Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Defining Marketing Essay Example for Free
Defining Marketing Essay To answer the premise of the paper, ‘Defining Marketing’ a definition of marketing is a proper beginning for consideration. My personal definition of marketing is the concept or premise of a function in which products, goods or services are transferred to a consumer or client by a producer or seller. Other definitions exist to describe marketing aside from the prior definition. Marketing has been described as, â€Å"A management process identifying, anticipating and supplying client or consumer requirements with efficiency and profitability. (Tutor2U, 2010) In that same article marketing is described as â€Å"human activities that are directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges. †(Tutor2U, 2010) This last expression or definition rings true, in that as a consumer I want appeal, product or name recognition, quality, and value for my money. The sellers or producers are engaged in making a profit and ensuring a positive client experience and consumers or clients who want products that are within their budget, durable and meets the expectations of the transaction; thus a deal can be made between the two entities. In the course text, Basic Marketing, by Perrault, Cannon and McCarthy, the term marketing is further defined as â€Å"performing activities seeking to accomplish an organizations’ objectives through the anticipation of customer needs and directing the flow of need satisfying goods and services from producer to client or customer. †(Basic Marketing, page 6, 2009) Marketing is important for organizational success along with companies having flexibility, exuding a transparent organizational culture and challenging employees to excel and remaining accountable for their actions. Many companies and organizations struggle to find the right balance in management to ensure the company growth and achieve profitability. Marketing can plan an important role in companies excelling with their corporate goals. The use of marketing is how companies conceive and promote corporate brand management and strategic positioning; but it also works toward a corporate strategy and allows for companies to be innovative and thrive in their industries. A company with a marketing business plan considers the key stakeholders, communication channels, the business environment and, core corporate competencies. Using the company brand is a leverage to be used to its full potential. Marketing can assist in developing new consumer channels, products or services that can grow the company or organization and make a sustainable difference in industry trends. The marketing business strategy should include ideas on obtaining new clients, retaining current clients or customers, brand management and tactical to promote sales of the company’s products and services. As a business tool or foundation, marketing uses strategic tactics designed to identify the appropriate market and time for implementation and will impact the organization success of a company. Verizon Communications is a favorite in the telecommunication industry and one of the most powerful national companies in the specialty. Verizon uses new technology recently developed and follows through by introducing the advances to a competing industry. Through research and marketing, Verizon has found what telecommunication technology works and has become very proud of starting a major transformation in the wireless world. As an innovator, Verizon is a industry leader in providing information technology and advanced communications to customers. Through a partnership with major computer companies, Hewlett Packard and Dell Computers, Verizon can produce technological products that are of high quality. The use of these practices helps the Verizon organizational structure through strategic business goals including employee development, diversity awareness, and recruitment. (Verizon, 2010) Another company that has demonstrated consistently to employees and stakeholders, honest and fair business practices resulting in significant organizational success is Dole Food Company. The Dole name is one often associated with high quality and nutrition for fresh cut flowers, vegetables and, fruit. Dole also markets a line of packaged and frozen foods and serves as a leader in the industry for nutrition education and research. (Murdock, 2008) Dole Foods underwent a two-year research and redevelopment program for the Dole Fresh Vegetable product line. (Dole, 2008) Dole’s willingness to share knowledge publicly, invest in new technology, fight food born disease, are all public benefits derived from their ethical leadership. Dole’s financial stewardship and social responsibility underscores the fact that the company is both ethical and profitable. In business, there is more to being successful and achieving organizational success than having products or services at reasonable prices. Many companies underuse marketing as one of their business functions. Alternatively there are many companies that have been successful because of the effective use of strategic marketing such as Microsoft, Sony, American Express, Disney and Wal-Mart, just to name a few.