leaders. Hammurabi was chiefly influential to the universe because of his codification of Torahs. This codification consisted of 282 commissariats, consistently arranged under a assortment of topics. He sorted his Torahs into groups such as household, labour, personal belongings, existent estate, trade, and concern. This was the first clip in history that any Torahs had been categorized into assorted subdivisions. This format of organisation was emulated by civilisations of the hereafter. For illustration, Semitic cultures wining Hammurabi # 8217 ; s regulation used some of the same Torahs that were included in Hammurabi # 8217 ; s codification. Hammurabi # 8217 ; s method of idea is apparent in present twenty-four hours societies, which are influenced by his codification. Modern authoritiess presently create specific Torahs, which are placed into their appropriate household of similar Torahs. Hammurabi had his Torahs recorded upon an eight-foot high black rock memorial. Hammurabi based his codification on rules like, the strong should non wound the weak, and that penalty shou ld suit the offense. As for penalty, â€Å"legal actions were initiated under the codification by written pleadings ; testimony was taken under curse. The codification was terrible in its punishments, ordering â€Å"an oculus for an oculus, a tooth for a tooth†( Grolier ) . These codifications of Torahs were maintained by raising the authorization of the Gods and the province. Although the penalties were different than those of today, the authorization of the province ( authorities ) is similar. Presently, penalties are issued through the province # 8217 ; s jurisprudence enforcement system, comparable to the manner penalty was determined and enforced in ancient Babylon. In the codification, offenses punishable by decease required a test in forepart of a bench of Judgess. Included in these offenses were: bigamy, incest, snatch, criminal conversation and larceny. There were besides Torahs similar to today. For illustration, a hubby who wished to disassociate his married woman, was required to pay maintenance and child support. By making the universe # 8217 ; s first set of organized Torahs, Hammurabi constituted a theoretical account set of moral codifications for other civilisations to double. # 8220 ; The codification of Hammurabi is believed to hold greatly influenced the development of Near Eastern civilisations for centuries after it was written # 8221 ; ( Britannica ) . Although Hammurabi failed to set up an effectual bureaucratic system himself, his thoughts were successful in set uping Torahs in Babylonia. Since Babylon was the universe # 8217 ; s first city, the big population needed to be bound by a rigorous set of organized civil Torahs. The manner Hammurabi constructed his Torahs is influential to the universe today, because Torahs can be more easy understood by the people. Bibliography # 8220 ; Code of Hammurabi. # 8221 ; Encyclopedia Britannica ( 1989 ) , X, 682. # 8220 ; Hammurabi. # 8221 ; Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia ( 1994 ) . # 8220 ; Hammurabi. # 8221 ; Compton # 8217 ; s Encyclopedia ( 1990 ) , XI, 225.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Water Cycle Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Water Cycle - Assignment Example The water then return to the ground inform of liquid (rain) or solid (snow, sleet) precipitation. The water that results from the rain flows back into rivers as surface runoff and groundwater. The stages involved in the water cycle include evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff and groundwater flow. Evaporation occurs when the sun radiant energy heats up the water from the surface changing it into vapor. The vapor enters the atmosphere in a gaseous form. Transpiration is also part of the process whereby plants releases water through the leaves after intake in the roots. When both evaporation and transpiration occur, evapotranspiration emerges (Gardner, 2011). Evaporation acts as a purification process. The salty water from the sea or ocean evaporates into steam that is pure water. After the clouds form, the water drops from the atmosphere in form of rain, snow, hail or sleet in a process called precipitation. Clouds are an important part of the precipitation process because raindrops are the drops of the cloud that had condensed from vapor. As condensation adds more water to the cloud particles, gravity pulls them down which results into precipitation. When the rain hits the ground, much of the water infiltrates into the ground becoming groundwater. This will depend on the terrain where the rain drops. If the surface has more openings (cracks, joints), then more infiltration will occur. However, if the water does not infiltrate the soil, then it flows on the surface as runoff. The water flows into rivers that later empties back into the ocean and the whole water cycle begins again. UAE is a country with hyper-arid climate that is associated with high temperatures and infrequent irregular low rainfall. This means that it experiences high evaporation that lead to less rainfall and therefore low groundwater. The water cycle therefore does not favor much the country that meant that they had to
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Leadership ,management and informatics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Leadership ,management and informatics - Essay Example osed that the successful process seen in the centre be taken as a model for similar changes in departments and hospitals run by the NHS in the country. In the process the paper will review a wide range of theory and literature on change management. An appropriate process will be selected by taking relevant information from the literature and will be implemented in the ENT department. 2.0 The UK National Health Service: The sixty year old health system is recognized as one of the three pillars of the UK social policy, the second one being National Insurance and the third pillar comprising of â€Å"various forms of minimum provisions†(Merkel 2008, 54). The importance of this service can be seen from observing its core principles namely, meeting the health needs of every citizen based on clinical needs rather than the ability to pay. But these principles, though noble, were not seen as adequate by the organization and a new set of guiding principles were evolved in 2000 (NHS Core Principles 2009). Those changes are reviewed briefly, after which the rationale for the change as per this report will be given. A comprehensive range of services apart from treatment will be provided to the citizens and will include areas liked health information and disease prevention. The care will be extended to look after important needs of care givers and family members of patients. A continuous quality improvement program will be a part of the operational process of the organization. It will also increase its responsibility towards NHS staff members. The change management process provided in this process is primarily a part of the core guiding principles of the organization mentioned above. 3.0 Rationale for change: Change is often resorted to when the stakeholders are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs (Deek, McHugh & Eljabiri 2005, 213). The ENT centre in Liverpool consists of physicians, anaesthetists, surgeons, trainee assistant practitioners, and
Take Home Final Exam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Take Home Final Exam - Research Paper Example The limits of closeness are defined in one’s life through the relationships that were established. According to Marshall (2003), â€Å"a relationship is the mutual sharing of life between two or more persons†(p. 163). In explaining the nature of relationships, Marshall (2003) actually begun explaining the concept of mutuality, as a crucial facet in defining explicit contribution of knowledge, skills, or abilities to the interaction. One strongly believes that the aspect of mutuality and the class or category of the relationship would define the extent of closeness or intimacy that is applied. For instance, the classes of relationships, as discussed by Marshall (2003) distinguished between instrumental or cooperative, versus social or consummatory (p. 167). Likewise, the characteristics of relationships clearly included aspects of intimacy or closeness; and scope or extent (Marshall, 2003, p. 167). One is convinced that in social or consummatory relationships, there are more opportunities to establish greater intimacy and closeness. Interpersonal relationships that have been effectively established in one’s life include relationships with family members (parents and siblings), peers (friends and acquaintances), special loved ones (third parties who one developed close or intimate relationships with during one’s life span), and colleagues in the work setting. Within these relationships, one could assert leadership skills and related specifically defined limits of closeness, depending on the role in the relationship that is assumed. For instance, within the family circle, one could assume the role of an eldest sibling and therefore evidentenly assume a legitimate power by virtue of one’s position of birth. As such, one could exemplify leadership role as an authority in delegating tasks or in providing guidance and direction to the next siblings. Likewise, the limits of closeness in this type of social relationship is extended on ly insofar as familial bonds are established. Thus, as a sibling and a child to one’s parents, it is expected that there is a comfortable level of closeness where private information are assumed to be known and exchanged only within the members of the nuclear family. At the same token, despite sharing similar information regarding family matters or relevant issues concerning each family member, each member also expects a level of privacy and confidentiality that is still maintained. Thus, although a certain level of closeness and intimacy is a given fact within the family circle, there is still a limit to the closeness in terms of matters pertaining each of the member’s personal life. The role of relationships within the work setting is more challenging in terms of establishing and defining limits of closeness or intimacy. This concept was clearly explained by Marshall (2003) when he asserted that â€Å"leaders are therefore generally advised not to have personal frie nds among their congregation, because such friendships cause problems†(p. 173). Leaders or managers at work are expected to delineate their role as a superior to that of being a personal friend, for instance, to one or two of office colleagues. Any preferential attention or affectionate behavior manifested by the leader to a subordinate could be construed as an action of favoritism and is therefore a violation of the policy of avoiding conflicts of interests. Thus, there should be a limit to the closeness that is exhibited within a work environment to abide by the standards of professionalism, as well as conform to ethical, moral and legal standards. It was therefore appreciated from Marshall’s (2003) affirmation that â€Å"the question of intimacy in personal relationships can be something of a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Urban tourism and globalisation Literature review
