Friday, May 15, 2020
Racial Disparities Of The United States - 780 Words
While driving down the road, I see a sign, â€Å"Black Lives Matter†, and I ponder on the question to myself, â€Å"what equality is there in humanity†. â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness†( Congress, 1776). I ask myself, at the time the Declaration of Independence was being written, did they forget to disclose the statement,†except for Black people.†The vast majority of social media sources, in 2016 have displayed the slogan, â€Å"Black Lives Matter†. I asked myself, have Black lives ever mattered in the United States of America, and what can citizens do to provide inclusion of membership for everyone. The history of the United States has shown racial disparities for over 200 years, and while the emancipation of slaves and the Civil Rights movement has shown some p rogression towards unity; the divide is apparent in everyday life. First, the Emancipation Proclamation has limitations: it was limited to colonies that were separated from the Northern rule (Franklin, 1965) and while slaves were free; they were not free mentally. The question arises, freedom to go where and what means did one have of getting there? Those who decided to leave plantations, often died by the hands of white men or trying to physically survive; therefore many did not even try to obtain a better life than slavery. 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