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The three stories I have chosen to study are: Flight by Doris Lessing,
The three stories I have chosen to study are: Flight by Doris Lessing, Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit by Sylvia Plath and Chemistry by Graham Swift. In these three stories the writers explores complex family relationships. Choose three stories, where the writers present difficult relationships between family members, compare and contrast these relationships. The three stories I have chosen to study are: ‘Flight’ by Doris Lessing, ‘Superman and Paula Browns New Snowsuit’ by Sylvia Plath and ‘Chemistry’ by Graham Swift. In these three stories the writers explores complex family relationships, through a variety of techniques: imagery, mood and atmosphere, symbolism and structuring the stories to built up to a climax, when there is a point of realisation for both character and reader. All three stories begin by presenting idyllic family relationships but as the stories progress things change. The story Flight by Doris Lessing is about an unnamed old man who keeps pigeons, he worries about his granddaughter, Alice. He has seen his other granddaughters leave home, and he is possessive of Alice and jealous of Steven, her boyfriend. The old man argues with Alice about her behaviour, and complains to his daughter, Alice's mother Lucy. At the start of the story the old man shuts up his favourite pigeon, rather than let it fly. When Steven, the boyfriend, makes him a present of a new pigeon, he is more able to accept what is going to happen, and he lets his favourite go. The ending of the story is has more than one possible meaning: Alice has tears on her face, as she stares at her grandfather. But I do not know if they are for him, for Steven, for herself, or for some other cause. And we do not kn... ...d that she is to blame for the damage to the snowsuit. In this story, Plath explores the themes of: corruption and betrayal, material possessions and human values, man and superman, fantasy and reality. One way the writer uses to explore these themes is the use of symbolism; in the story flying is a symbol of possibility and imagination. At the start, the narrator dreams of flying, and seems able to believe in her dreams. At the end, flight is no longer a possibility and the airplanes vanish with Superman's cape. The story contrasts two costumes – one is Superman's famous blue suit, with the red cape trailing behind; the other is Paula's powder-blue snowsuit. They seem to represent opposing ideas. Superman's costume is a symbol of justice and miraculous deliverance from evil. Paula's snowsuit comes to represent self-indulgence and petty materialism.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Family involvement Essay
Another issue that marks anime is that it is an escape from reality. Past the obvious supernatural powers, there are several issues that are indicative of Japanese society. An example of this is the Japanese fascination with powerful women in anime; the female characters are not the submissive women of Japanese society, but they are still regarded as inferior to men. Anime also deals with current Japanese issues. For instance, the Roujin Z anime centers on an experiment to deal with the problem of care for the elderly. Such issues such as the Ie and the aging population are openly discussed. Some issues that it deals with are expressed at the message that women are sexual objects has become almost epidemic in Japanese culture, and that male chauvinism is everywhere. Many career women in Japan seem to be so disgusted with things that they refuse to marry. In line with this, Boden (2001) asserts: The role of women in Japan is a hot topic amongst commentators on the state of contemporary Japan. While it is important to consider analysis drawn from statistics and surveys, it is also important to look at how popular culture defines the modern Japanese woman. Consequently, Japanese animation, as a form of popular culture, can be used as an analysis of the role of women