Urban tourism and globalisation - Literature review Example Both rural and urban areas of cities all over the world have gained significant popularity in developing the tourism activities, but urban tourism has gained much more popularity compared to rural tourism because of greater social, cultural and economic development of these areas (Bourgeois et al., 1999, p.92). In modern times urban tourism is treated as a commodity and urban areas possess relative competitive advantage over rural areas and suburbs in terms of development of the market for the commodity and also for the development of the demand for the commodity. According to Fainstein, â€Å"the most important group of travelers economically are those traveling on business, since these travelers spend the most. Globalization has greatly increased business travel, despite telecommunications, because decentralized production and outsourcing makes travel a necessity†(Fainstein, 2007, p.1). This paper is aimed at describing a literature review of the aspect of urban tourism and globalisation of this particular form of tourism. This paper provides a case study of the notion of urban tourism and its interaction with the notion of globalisation. According to Page and Connell (2006, p.414), tourism can be described as most important aspect in the development of entertainment and entertainment of people who want to know and understand various cultural, social as well as various economic aspects of all the countries of the world. The notion of urban tourism has been developed with the overall development of various areas of countries across the globe. In this context the notion of urban tourism has been described by Page and Connell (2006, p.414) as a notion that possesses a competitive advantage over the development of tourism activities of rural areas of these countries of the world. However, according to Tipuric (2010, pp.5-6), this is not only because urban areas has been
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The marketing mix promotions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The marketing mix promotions - Essay Example (Lucas) One way to cope with situation is to constantly innovate and innovate fast with balanced business strategy with right mix of buyers both giant retailers to the small corner shops. (Byrnes, Berner and Zellner). Simply, if we take an example of detergents, they were largely promoted and viewed as commodities used for the cleaning purposes however the new paradigm shifts in the industry forced giants like P&G to look for more innovative ways of promoting largely popular brands like Tide. The new demands from the consumers, P&G through innovative promotional activities remodeled the same and Tide was projected something which provides an opportunity to be a good mother or good father or good wife. I believe the idea of enhancing and brushing up the bond between the commodity and its immediate users is not the case as Revlon since long has been promoting that they are selling hope rather than cosmetics therefore the idea that the bond between the end user of the goods and the bran d itself is not new. I therefore, believe that the positioning your brand as a proponent of generating the rarefied position of the brand to the level where it become almost a generic product with emotional attachment of users. Having defined the position that the Through Tide, P&G is rather selling an opportunity to be a good wife, good mother or father, I believe that this further necessitate a different approach towards the promotional activities which P&G use to employ in the past. Since Internet is now taking over the place of traditional advertisement channels therefore a more focused approach is required to direct promotional activities to the internet. As the presupposition that the brands must speak to the consumers eye to eye rather than just focusing on what product can do for you therefore promotional activities for media should be focusing more on building up rapport between the consumers and products
Monday, September 23, 2019
Utilization Management Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Utilization Management Programs - Essay Example Services did become better coordinated at the CMHC level, but the responsibility for negotiating the service system and compliance of the treatment remained with the client. Specific case management service guidelines vary somewhat as the individual states' interpretation and implementation of federal mandates differs. The needs and resources of a large inner-city population vary considerably from those of a rural community. A clear and consistent service definition has not been reached, and there is no consensus on what does and what does not constitute case management. Some people describe case management as purely a brokering or linkage function while others include comprehensive skill teaching and support in addition to service linkage. Controversy also exists regarding who can best provide the service: nonprofessionals, specified mental health professionals, or a combination of both in a team approach. Consumer case management, in which clients or consumer sin the mental health system act as case manager aides for those with less functional ability, is also being undertaken The initial case management evaluation period is typically 30 days, during which it is desirable to gain as complete a picture as possible of the client's past and current functioning. The case manager must evaluate the client's status, needs, and goals in each of the following areas: mental health, physical health, financial status, housing, living skills, leisure, vocational and educational activities, and availability of a support system. Because case management is designed to address the broad range of a client's needs for maintaining satisfactory and stable community living, the initial evaluation phase is critical in identifying existing resources, skills, and strengths, as well as service and support needs and skill deficits. The overall goal of case management is help maintain the client's quality of life in the least restrictive community environment possible: therefore, evaluation data should assist the case manager in identifying factors that may have resulted in either the client's successes or failures in the past. Service Plan Development The service plan is the case management equivalent of the treatment plan as used in traditional inpatient or outpatient setting. It identifies the client's goals and objectives for a specified time period, typically a six-month time period, and it must be updated at least that often, or as necessary, as goals are achieved or are deemed inappropriate or unrealistic at any point during that period. The format of the service plan varies, but generally it identifies the client's goals and the client's case management objectives and service activities for achieving each one. Because services are individualized, the number of goals appearing on the plan at any one time will vary. It is important to be realistic and set no more goals than can be accomplished within a given time period. It is preferable to state the client's goals in his or her own words. Objectives must be measurable, have projected time frames, and be consistent with evaluation results and client goals. They should be realistic and broken down as necessary into tasks deemed achievable for the particular client. Placement Services Case management placement assistance may be defines as any support provided to the client
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Personal factors Essay Example for Free
Personal factors Essay Factors that affect the personal influences will be the age and stage at the life cycle, lifestyle, occupation, economic status, and personality (Bowens,et al, 2003). Marketers usually target a certain lifecycle stage or a certain age bracket for their products. Like Disney movies, merchandise, television shows which are usually targeting children and teenagers. However as the individual mature so are the buying preferences. Once a person acquires a job some purchases are shaped by that job like clothing, personal articles like bags and shoes. Also these purchases will be further fashioned by the income the person gets from the job. Some companies make their product income-sensitive by offering the same product in a different packaging or smaller size budget packs to be able to fit in certain income brackets (Marketing – Consumer 2008). Marketers are also concerned with how money and time are used by consumers or their lifestyle. This is to be able to know how to favorably present their product to their target consumers. Moreover, the personality of the person also comes into play in purchasing products. Usually, personality is how others perceive the person in socialization with them. However individuas also have their own version of personality called self-concept. This self-concept could be the same or different from the opinion of others. Advertisers use this idea in selling high-end cars to middle class consumers who wanted to project luxury (Principles of Marketing 2008). 2. 5. 4 Psychological Factors Motivation, perception, learning and attitude are the psychological factors that marketers look into to be able to develop better advertisements for their target consumers. Every person has needs that need to be fulfilled. These needs will transform into motives when the need becomes a powerful force that will compel a person to act (Consumer Behavior 2008). There are several theories about human needs but the most common is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. Figure 3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Source: Chapman, 1995 According to this theory each need is hierarchical. One must fulfill the lower need before moving to the higher level. In addition if the reason for fulfillment of the lower need is gone the individual will not have the reason to satisfy the higher needs. For instance, a worker who is sick (safety needs) is not expected to perform well (esteem needs) (Chapman 1995). Now that the consumer is motivated to act upon the need his/her perception how he/she will act. Through perception a person creates an image of the world in his/her mind. This concept is essential to face-face transactions (Bowens, et al. 2003). Take for instance a salesman who speaks slowly and stutter, he could be perceive by the customer as someone is not an authority to the product and could lose the sale. Through our actions we experience the world and through these actions we learn. A person learns from past experiences or through thinking and things that we learn could modify our behavior or actions (Consumer Behavior 2008). Actions with positive outcome are usually repeated – repeat purchases – while actions with negative outcome are not (Marketing – Consumer). As this process cycle, doing and learning, individuals develop beliefs and attitudes. Beliefs are ideas about something that an individual holds as the truth (Marketing – Consumer 2008). While attitude is the constant position of an individual about a certain object or idea (Bowens, et al 2003). Companies use these concepts to be able to develop brand images based on consumers’ beliefs toward the company. Then try to fit the product to the consumer’s attitude rather than changing it.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Identification of Plant Material: Corallocarpus Epigaeus L