in Japanese society. Through looking at how women are portrayed in a broad sweep of Japanese animation over the last ten years or so, we can begin to identify the role of women in contemporary Japanese society. And too many men are expected to sacrifice themselves to their jobs, to the point of having no family involvement. When a man retires, he sometimes becomes trapped in a family he doesn’t know, with nothing to do, and he tends to die soon after from his sudden lack of purpose. Historically, like almost every culture on the planet, Japan has tended toward idealizing male dominance and female submissiveness. However, women have not been invisible, especially in Japan’s early years. Some of Japan’s greatest literary figures were women, such as the novelist Lady Murasaki, who lived about a thousand years ago. However, when Japan became war-oriented and feudal, women quickly became second-class citizens. Most women were treated as they have been treated throughout history: as merchandise, or servants, and as heir-producing machines. The concentration of the following analysis is on mainstream youth-oriented works, not as much on the adult-male oriented manga. Even with the youth-oriented works, one should remember a few key points. First, many manga are targeted at either girls or boys, and can be classified as either girls’ or boys’ comics. (see glossary) Generally, though not always, boys’ comics are told from a male perspective, and vice versa. Also, girls’ comics tend to focus on human relationships more than the boys’ comics; the latter focus more on competition or contests of will (such as a detective struggling to close a case). Lastly, girls’ comics tend to have artwork that is dreamier and softer, while boys’ comics tend to be brasher and flashier. Also, Japanese manga for young people tend to be far more intricate, human, philosophical, and mature than American comics. Responsibility and the consequences of one’s actions are taught at all levels; so is the essentially humanity of even one’s enemies (usually). Conversely, the increased maturity level also means that nudity and sexual themes are present in comics meant for grade scholars. The theme of â€Å"men ought to be stronger than women†is a pervading theme that can sum up a lot of gender relations in manga and anime. The idea is that women, no matter how strong or independent they are, are actually looking for someone who they can depend on and who will protect them. There are a variety of different types of female roles in anime. A recent style of manga and anime introduces the â€Å"Super Woman†notion. Main character heroines are stronger and smarter than everyone else around them, including their love interests. And, unlike some other manga, they are not ashamed to be better, and they fight hard to stay sharp and competent. The male doesn’t strive to change/lower the woman, but instead strives to raise himself to her level Still, there is a more alarming reason for moviegoers’ rejection of live-action Japanese films. Their flight to anime is an inevitable result of the ethnic self-denial that has suffused Japanese society ever since the Meiji era, and especially since the end of World War II. Bent on achieving the goals of modernization and Westernization, the Japanese, in rejecting their own history and traditions, have sought to become Nihonjin-banare (de-Japanized)  a generally complimentary term, implying that one looks and acts more like a Westerner or a Caucasian than the average Japanese. â€Å"Japaneseness-free†might convey the nuance of the term even better. Take a look at the animated characters featured in anime. Physically they are â€Å"de-Japanized Japanese† a blend of Japanese and Caucasian characteristics. Given the setting of Princess Mononoke, it is obvious that the characters are intended to be pure Japanese (or at least Mongoloid), yet their features are nearly identical to the presumably Caucasian characters in Miyazaki’s earlier work, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, a fantasy set in a future world suggestive of medieval Europe. (The heroine herself is named after the daughter of King Alcinous of Homer’s The Odyssey). In Miyazaki’s animation there is no physical distinction between Japanese and Caucasians. Evangelion features a Japanese girl, Rei, and Asuka, a girl who is one-quarter German and three-quarters Japanese. Apart from Asuka’s Caucasian attributes of light brown hair and blue eyes, there are no significant differences in the facial features or physical development of the two girls. One should also note that Rei has blue hair and red eyes rather remarkable traits for a Japanese girl!
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Business Plan about Analysis and Contingency Plan for Foundation Batum
Risk analysis Foundation Batum is committed at ensuring that a large portion of the people in Africa benefit from the services offered to the women in the society. The realization of the dreams and the achievement of the goals set up in this business plan are likely to be achieved within the time frame set, and with the resources that have been identified at the start up. However, the organization operates in a business, professional and geographical environment that is quite challenging, and where new challenges as well as risks are likely to occur at any time. Thus, it has been realized that the organization could benefit more towards achieving its goals if it focuses on effective ways of evaluating the risks and determining the most possible methods of coping with these challenges. Such an organization will benefit people ethe HRM, where neighborhood was sawn three years ago. Healthcare sector in most parts of Africa is quite underdeveloped, and in most cases, there are very few healthcare facilities and professionals available for populations. This is especially in poor nations, where poverty and ignorance, in addition to poor governance, have been the leading causes of the situation. In addition, there is a high prevalence of mortalities resulting from poor health care when the mothers are expecting and during delivery. Delivery services and facilities are poorly developed, while the professionals and equipments are poorly distributed in some areas. As such, the organization has that there are several risks associated with these factors, and which it plans to cope with once they arise. The organization will operate under the risks of deficiency in funding. Given that the areas to be covered are in poor nations like the western African republic of Senegal, there is a high probability that the number of persons presented at the facilities provided by the company will surpass the expectations of the organization, creating some difficulties in the amount of money needed to fund the projects. This is one of the major financial risks that the organization hopes to plan for and come up with its solution in case it occurs. In addition, studies have shown that the number of expectant mothers willing to get the services from the organization and the projects is quite numerous in most parts of Senegal, and in fact, the entire West African region. Financial risks facing the operation of the organization in West Africa do not only involve the funding requirements, but also the operation requirements. The organization is aware that there are extensive regions to be covered by the program it will initiate to aid the expectant mothers, and in such a case, the means of reaching out to the persons located in remote and rural Africa will be quite a big challenge to the organization and its management. Given that the organization will operate as a non-governmental organization, there will be challenges that are likely to occur and which will arise from the integration with the people, the authorities as well as the other agencies working in the health sector in West Africa. For instance, there is a high probability that the organization will come into contact with the law enforcing agencies in these regions, and which differ with the differences in the laws of the regions country by country. For instance, there are certain areas in th e region where the Islamic cultures and laws conflict with the traditional or Christian laws and traditions, and thus the organization must come up with strategies that will fit well in the regions, and reducing speculation over its activities or perceptions that it works to promote the health care for certain groups within the society such as these. Apart from these social and financial challenges, the organization is also aware that the strategies it will use in approaching the problem of health is quite challenging to make, and thus expertise as well as extensive consulting is required. There are risks that may possibly affect he organization as well as its programs and projects if they were put in place before elaborative strategies are developed and implemented. For instance, the health sector in these parts of Africa, being generally poor, implies that the organization must consult a wide range of expertise, and prior research to determine the situation in Africa is reliable. In addition, this implies that further resources will be required for such things as studies to determine the best method applicable in West Africa, and which might change from one place to another. The loss of one or more sponsors is a major risk that the organization faces in its operation, given that it is a nonprofit making and which relies on the well wishers. Given that the organization is highly dependent on the NBA team and players, there is a high risk if the player turnover is quite high, and which is common in the sports and games. Consider a situation where an NBA star named Nicholas is lost through trading to another NBA team or through an injury. This implies that Batum will have lost all the benefits it gains from the player and the team. This is a major risk that the organizations run under, especially due to overreliance on a single or few sponsors. A possible solution to this problem would be recruiting of other sponsors and well wishers into the program. It is important to focus on the local African sponsors, who have the first hand experience in the trouble s facing the area. For instance, Africa is one of the places in the world where great sports people work with international teams as a profession, consider the west and eastern parts of Africa. If the organization recruits athletes from the eastern part of Africa, specifically Kenya and Ethiopia where great athletes come from, then there is a possibility that the risk of loss of NBA players will be solved. Contingency plan There are certain things that the management expects could go wrong at any time once the organization is in operation. For instance, it is expected that the organization might run out of funds, given that it will mainly depend on seeking funds from the well wishers in addition to the solid resources within the foundation. Donors are a very vital factor to the organization, and in any case they fail to fulfill their promises, then all the programs in Africa might be affected. In addition to financial problems, the organizations expect to meet physical and social problems, which are likely to cause its failure at any time in its operation. In regards to these issues, it is important that the organization develop a contingency plan that which it will use in future in any case those financial, physical and social problems occur once it is in operation. This plan shall involve, but not limited to: Elaborative research or pilot study on the areas intended to be covered Reviews of the most recent demographic features of the population in the area to be covered Assurance of adequate supply of resources for the organization Increasing the amount of funds available at all time through progressive sought for donors Admission of only the accessible as well as contended number of beneficiaries within the program at any time to reduce over expenditure Proper financial planning and management, with frequent analysis for the expenditures as well as close monitoring of the financial office bearers and their activities
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