Identification of Plant Material: Corallocarpus Epigaeus L 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS 6.1 Collection The plant material was collected from the Tirupati, Andhra pradesh, India in the month of February 2014. The plant taxonomical authenticated by Prof; Dr. K. Madhava chetty, Department of Botany, SV University, Tirupati. The voucher specimen of Corallocarpus epigaeus L has been preserved in our laboratory for further collection and reference. Chemicals Various reagents like Mayer’s reagent, Wagner’s reagent, Hager’s reagent, Dragendroff’s reagent, ÃŽ ± napthol solution, Fehlings solution A B, Barfoeds reagent, Millons reagent, Ninhydrins solution, cuso4, ethanol 95%, potassium hydroxide, concentrated HNO3, pyridine, sodium nitroprusside, sodium picrate, concentrated HNO3, pyridine, sodium nitroprusside, sodium picrate, concentrated H2SO4, Glacial acetic acid, Ferric chloride, Ammonium hydroxide solution, Potassium dichromate solution, Thionyl chloride solution, Phenolpthalein, Chloroform, etc. were received from standard suppliers to Dept of Pharmacology, SIPS-Proddatur. 6.1.1 Preparation of Whole Plant ethanolic extract of Corallocarpus epigaeus L The fresh leaves of Corallocarpus epigaeus L. The sieved powder was stored in airtight container and kept at room temperature for further study. The dried powdered material (250gm) was extracted with 95% ethanol using soxhlet apparatus for about 72hours. Figure no 12: SOXHLET APPARATUS DISTILLATION APPARATUS After extraction with solvent, the marc was dried in hot air oven below 50o c and was concentrated by distilling off the solvent and evaporating to dryness. The dried extract was subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening for detection of various phytoconstituents. 6.1.2 Qualitative Phytochemical Analysis74 The ethanolic extract Corallocarpus epigaeus L was subjected to various analytical tests in order to identify various phytoconstituents. Test for Alkaloids Mayer’s test To 1 ml of the extract, a drop or two drop of Mayer’s reagent was added by the side of test tube. Appearance of a white or creamy precipitate indicates presence of alkaloids. Wagner’s Test To 1 ml of the extract, few drops of Wagner’s reagent was added. Development of reddish brown colour indicates the presence of alkaloids. Hager’s Test To the 1 ml of the extract, few drops of Hager’s reagent was added. A prominent yellow colour indicates the test as positive. Dragendroff’s Test To the 1 ml of the extract, few drop of Dragendroff’s reagent was added. A prominent yellow colour indicates the test as positive. Test for Carbohydrates Benedict’s Test To 5 ml of Benedict’s reagent, 1 ml of the extract solution was added and boiled for 2 minute and cooled. Formation of red precipitate shows the presence of carbohydrates. Molisch’s Test To 2 ml of extract, two drops of alcoholic solution of ÃŽ ±-naphthol was added and shaken well. Later 1 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid was added slowly along the side of the test tubes and allowed to stand. A violet ring indicates the presence of carbohydrates. Fehling’s Test To 1 ml of the extract, add equal quantity of Fehling solution A and B were added. Appearance of red precipitate indicates the presence of sugars. Barfoed’s Test To 2 ml of the extract, 2 ml of Barfoed reagent was added and mixed well. It was heated for 1-2 minute in boiling water bath and cooled. Formation of red precipitate Indicates the presence of sugars. Test for Protein and Amino Acids Million’s Test To 2 ml of the extract, few drops of Million reagent was added. A white precipitate Indicates the presence of proteins. Ninhydrin Test To the 2 ml of the extract, two drops of Ninhydrin solution was added. A characteristic purple color indicates the presence of amino acids, proteins and peptides. Biurett Test To 1 ml of the extract, one or two drop of 1% copper sulphate solution was added and tothis 1 ml of ethanol (95%) was added, followed by excess of potassium hydroxide pellets. The pink layer in ethanolic layer indicates the presence of proteins. Xanthoprotein Test To 1 ml of the extract, add 1 ml of concentrated Nitric acid was added resulting in the formation of a white precipitate which is then boiled and cooled. Then 20% sodium hydroxide in ammonia was added. Orange colour indicates the presence of aromatic amino acids. Test for Glycosides Legal’s Test 2 ml of extract was dissolved in the solution of pyridine. Then sodium nitroprusside was added, to make it alkaline. The change in the colour from yellow to orange was not observed, which indicates the presence of glycosides. Baljet’s Test To 1 ml of the extract, 1 ml of sodium picrate solution was added. The colour from yellow to orange reveals the presence of glycosides. Borntrager’s Test To 1 ml of extract, few ml of sulphuric acid was added, boiled, filtered and extracted with chloroform. The chloroform layer was than treated with few ml of ammonia. The formation of red colour indicates the presence shows the presence of anthraquinone glycosides. Keller Killani Test The extract was dissolved in acetic acid containing traces of ferric chloride and was transferred to a test tube containing sulphuric acid. At the junction, the formation of reddish brown colour, which gradually turns to blue, confirms the presence of glycosides. Test for Flavonoids Shinoda Test To 1 ml of extract, magnesium turnings was added and 1-2 drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid was added drop wise. Formation of pink to crimson colour indicates the presence of flavonoids. Alkaline reagent Test The aqueous solution of the extract was treated with 10% ammonium hydroxide solution. Yellow fluorescence indicates the presence of flavonoids. Tests for Tannins and Phenolic compounds Ferric chloride Test To 1 ml of the extract, add few drops of neutral 5% ferric chloride solution. Formation of dark greenish colour shows the presence of phenolic compounds. To the extract add potassium dichromate solution, formation of a precipitate shows the presence of tannins and phenolic compounds. Test for Triterpenoids Two or three granules of tin metal were added to thionyl chloride solution present in a test tube. Later 1 ml of extract solution was added. The formation of pink colour indicates the presence of triterpenoids. Test for Saponins The 1 ml of the extract was diluted with distilled water and the volume was made up to 20 ml. The suspension was shaken in a graduated cylinder for 15 minutes. Appearance of foam indicates the presence of saponins. Tests for Fixed Oil Spot test A small quantity of the extract was pressed between two filter papers. Appearance of oily stain on the presence of fixed oils. Saponification Test A few drops of 0.5 N alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution was added to a small quantity of extract along with a drop of phenolphthalein. The mixture was heated on water bath for 2 hrs. Formation of the soap or partial neutralization of alkali indicates the presence of fixed oil. Tests for Steroids Libermann Buchard Test 1ml of the extract was dissolved in 2 ml of chloroform in a dry test tube. 10 drops of acetic anhydride and 2 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid was added to it. The solution turns to red, then blue and finally bluish green, indicating the presence of steroids. Salkowski Test The extract was dissolved in chloroform the extract in chloroform and equal volume of concentrated sulphuric acid was added. Formation of bluish red to cherry red colour in chloroform layer and green fluorescence observed acid indicates the presence of steroids. 6.2 INVITRO ANTICANCER ACTIVITY Cell Lines COLO 320 cell lineswere obtained from sugen Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Tirupati and cultured in RPMI 1640 medium (Difco, invitrogen corp, Canada). General information74 Organism Homo sapiens, human Tissue Colon Product Format Frozen Morphology Cells are rounded and refractile Culture Properties Loosely adherent, multicell aggregates Biosafety Level 1 Disease DukestypeC,colorectaladenocarcinomas Age 55 years Gender Female Ethnicity Caucasian Storage Condition Liquid nitrogen vapor phase GenesExpressed Serotonin,norepinephrine,epinephrine,Adreno Cortico Tropic Hormone (ACTH), parathyroid hormone. Tumorigenic effectsYes, in nude mice CommentsCells are weakly positive for keratins Culture Method The base medium for this cell line is formulated RPMI-1640 Medium. 6.2.1 Tryphan Blue dye Exclusion Assay Method75 Table 5: List of instruments Table 6: List of Chemicals Experimental Design The designed study consists of three groups viz: Negitive control, Control, Test. In the Negative control group the cell lines were incubated with the medium for a period of 24 hours. This group was designed to rule out the possibility of any growth inhibitory effect of certain compounds of medium. The control group was designed to rule out the effect of any residual or traces of solvent with which the extract was prepared on the growth inhibition of cell lines. Here the solvent employed was ethanol and hence it is added at the concentration of 0.1% (v/v) in distilled water. In test group different concentrations of test extract i.e, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 µg/ml are incubated with colo 320 cell lines for a period of 24 hours. This group was used to study the effect on cell line viability. Table7: Experimental Design to Study the Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Corallocarpus epigaeus L on colo 320 Cell Line Viability by Tryphan Blue Assay Procedure 1. An aliquot of cell suspension being tested for viability was centrifuged for 5 min andsupernatant was discarded. The size of the aliquot depends on the approximate number of cells present. The aliquot is taken such that it contained a convenient number of cells to count in a haemocytometer when suspended in 1 ml PBS and then diluted again by mixing with 0.4% Tryphan blue (e.g., 5 Ãâ€"105 cells/ml). 2. The cell pellet was resuspended in 1 ml PBS or serum free complete medium. Serum proteins stain with Tryphan blue and can produce misleading results. Hence determinations must be made in serum-free solution. 3. Mix 1 part of 0.4% Tryphan blue and 1 part cell suspension (dilution of cells) cells were mixed and allowed to incubate at room temperature for approximately 3 minutes, Cells were counted within 3 to 5 min of mixing with Tryphan blue, as longer incubation periods will lead to cell death and reduced viability counts. Mixing was performed in a well of a microtiter plate or a small plastic tube using 10 to20  µl each of cell suspension and Tryphan blue. 4. A drop of the Tryphan blue/cell mixture was applied on to haemocytometer. The haemocytometer on the stage of a binocular microscope and cells were focused clearly. 5. The no. of unstained (viable) and stained (nonviable) cells were counted separately in the haemocytometer. Seeding of Cells COLO 320 cells were cultured to reach the 80-90% confluency using RPMI 1640 medium. After reaching the desired confluency, culture was collected and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes to get cell pellet. The pellet was resuspended in 1ml of fresh culture media. Cell concentration was determined by Tryphan blue assay was performed by mixing 50  µlitres of culture and 50  µlitres of 0.4% tryphan blue dye. Finally cells seeded in 24 well plates at the concentration 10000 cells/ml and incubated at 5% co2 incubator at 370 c for 24 hours. Drug Treatment Cells were maintained in 24 well plates in triplicate for every concentration, and treated with different concentrations of (10, 25, 50, 75, 100 µgm). Corallocarpus epigaeus L, test compound and control groups were treated with medium and ethanol. The treated cells were incubated for 24 hours in 5% co2 incubator at 370c. Invitro Cytotoxic Assay After 24 hours incubation the cells were collected from each well in eppendroffs and centrifuged at 3000rpm for 10 min to get cell pellet, to the pellet 50 µlit of each medium and tryphan blue was added and mixed well to suspend the pellet. Cytotoxicity was screened by performing tryphan blue assay. Percent of growth inhibition was calculated by using the following formula 6.2.2 Micro Culture Tetrazolium Assay76 Plant Material Used: Whole plant ethanolic extract of Corallocarpus epigaeus L. Principle This assay is based on the capacity of mitochondria succinate dehydrogenase enzymes in living cells to reduce the yellow coloured watersolublesubstrate3(4,5dimethylthiazolyl)2,5diphenyltetrazoliumbromideintoaninsolublepurplecolouredformazanproductwhosecolouredismeasuredbymeansofELISAreaderat540nm.Onlyviablecellswithactivemitochondria reducesignificant amountsof MTT, since reduction of MTT can only occur in metabolically active cells. Figure 13: Reduction of MTT to a formazan compound by mitochondrial Enzymes Cell Lines Human colorectal adenocarcinoma- colo 320were obtained by sugen Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Tirupati from an authenticated supplier. Stock culture of these cell lines were cultured in RPMI -1640 with 10% inactivated newborn bovine serum, Penicillin (100 IU/ml), Streptomycin (100 µg/ml)) under humidified. The cells were dissociated in 0.2% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA in phosphate buffered saline solution. The stock culture was grown in 25cm 2 tissue culture flasks and cytotoxicity experiments were carried out in 96 well microtiter plates. Procedure Cell lines in the exponential growth phase were selected, washed, trypsinized and suspended in complete culture media i.e, RPMI 1640. The microtiter plates and incubated for 24hrs during which a partial monolayer was formed. They were then exposed to various concentrations of the extract (1-100 µg/ml). Control wells received only the maintenance medium. The plates were incubated at 37 °C and 48 hrs and cells were periodically checked for granularity, shrinkage and swelling. After 48 hrs, the sample solution in wells was flicked off and 50 µl of MTT dye was added to each well. The plates were gently shaken and incubated for 4 hrs at 370C in 5%CO2 incubator. The supernatant was removed and 50  µl of DMSO was added. The plates were gently shaken to solubilise the formed formazan. The absorbance was measured at 540nm. The percentage of growth inhibition was calculated using the following formula, Values of absorbance were converted into percentage of residual viability. Usually the Inhibition concentration 50% (IC50) is chosen as the best biological marker of cytotoxicity. The IC50 value represents the concentration of the test extracts that reduced 50% of cell inhibition. Statistical analysis Statistical evaluation of data was done by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test on viability using computer based fitting program (Prism graph pad prism version 6.03) statistical significance was set at p,0.05. IC50 was calculated by linear interpolation method using the formula IC50 = Ãâ€"(D-C)+C Where A = The first point on the curve, expressed in percent inhibition, that is less than 50% B = The first point on the curve, expressed in percent inhibition, that is greater than or equal to 50% C = The concentration of inhibitor that gives A% inhibition D = The concentration of inhibitor that gives B % inhibition
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Twelfth Night Essay: Olivias Denial -- Twelfth Night essays
   After first reading Twelfth Night I was puzzled at Olivia's denial of Orsino's hand in marriage and her subsequent desire for Cesario. After considerable thought and research, I intend to propose and support the argument that Olivia is not being simply "coy" towards Orsino, nor does she desire Cesario because he/she is attracted to him/her. She denies Orsino because of her refusal to marry a man of higher rank and desires to marry Cesario because he is a man of lower rank. Olivia wants to give the impression that her mourning of her brother's death doesn't allow for the admittance of suitors. In the opening scene, Valentine says that Olivia "shall not behold her face at ample view" (1.1.27) because she "desires to season a brother's dead love" (1.1.31). Feste knows that mourning is the not real reason for her refusal to marry Orsino.  Clown: Good madonna, why mourn'st thou? Olivia: Good fool, for my brother's death. Clown: I think his soul is in hell, madonna. Olivia: I know his soul is in heaven, fool. Clown: The more fool, madonna, to mourn for your brother's soul, being in heaven. Take away the fool, gentlemen. (1.1.64-70)  Feste shows Olivia the foolish nature of mourning over her brother's death since he is in hea... ...t that Olivia may have a lesbian tendeny because she is attracted to Cesario (who is really a woman) is rendered less plausible.  Works Cited David, R. W., ed. The Arden Shakespeare: Love's Labour's Lost. London: Methuen, 1951. Erasmus, Desiderius. In Praise of Folly. Trans. Hoyt Hopewell Hudson, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1970. McDonald, Russ. The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare: An Introduction with Documents. New York: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The Norton Shakespeare. Edited Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.
My Antonia Essay: The Role of Women -- My Antonia Essays
The Role of Women in My Antonia     In her novel, My Antonia, Cather represents the frontier as a new nation. Blanche Gelfant notes that Cather "creat[ed] images of strong and resourceful women upon whom the fate of a new country depended" . This responsibility, along with the "economic productivity" Gilbert and Gubar cite (173), reinforces the sense that women hold a different place in this frontier community than they would in the more settled areas of America.      One manner in which this unusual place can be seen is in the women's privileged relationship to the land in the text. While Jim Burden attends school, it is Antonia who shapes and works the new land that the pioneers inhabit, going "from farm to farm" to fill the need for agricultural hands (111). While Otto and Jake fill this need early in the text, it is predominantly Antonia's cultivation of the land that is followed throughout the remainder of the text. Similarly, the concrete contributions of the "hired girls" stand in pointed contrast to the invisible and/or passive employment of male characters such as Mr. Harling.      In the same way, Jim recognizes that it is the "hired girls" like Antonia who will form the backbone of the society when the next generation comes: "the girls who once worked in Black Hawk kitchens are to-day [sic] managing big farms and fine families of their own; their children are better off than the children of the women they used to serve" (150-1). These assertions--of the women's direct involvement of the development of the region, both agriculturally and socially--highlight an important point: "it is insufficient to think of nationalism affecting gender in a one-way relationship" (Walby 237). In other words,... ...Own: Attitudes Toward Women in Willa Cather's Short Fiction." Modern Fiction Studies 36:1 (Spring 1990): 81-89. Mosse, George. Nationalism and Sexuality: Respectability and Abnormal Sexuality in Modern Europe. New York: Howard Fertig, Inc., 1985. Ryan, Maureen. "No Woman's Land: Gender in Willa Cather's One of Ours." Studies in American Fiction 18 (Spring 1990): 65-75. Summers, Claude J. "'A Losing Game in the End': Aestheticism and Homosexuality in Cather's 'Paul's Case.'" Modern Fiction Studies 36:1 (Spring 1990): 103-119. Walby, Sylvia. "Woman and Nation." Mapping the Nation. ed. Gopal Balakrishnan. New York: Verso, 1996. 235-254. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. London: Hogarth Press Ltd., 1938. Wussow, Helen. "Language, Gender, and Ethnicity in Three Fictions by Willa Cather." Women and Language 18 (Spring 1995): 52-5.    My Antonia Essay: The Role of Women -- My Antonia Essays The Role of Women in My Antonia     In her novel, My Antonia, Cather represents the frontier as a new nation. Blanche Gelfant notes that Cather "creat[ed] images of strong and resourceful women upon whom the fate of a new country depended" . This responsibility, along with the "economic productivity" Gilbert and Gubar cite (173), reinforces the sense that women hold a different place in this frontier community than they would in the more settled areas of America.      One manner in which this unusual place can be seen is in the women's privileged relationship to the land in the text. While Jim Burden attends school, it is Antonia who shapes and works the new land that the pioneers inhabit, going "from farm to farm" to fill the need for agricultural hands (111). While Otto and Jake fill this need early in the text, it is predominantly Antonia's cultivation of the land that is followed throughout the remainder of the text. Similarly, the concrete contributions of the "hired girls" stand in pointed contrast to the invisible and/or passive employment of male characters such as Mr. Harling.      In the same way, Jim recognizes that it is the "hired girls" like Antonia who will form the backbone of the society when the next generation comes: "the girls who once worked in Black Hawk kitchens are to-day [sic] managing big farms and fine families of their own; their children are better off than the children of the women they used to serve" (150-1). These assertions--of the women's direct involvement of the development of the region, both agriculturally and socially--highlight an important point: "it is insufficient to think of nationalism affecting gender in a one-way relationship" (Walby 237). In other words,... ...Own: Attitudes Toward Women in Willa Cather's Short Fiction." Modern Fiction Studies 36:1 (Spring 1990): 81-89. Mosse, George. Nationalism and Sexuality: Respectability and Abnormal Sexuality in Modern Europe. New York: Howard Fertig, Inc., 1985. Ryan, Maureen. "No Woman's Land: Gender in Willa Cather's One of Ours." Studies in American Fiction 18 (Spring 1990): 65-75. Summers, Claude J. "'A Losing Game in the End': Aestheticism and Homosexuality in Cather's 'Paul's Case.'" Modern Fiction Studies 36:1 (Spring 1990): 103-119. Walby, Sylvia. "Woman and Nation." Mapping the Nation. ed. Gopal Balakrishnan. New York: Verso, 1996. 235-254. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. London: Hogarth Press Ltd., 1938. Wussow, Helen. "Language, Gender, and Ethnicity in Three Fictions by Willa Cather." Women and Language 18 (Spring 1995): 52-5.   Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Just War and Pacifism Essay -- War Pacifism Peace Essays
The question "Can war be justified?" plagued mankind since the first war. The Just War Theory holds that war can be just. The theory has evolved for thousands of years and modern theorists, such as Michael Walzer, author of Just and Unjust Wars, puts forth criteria for a just war, such as jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Jus ad bellum includes reasons for going to war, and jus in bello deals with the people who wage war. The criteria in jus ad bellum include; just cause, declaration by a proper authority, right intention, a reasonable chance of success, the end proportional to the means, and war as a last resort. Jus in bello includes keeping innocents outside the field of war, and limiting the amount of force used. Just War Theorists hold that all of these criteria must be followed for a war to be just. I will analyze The Just War Theories most debated arguments, self-defense, pre-emptive strikes, and the killing of innocents. In the second half of this paper, I will briefly explain Pacifism, and provide a counter argument for each Just War argument. Walzer includes self-defense in the just cause section of jus ad bellum. Walzer holds that states have the right of self-defense by making an analogy to individual rights. He contends that individuals have the right to self-defense. From this he infers that states also have that right of self-defense. Walzer's inference is based on the logic that the state is a collection of individuals. He reasons that individuals cannot defend against an invading army, the military is a tool that the state uses to defend itself and it's way of life. The right of self-defense for states also is justified by the premise that it is the duty of the government to protect the people. John Locke'... for a more perfect world rather than give up and accept hatred and death. Works Consulted Clark, Mark. The Paradox of War and Pacifism. ULeadership. 7 Oct 2002. <> Holmes, Robert. On War and Morality. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. Moseley, Alex. Just War Theory. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 3 Oct. 2002. <>. Moseley, Alex. Pacifism. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 3 Oct. 2002. <>. Orend, Brian. War. Stanford Enyclopedia of Philosophy. 5 Oct 2002. <> Teichman, Jenny. Pacifism and the Just War. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1986. Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. New York: Basic Books, 1977. Just War and Pacifism Essay -- War Pacifism Peace Essays The question "Can war be justified?" plagued mankind since the first war. The Just War Theory holds that war can be just. The theory has evolved for thousands of years and modern theorists, such as Michael Walzer, author of Just and Unjust Wars, puts forth criteria for a just war, such as jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Jus ad bellum includes reasons for going to war, and jus in bello deals with the people who wage war. The criteria in jus ad bellum include; just cause, declaration by a proper authority, right intention, a reasonable chance of success, the end proportional to the means, and war as a last resort. Jus in bello includes keeping innocents outside the field of war, and limiting the amount of force used. Just War Theorists hold that all of these criteria must be followed for a war to be just. I will analyze The Just War Theories most debated arguments, self-defense, pre-emptive strikes, and the killing of innocents. In the second half of this paper, I will briefly explain Pacifism, and provide a counter argument for each Just War argument. Walzer includes self-defense in the just cause section of jus ad bellum. Walzer holds that states have the right of self-defense by making an analogy to individual rights. He contends that individuals have the right to self-defense. From this he infers that states also have that right of self-defense. Walzer's inference is based on the logic that the state is a collection of individuals. He reasons that individuals cannot defend against an invading army, the military is a tool that the state uses to defend itself and it's way of life. The right of self-defense for states also is justified by the premise that it is the duty of the government to protect the people. John Locke'... for a more perfect world rather than give up and accept hatred and death. Works Consulted Clark, Mark. The Paradox of War and Pacifism. ULeadership. 7 Oct 2002. <> Holmes, Robert. On War and Morality. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. Moseley, Alex. Just War Theory. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 3 Oct. 2002. <>. Moseley, Alex. Pacifism. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 3 Oct. 2002. <>. Orend, Brian. War. Stanford Enyclopedia of Philosophy. 5 Oct 2002. <> Teichman, Jenny. Pacifism and the Just War. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1986. Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. New York: Basic Books, 1977.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Music Copying Essay
Everyone should admit that he or she, at one point or another, has copied music or movies from TVs or downloaded music and videos from the internet. Everyone knows it is illegal and wrong ethically, but very few follow the regulations that outline the practice to be illegal (Moore). Artists have licensed and copy righted their music and videos and when individuals go ahead and copy to be their own for selling it is overtly illegal and unethical. It is possible for one to borrow a CD and enjoy the music. Upon finishing up with it; he or she should return the CD. However, most individuals go ahead and copy the music into their computers, for their own or in sometimes making copies of music CDs and selling them. This adds to pain to the music producers and even artists themselves. The artists and the music producers go at a loss since the music they produce and intend to sell end up going to waste and cannot be compensated for their efforts (Moore). The main reason why people do these activities is because they see it being done by someone else. When a friend sees another copying music into his or her computer, he or she also wants to have a copy of the same music. They do these not knowing what impact they are causing to the real owners of the music. Another reason why people copy other people’s music without permission is because they know the real owners of this music are so far from them. Therefore, they know that even if they copy their music, the owners will not catch up with them so as to sue them (Moore). Generally, copying of music is a global problem and it has been a great challenge to the artists and producers. This is because before they sell the music to the customers, most of the music consumers will already be having these songs with them. This has been blamed on technology since once the music has been produced, it is uploaded in the internet and some cyber pirates go ahead and download the music, to sell it at a lower price than the real price. Governments have tried their best to control these actions of music piracy but it has never been successful. The solution of music piracy lies in individual behavior and discipline. Work Cited Moore, Charles W. Is music piracy stealing? Applelinks, August 8 2003. Web: July 16, 2010 from http://www. applelinks. com/mooresviews/pirate. shtml
Monday, September 16, 2019
Impact Of The Latest Advances In Technology On Recruitment And Selection
ABSTRACT In the face of a new era of downsizing, garnering of qualified workforce remains a key organizational goal. A commonly held view among the human resource managers is that the human resources are the most important assets of an organization and that they offer the only non-imitative competitive edge. As the point of entry, the process of recruitment and selection of employees plays a crucial role in enhancing the success and survival of the organization in the extremely competitive and turbulent business environment. This paper explores on how the latest advances in technology have impacted on the process of recruitment and selection of employees. Different aspects of the use of new technology will be examined including internet based recruitment, telephone and video conferencing, computer based testing and IVR or Automated telephone interviewing. This will include an overview of the potential advantages as well as challenges arising with the use of each wave of technology. INTRODUCTION In the face of a new era of downsizing, garnering of qualified workforce remains a key organizational goal (Bauer 2004). As the point of entry, the process of recruitment and selection of employees plays a crucial role in enhancing the success and survival of the organization in the extremely competitive and turbulent business environment. Traditionally, the recruitment and selection process relied on fairly low-tech methods such as employee referrals and newspaper ads, in locating and attracting qualified candidates (Lievens, 2002). Successful job seeking included frequenting the local job center (Lievens, 2002). This has however changed over the past few decades as a result of advances in technology. The recruitment process, just like all other business functions, has become increasingly tied to technology (Lievens, 2002). The common practice of mailing applications and waiting to be called for an interview via a phone call has been trumped by technological advances which have eased communication. Technological advances such as internet-based recruitment and candidate assessment, computer-based testing, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), telephone and video-based interviews among other information technologies are now increasingly being used in recruiting and selecting qualified candidates (Chapman & Webster 2003). In this paper, we examine how the latest advances in technology have impacted on the process of recruitment and selection of employees. The following sections will explore on these technological advances, in particular, how they are impacting on recruitment and selection process. This will include an overview of the potential advantages as well as challenges arising with the use of each wave of technology. We begin by exploring on internet based recruitment, which involves recruitment via the web.a. INTERNET BASED RECRUITMENTThe most popular ways through which advances in technology have significantly impacted on recruitment and selection is through the internet. Organizations are increasingly making use of the internet technology, particularly the World Wide Web, as a platform for testing and recruiting potential candidates (Baron & Austin, 2000). Social networking websites, software and online job boards has helped in linking applicants to hiring professionals with focus on knowled ge, skills and abilities (Baron & Austin, 2000). Social networking sites such as LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, and hold millions of jobs and resumes in their databases (Neil 2003). These professional networking sites play a significant role in the process of recruitment and selection. LinkedIn, for example, is used as a business-oriented social networking site whereby applicants are linked with the employers. LinkedIn is widely used globally as a professional network service and has currently 90 million users (Neil 2003). It is currently valued at over $2.51 billion USD and operates in more than 200 countries (Neil 2003). Advances in technology have indeed shaped the process of recruitment and selection. Online ads are now the lead recruitment methods employed by employers. Recruitment and selection via the web has enabled the employers to build a ‘talent pool’ of qualified candidates and lessen their reliance on conventional print media (Thompson et al., 2008). This has led to significant cost savings as employers lessen their reliance on recruitment agencies (Thompson et al., 2008). In this regard, Harris & Dewar (2000) noted a significant reduction on the cost per-hire from $ 3,295 (for the conventional recruitment methods) to $377 (for internet based recruitment). There are many benefits arising with the use of internet based recruitment method as well challenges that it present to the organizations. It should be noted that internet based recruitment is not without its shortcomings, but the cons must be weighed against the pros in order to determine if this recruitment method is supported. BENEFITS OF INTERNET BASED RECRUITMENT The internet provides efficiency in the administration and scoring of test as the content can be easily modified and answers captured in electronic form (Van Hoye & Lievens 2007). It also enables routine checking of errors, automatic scoring of tests and provides instant feedback to the applicants (Van Hoye & Lievens 2007). This administrative ease enables recruiters to save on costs and time giving them a competitive hedge in the tight labour market. It also provides for increased flexibility for both the employer and applicants in the administration of tests and performance of work in varied geographical locations (Van Hoye & Lievens 2007). Moreover, the widespread of information in a globalized market widens access to a diverse geographical labour pool (Lievens & Harris 2003). Additionally, there is a greater transparency in the selection process as candidates are selected based on their skills, experience and competence (Lievens & Harris 200 3). CHALLENGES TO INTERNET BASED RECRUITMENT While it is apparent that online recruitment help cut on recruitment costs, increase efficiency and transparency in the selection process; there are some potentially major drawbacks. Due to the high number of applicants, screening and checking the authenticity and mapping of skills may be a time consuming exercise (Lievens & Harris 2003). The large number of indistinguishable resumes from the various applicants coupled with inadequate software and procedures may lead to poor results in the selection of the ideal candidate (Lievens & Harris 2003). This problem can largely be attributed to the existing methods for parsing resumes which is dependent on software that truncates and exclude the totality of content (Lievens & Harris 2003). Also, failure by the industry software to produce optimum candidate and position convergence may result in correspondingly low retention rates of the new employees hence costing client companies thousands of dollars (Lievens & Harris 2003). Despite having automated assistance, managing the workload remains a daunting task for HR managers. While software has reduced on the number of resumes from the applicants, that would otherwise be manually reviewed, it has not been successful in narrowing candidate resume pools to the ideal qualified applicants (Harris & Dewar 2000).It should be noted that most of the software employed in the process of recruitment and selection generally uses rudimentary lexical and semantic algorithms (Harris & Dewar 2000). These algorithms tend to generate a large candidate pool with most candidates insufficiently suitable for effective use (Harris & Dewar 2000). This is because the industry software lacks the ideal filtering capabilities necessary for the proper parsing of resume. Crucial data that could help in identifying the ideal candidate and position convergence is therefore lost. Without sufficient data, there is not enough variance that could be used in distinguishing among candidate and position suitability (Harris & Dewar 2000). This next section will explore on interactive voice response (IVR) which is also known as automated telephone interviewing. The method is also gaining popularity and is increasingly being used by firms in recruiting and selecting new hires. b. AUTOMATED TELEPHONE INTERVIEWING/INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) The use of interactive voice response (IVR) which also referred to as automated telephone interviewing is one of the newest ways to recruiting and selecting new hires (Thompson 2008). IVR technology allows for human interaction with the computer via a telephone keypad or through the use of voice recognition (Thompson 2008). This wave of technology is increasingly gaining popularity in the recruitment and selection of employees due to its many advantages. ADVANTAGES OF THE IVR IVR is an easily accessible technology. Take for example the United States where 95% of the households own phones (Thompson 2008). With IVR, applicants can initiate the interview at any time. The applicants or potential employees can initiate an interview by simply making a phone call to a toll-free phone number and be automatically interviewed without any intervention from the operator (Thompson 2008). IVR or rather automated telephone interviewing can help in eliminating interview biases (Thompson al 2008). It is highly cost effective in screening the candidate pool. DISADVANTAGES OF USING IVR While IVR is increasingly being used by many businesses to cut on the costs and give a better experience, it is not without its shortcomings. One of the greatest challenges to using IVR systems in recruitment and selection of employees is that the users find it hard to follow telephone menus and lengthy instructions (Thompson 2008). Also, IVR screening is considered lower in terms of treatment and openness as well as in reconsideration opportunities than the conventional face to face interviewing (Thompson al 2008)..c. TELECONFERENCING AND VIDEO CONFERENCINGThere is also the use of telephone and video conferencing. Teleconferencing involves setting up of a conference telephone call between the selection committee and potential candidates (Gilliland 1993). Job interviews by teleconferencing are common where the applicant and the selection committee are located in geographically sparse regions. Video conferencing, on the other hand, involves the combination of both the audio and video transmissions, hence allowing for communication to take place by a way of an audio visual link (AVL) (Gilliland 1993). With video confer encing, both the applicant and selection committee members are able to share their views and at the same time see each other on the screen. BENEFITS OF VIDEO CONFERENCING Despite reducing the in-person meetings, video teleconferencing as well offer the advantages of face to face communication (Gilliland 1993). There is also significant cost reduction for both the applicant and the employer as there is no need of travelling and associated costs of lodging and meals (Gilliland 1993). There is also the added environmental benefit as a reduction in traveling implies a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (Gilliland 1993). Further, upon placement this technology allows for the continued collaboration with the team members from remote locations (Gilliland 1993). CHALLENGES OF VIDEO CONFERENCING Similar to other technological innovations, video conferencing is not without its shortcomings. There might be a difference in time zones when conferencing in remote geographical locations (Gilliland 1993). Also, some of the human ways to communicating may not translate well with video conferencing (Gilliland 1993). For example, eye contact may not be easily delivered through a webcam, unlike in the conventional face-to-face interviewing where one can easily make eye contact and judge whether the interviewee is paying due attention. Last but not least, we explore on how computer based testing has impacted on recruitment and selection process.d. COMPUTER BASED TESTINGThe use of computer based interviews has increased in the recent years with a wide range of organizations utilizing computer-based online tests for selection purposes (Aptitude/psychometric tests) (Chapman & Webster, 2003). There are several reasons for increased reliance on psychometric tests in the recruitment and selection of employees. Key among these is the increased regulation and legislation, and loss of confidence in academic qualifications (Chapman & Webster, 2003). INCREASED REGULATION AND LEGISLATION Reliance on test use in the selection process has been used as a defensive strategy to regulation and legislation (Chapman & Webster, 2003). Tests are seen as objective indicators of how the skills of potential candidates align with the job description (Chapman & Webster, 2003). These competency tests promote fairness and equal access to opportunities available. LOSS OF CONFIDENCE IN ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS There is a growing body of evidence for a loss of confidence with the formal academic qualifications. This is largely attributed to bad governance and corrupt institutions that may award degrees or certificates to incompetent individuals. As such, competency based tests are increasingly being used in screening the candidate pool and in identifying candidates with skills that align with the â€Å"competency profile†for the job in question (Chapman & Webster, 2003). Computer based testing facilitates the selection process by quickly pinpointing the candidates ability more accurately (Chapman & Webster, 2003). Take for example the BULATS online test, a robust business English language test, which is widely used in helping organizations make timely decisions in the recruitment process (Chapman & Webster, 2003). This online test provides a fast and more accurate method of pinpointing the candidates’ ability and suitability to work by using adaptive testing techniques (Chapman & Webster, 2003). CONCLUSION Clearly, we have identified a number of benefits to using technology for purposes of recruiting and selecting job applicants. A quick recap of some of the benefits include increased efficiency in the administration and scoring of tests, increased flexibility, greater transparency, reduction in biases, widened access to a diverse geographical pool of potential candidates, and cost reduction among others. There are however challenges arising with the use of technological advances in recruitment and selection process. For example, the exercise may be time consuming as a large number of applicants need to be screened. Other shortcomings include poor results due to inadequate software and procedures, and difficulties in filtering of potential candidates, among others. Nonetheless, the latest advances in technology have significantly impacted on recruitment and selection process. As pointed out by Kay (2000), the power of the Web and e-technology has changed the way recruitment and selections of employees occur. Technological advancements and the ubiquity of the internet (especially with social networking) have become powerful additions to the process of recruitment and selection. However, these should not be considered as the only solutions to finding the ideal candidate. While changes are still underway, it is clear that advances in technology have dramatically impacted on the recruitment and selection process. REFERENCES Bauer,, 2004. â€Å"Applicant reactions to different selection technology: face-to-face, interactive voice response and computer-assisted telephone screening interviews†, International Journal of selection and assessment, Portland State University: Blackwell publishing ltd. Baron, H., & J. Austin, 2000. Measuring ability via the Internet: Opportunities and issues. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA. Chapman, D.S., & J. Webster, 2003. â€Å"The use of technologies in recruiting, screening and selection processes for job candidates†, International journal of selection and assessment, Vol.11 (2), pp. 113-120 Gilliland, S.W, 1993. â€Å"The perceived fairness of selection systems: an organizational justice perspective†, Academy of management review, 18, pp.694-734 Harris, M., and K. Dewar, 2000. Understanding and using web-based recruiting and screening tools: key criteria, current trends and future directions. Workshop presented at annual meeting of the society for industrial and organizational psychology, San Diego, CA. Kay, A. S., 2000. â€Å"Recruiters embrace the Internet.†Informationweek: pp.72-80. Lievens, F., K. Van Dam and N. Anderson, 2002. â€Å"Recent Trends and Challenges in Personnel Selection†. Personnel Review, 31 (5-6), 580-601 Lievens, F., & M.M. Harris, 2003. â€Å"Research on Internet Recruiting and Testing: Current Status and Future Directions†. In: C.L. Cooper & I.T. Robertson (Eds.) International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. vol. 16., pp. 131-165. Neil, A., 2003. â€Å"Applicant and recruiter reactions to new technology in selection: a critical review and agenda for future research†, International journal of selection and assessment, Vol. 11 (2) Thompson, L. F., P.W. Braddy, and K.L. Wuensch, 2008. E-Recruitment and the Benefits of Organizational Web Appeal. Computers in Human Behavior, 24 (5), 2384-2398. Tourangeau, R., D.M. Steiger & D.Wilson, 2002. â€Å"Self-administered questions by telephone: evaluating interactive voice response†, public opinion quarerly, 6, pp.265-278 Van Hoye, G. and F. Lievens, 2007. â€Å"Investigating Web-Based Recruitment Sources: Employee Testimonials versus Word-of-Mouse†. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15 (4), 372-382.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Canadian Wood Toys INC. Essay
I will begin by highlighting the importance of the audit in assessing the risk and identifying the steps in reducing and mitigating the risk that our company is facing. The impact of the risks on global business it is dramatic in our days, changing the entire look of the industries and financial services. Some risks could be anticipated and identified but some could not. Companies now are using more and more key steps and principles to better manage the risks by; *** identifying the risks relevant to the organization *** assess the significance and implications of those risks to the business *** identify and establish a process for collaboration on risk mitigation with other organizations and partners *** integrate Enterprise Risk Management into the organization *** focus resources on key risks in order to achieve the organization’s objectives (Source – PricewaterhouseCoopers – effective ERM) Under IAA Standard 2120 – Risk Management: â€Å"The internal audit activity must evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of risk management processes.†Practice advisory 2120.C1 states: –â€Å"During consulting engagements, internal auditors must address risk consistent with the engagement’s objectives and be alert to the existence of other significant risks. In manufacturing companies, production is usually the most important aspect of the entire process mostly due to the high cost incurred, the staffing and the complexity of the departments involved – Production is of vital concern to management because of the important risks associated with the process. I have identified some of the most important risks and how to manage the risks to minimize the impact. Along with the production process, other areas can be identified as posing risks; distribution, finance, human resources †¦ I have identified below some of the risks with the highest impact in our company: KEY RISKSMITIGATON (examples) The risk of manufacturing defective or substandard products Determine the cause of the quality defect (human error or machine) Trend analysis reports to address the recurrence of the defects The risk of missing deadlines for toys deliveries at Christmas time Review the production scheduling to agree with the specific job orders to avoid overproduction of toys that are not scheduled for delivery The risk of labor insecurity; potential strikes Review labor contracts and minimum wage government regulations; negotiations with union and labor boards The risk of unknown competition on international markets Use various econometric and statistical analysis to monitor the movement of market interest The risk of foreign exchange Use a foreign exchange contract Accept payment in one currency only (US) Hedging of foreign exchange Risk of unanticipated or sudden changes in regulations, codes or standards in regards to the exploitation of the wood and equipment and machineries used The company has to be actively involved in the development of regulations, codes and standards to further improve the safety of the equipment The risk of damage to ecology, scenery – due to over exploitation of forestry Use environmental mitigation programs able to protect and restore the forest Government fire protection programs The risk of accidents in the process of transportation of the logs Regular monitoring of the vehicles Checking drivers hours of work – implementing special schedule of hours Risk of loss of licensing for cutting and harvesting the trees Renewal in advance of the licenses, request from government of auditing the harvesting areas The risk of logging and lumbering fire damage and vehicle damage Forestry and timber Insurance that focuses on logging and lumbering, sawmills, automobiles and equipment The risk related to the liquidity and payment schedules which could lead to credit losses Establish rules for tendering, levels of approval authority and rules for credit control The risk of reporting erroneous financial information for internal and external decision Use external appraisers to evaluate fair value of assets and properties Senior managers should assess their financial reports to determine when they require estimates based on significant judgment; And ensure that independent expertise is applied in deriving the reports The risk mitigation step involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce risk to an acceptable level. Once a plan is implemented, it is continually monitored to assess its efficacy with the intent of revising the course-of-action if needed. I would like to reiterate as stated in the IAA Standards that the organization should fully understand that management remains responsible for risk management. As Internal auditors, we should provide advice, and challenge or support management’s decisions on risk, as opposed to making risk management decisions. Below are some of the responsibilities that will not fall under the audit team: †¢ Setting the risk appetite. †¢ Imposing risk management processes. †¢ Management assurance on risks. †¢ Taking decisions on risk responses. †¢ Implementing risk responses on management’s behalf. †¢ Accountability for risk management. Question 4 MEMO To: Director of Internal audit Department From: †¦. Assistant Director Internal audit Date: October 06, 2014 CC: As requested, I have prepared a plan for auditing the division of Student Services as part of the Central College Institution. I will detail 6 steps in the audit process but firstly I want to highlight the Standard 2200, Practice Advisory 2200-1 that states the requirements for the engagements planning and outlines the steps. â€Å"Internal auditors must develop and plan for each engagement, including the engagement’s objectives, scope, timing and resource allocations†. â€Å"The Internal auditor plans and conducts the engagement, with supervisory review and approval†1. The first step is: To obtain specific knowledge of the unit to be audited. In this stage of the process we will gather and review the specific documentation that will help us getting more familiar with the division of food service – residential and campus. Some of the documents we will be reviewing: The annual budget; we have information about how much the overall budget is (8.9mil.); need to know how much is allocated to the food service program and how is spent. Policies and procedures Previous internal audit papers and reports List of the staff; org charts Contracts with food suppliers Documented projects and how the implementation process took place Upon reviewing of the documents we will be able to assess the problems that incurred; it will help us identify any managerial mistakes, any miscommunication between suppliers and management; if there is enough staffing 2. The second step in the audit plan is to: Establish the audit objectives and the scope of the audit. At this stage we need to review all the activities involving food service program step by step. This is to identify areas of weakness, why there are negative reviews; why there is such a small budget allocated to such important segment in the student’s activity in the campus. Also we will be able to identify whether the appropriate policies and procedures were followed. Is the part time staff working in the 6 food service facilities skilled for the specific job they do? Why there is only part time staffing and no full time jobs; if there are enough employees considering the large division of food service included 6 cafeterias and restaurants plus residential food service. 3. The following step is: The audit methodology. In this stage of the audit process we will be able to gather additional information by interviewing individuals involved in all aspects of the student services division. We will be asking questions in order to determine if there are possible weaknesses that can have a major impact of the effectiveness of the operating and managing the 6 restaurants and cafeterias as well as the residential food service. We will be interviewing the part time staff about the schedule they have, if there are any complaints, if there is enough coverage at specific time of the day i.e. morning and lunch – for the cafeterias and the restaurants. We will be interviewing the students and teachers about the hours of operation of the locations of the food service – they should be open late and they are actually closing early. We will be asking questions about the meal plans and find out if there is anything to improve on 4. The next step is: Determine the audit criteria. This very important step in the audit program will help us identify some of the criteria we can use in order to better assess the practices in the food service division. Budgeting The food service division must have a well established budget and a cost control in place and overseen by qualified staff. Price Management There should be a price verification policy in place to manage better the price of meals provided by the restaurants and the cafeteria – in comparison to other food providers around the campus (beat the price) Staffing there must be a criteria that analyze and conform with the labor standards – achieve and surpass the minimum wage for the part time employees Food Quality and diversity there should be put in place a more divers meal plan based on the requirements and suggestions from the customers (students –divers ethnicity) new standards for nutritional meals are put in place and need to be followed Food locations management the standards for cleanliness and sanitation that are put in place need to be followed surveys will be handed out or on line surveys to measure the customer satisfaction 5. The following step is: Preparing staffing plans and time budgets At this stage in the audit plan we are dealing with establishing the budget necessary to accomplish the audit scope and the staff required to accomplish the plan in a timely manner. Since we are dealing with specifics in food industry – we have identified areas where there is not enough expertise from our team; therefore we require an additional external consultant (possible a nutritionist that possess the necessary knowledge). For the satisfaction survey we will be using the expertise of the actual marketing staff from the service department to create and implement the survey. 6. The next step is: Communication with management Subsequently, the audit plan needs to be discussing with the management. We will set up time for a meeting with the management to discuss the details over the purpose of the audit. We need to discuss further about the time allocated to the audit plan and go over each proposal for the relevant criteria that was chosen. In the meeting we will highlight the importance of the management active contribution and support to the audit process.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
How are women portrayed in The Millers Tale Essay
The Miller’s Tale was written and is set in medieval England, a time when women had much fewer rights than men, and were more or less just owned by their fathers, and then by their husbands when they got married. 17th century United States in The Crucible has a slightly different society but also has the similar male dominance. The Handmaid’s Tale is set in a dystopian future where women are also heavily dominated by men, but in a completely different way. This essay is about the ways that women in general are portrayed and perceived in these three stories, as well as touching on the characters of the individual women in these tales. The Miller’s Tale is one of the stories from the Canterbury Tales series, all written in poetic form, by Geoffrey Chaucer. These tales in the series are all told by different pilgrims, who are also fictional, so this uses a story-within-a-story literary device. Their tales are part of a contest to entertain each other on their pilgrimage from Southwark to Canterbury Cathedral. In The Miller’s Tale, it is the miller’s turn to tell a tale, and he tells the story of a devious young student called Nicholas, who is attracted to the much younger wife of a carpenter, his neighbour, and plots a cunning plan to sleep with her. He does this by telling the dim and simple carpenter that a flood is coming, and that he must tie some tubs to the ceiling of his home for the three of them in order to keep them safe. Whilst the carpenter is away at work on these orders, Nicholas takes the carpenter’s wife Alison downstairs and manages to seduce her until she very willingly has sex with him. Alison from The Miller’s Tale is eighteen years old, and described as passionate and highly attractive. Her faithfulness in marriage to her husband is very questionable when she allows herself to be easily taken in by this other man, her neighbour, and commits adultery with him without much care for her own husband. Near the beginning of the Miller’s Tale, there is a clear, physical description of Alison, being a lively woman who might want to have an affair. For she is â€Å"wilde and yonge†, meaning that her behaviour is rather uncontrolled, and her older husband is jealous and possessive of her. The miller describes her as having a â€Å"body gent and smal†as a weasel’s, meaning that she has an attractive slim figure, and that suggests that she is also a very sly character just like a weasel. Alison is also vain and very concerned about her appearance. She is selfish and cares more about herself than of other people, and she does not even think much of all the men that take a strong liking to her. She has established herself as a not at all a likeable character in this story. The fact that she sleeps with Nicholas right in her very own marital home, whilst her own husband is just upstairs at work at the very same time, must show how very daring she is, because he could have easily come downstairs and catch them in the act. But it could also mean that she does not actually really mind or care much about the carpenter’s feelings or whether he knows that she is being unfaithful to him or not. We feel some sympathy for the carpenter, who is being conned like this by two people, as well as being cheated on by his wife and having to bear the shameful title of a â€Å"cuckold†. Alison is certainly one to take risks in exchange for her own selfish sexual desires, going against the female stereotypes of the time by being rebellious and free-spirited and instead of being faithful and modest like a woman should be in her time. Alison from The Miller’s Tale is a lot like Abigail Williams from The Crucible. They are similar ages, and are both selfish and sexually immoral women who both have illicit sexual affairs and go against societal and moral rules that are expected of them for their own personal gain and pleasure. Also, neither Alison nor Abigail show any shred of remorse for their sinful actions. Where Alison goes behind her albeit dim husband’s back to sleep with her neighbour Nicholas, she is in turn fulfilling his desiring lustful plan. Sex outside of marriage was very wrong in her time, let alone committing adultery. Alison might have just married the carpenter for the sake of security, since he is described in the story as a â€Å"rich gnof†, but obviously cannot control her extramarital sexual urges and is very open to acting on them whenever the chance arises. Seventeen year old Abigail betrays her position as a house servant in the Proctor’s home by having an affair with John Proctor whilst he is still married to his kind wife Elizabeth, who happens to be ill at the time the affair occurs. However, there is much more to Abigail than involvements in adultery, as this leads to her seemingly falling in love and becoming obsessed with John Proctor. She says to him in Act One before the trials: â€Å"I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near†¦ It’s she put me out, you cannot pretend it were you. I saw your face when she put me out, and you loved me then and you do now†. Abigail has seriously formed an impression that John is just as infatuated with her and she is with him, even though he constantly denies it and tells her she is speaking a â€Å"wild thing†. So at the very start of the play, she is casting a spell to kill Elizabeth so that she can be out of the way for herself and John to be together, as she believes that Elizabeth is the only person in her way of having John. We can sympathise a little with Abigail, as we know she has had a very troubled past. She is an orphan, who had watched both her parents being viciously murdered by Indians one night a long time ago. She reveals this in Act One, after ordering the girls to lie about their activities in the woods, she viciously threatens to get them in the night, and in her own words says â€Å"you know I can do it: I saw Indians smash my dear parents’ heads on the pillow next to mine, and I have seen some reddish work done at night, and I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down! â€Å". This traumatic event that was imposed upon her at such a young age does provide some explanation and understanding as to why her personality seems rather unstable, and why she acts so brutally towards other people. On the other hand, we don’t really know anything about Alison’s past, so we assume she is just a nasty sly character and though her crimes are not as dire as Abigail’s, we do not really have the evidence to feel as much sympathy for her behaviour. Though I think we can like Alison to some extent, as even though we condemn her behaviour, the men in her story are not as admirable as John Proctor so maybe her behaviour does not seem so bad. She even has the advantage of being secure in a marriage, unlike Abigail who is an unmarried orphan living with her uncle. The presentation of Abigail in The Crucible is rather dark and frightening, a good example of this being at the court scene, where she is deliberately causing hysteria by throwing around accusations of witchcraft, and even going as far as pretending to be bewitched by Mary, and getting all the other girls to make believe the very same thing and repeat Abigail’s exact chants and actions.
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